Releases: ivan-mogilko/ags-script-modules
Releases · ivan-mogilko/ags-script-modules
DragDropCommon module:
- Added DragDropCommon.GhostZOrder and GhostOverlay properties;
- For AGS 3.6.0 and higher: ghost Overlay support ZOrder and Transparency settings; this makes eDDCmnMoveGhostOverlay mode usable with inventory items.
DragDrop Demo game::
- Updated to the latest module version.
- Provided compat fixes for compiling with AGS 3.4.0 and higher.
- For AGS 3.6.0 and higher use Overlays in inventory item dragging example.
TypedText module:
- Fixed that if text does not end with any of the "split" characters (any punctuation by default), then the last word will be unnecessarily wrapped onto the next line.
- Fixed if drawing surface or control's height is too small, there will be no text typed at all, which may confuse users.
- Provided compat fixes for compiling with AGS 3.5.0 and higher.
TypedText Demo game:
- Updated to the latest module version.
- Provided compat fixes for compiling with AGS 3.5.0 and higher.
DragDrop Demo game:
- Fixed room backgrounds to have proper color depth (was causing wrong drawing colors in room 2).
- Fixed the mismatching sprite references in room 3. This caused problems when loading game into 3.6.0 editor.
DragDrop: introduced EvtCancelled
DragDropCommon: fixed some properties not reset when the drag is cancelled.
DragDropCommon: proper defaults for the module settings
ObjectPool: fixed comments and hid one method under DEBUG
Initial release
First release on github, but modules and demo games are of various versions.