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Releases: ivan-mogilko/ags-script-modules


31 Jan 15:29
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DragDropCommon module:

  • Added DragDropCommon.GhostZOrder and GhostOverlay properties;
  • For AGS 3.6.0 and higher: ghost Overlay support ZOrder and Transparency settings; this makes eDDCmnMoveGhostOverlay mode usable with inventory items.

DragDrop Demo game::

  • Updated to the latest module version.
  • Provided compat fixes for compiling with AGS 3.4.0 and higher.
  • For AGS 3.6.0 and higher use Overlays in inventory item dragging example.


30 Jan 12:11
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TypedText module:

  1. Fixed that if text does not end with any of the "split" characters (any punctuation by default), then the last word will be unnecessarily wrapped onto the next line.
  2. Fixed if drawing surface or control's height is too small, there will be no text typed at all, which may confuse users.
  3. Provided compat fixes for compiling with AGS 3.5.0 and higher.

TypedText Demo game:

  1. Updated to the latest module version.
  2. Provided compat fixes for compiling with AGS 3.5.0 and higher.


15 Jul 09:48
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DragDrop Demo game:

  • Fixed room backgrounds to have proper color depth (was causing wrong drawing colors in room 2).
  • Fixed the mismatching sprite references in room 3. This caused problems when loading game into 3.6.0 editor.


11 Jul 12:38
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DragDrop: introduced EvtCancelled
DragDropCommon: fixed some properties not reset when the drag is cancelled.


18 Jul 21:01
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DragDropCommon: proper defaults for the module settings


31 Mar 08:38
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ObjectPool: fixed comments and hid one method under DEBUG

Initial release

19 Feb 13:57
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First release on github, but modules and demo games are of various versions.