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Add code fix to convert ///-comments to Xml-tagged comments #1068

merged 13 commits into from
Mar 12, 2023
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
module FsAutoComplete.CodeFix.ConvertTripleSlashCommentToXmlTaggedDoc

open FsToolkit.ErrorHandling
open FsAutoComplete.CodeFix.Types
open Ionide.LanguageServerProtocol.Types
open FsAutoComplete
open FsAutoComplete.LspHelpers
open FSharp.Compiler.Syntax
open FSharp.Compiler.Text.Range
open FSharp.Compiler.Xml
open System

let title = "Convert '///' comment to XML-tagged doc comment"

let private containsPosAndNotEmptyAndNotElaborated (pos: FSharp.Compiler.Text.Position) (xmlDoc: PreXmlDoc) =
let containsPosAndNoSummaryPresent (xd: PreXmlDoc) =
let d = xd.ToXmlDoc(false, None)

if rangeContainsPos d.Range pos then
let summaryPresent =
d.UnprocessedLines |> Array.exists (fun s -> s.Contains("<summary>"))

not summaryPresent

not xmlDoc.IsEmpty && containsPosAndNoSummaryPresent xmlDoc

let private isLowerAstElemWithPreXmlDoc input pos =
{ new SyntaxVisitorBase<_>() with
member _.VisitBinding(_, defaultTraverse, synBinding) =
match synBinding with
| SynBinding(xmlDoc = xmlDoc) when containsPosAndNotEmptyAndNotElaborated pos xmlDoc -> Some xmlDoc
| _ -> defaultTraverse synBinding

member _.VisitComponentInfo(_, synComponentInfo) =
match synComponentInfo with
| SynComponentInfo(xmlDoc = xmlDoc) when containsPosAndNotEmptyAndNotElaborated pos xmlDoc -> Some xmlDoc
| _ -> None

member _.VisitRecordDefn(_, fields, _) =
let isInLine c =
match c with
| SynField(xmlDoc = xmlDoc) when containsPosAndNotEmptyAndNotElaborated pos xmlDoc -> Some xmlDoc
| _ -> None

fields |> List.tryPick isInLine

member _.VisitUnionDefn(_, cases, _) =
let isInLine c =
match c with
| SynUnionCase(xmlDoc = xmlDoc) when containsPosAndNotEmptyAndNotElaborated pos xmlDoc -> Some xmlDoc
| _ -> None

cases |> List.tryPick isInLine

member _.VisitEnumDefn(_, cases, _) =
let isInLine b =
match b with
| SynEnumCase(xmlDoc = xmlDoc) when containsPosAndNotEmptyAndNotElaborated pos xmlDoc -> Some xmlDoc
| _ -> None

cases |> List.tryPick isInLine

member _.VisitLetOrUse(_, _, defaultTraverse, bindings, _) =
let isInLine b =
match b with
| SynBinding(xmlDoc = xmlDoc) when containsPosAndNotEmptyAndNotElaborated pos xmlDoc -> Some xmlDoc
| _ -> defaultTraverse b

bindings |> List.tryPick isInLine

member _.VisitExpr(_, _, defaultTraverse, expr) = defaultTraverse expr } // needed for nested let bindings

let private isModuleOrNamespaceOrAutoPropertyWithPreXmlDoc input pos =
{ new SyntaxVisitorBase<_>() with

member _.VisitModuleOrNamespace(_, synModuleOrNamespace) =
match synModuleOrNamespace with
| SynModuleOrNamespace(xmlDoc = xmlDoc) when containsPosAndNotEmptyAndNotElaborated pos xmlDoc -> Some xmlDoc
| SynModuleOrNamespace(decls = decls) ->

let rec findNested decls =
|> List.tryPick (fun d ->
match d with
| SynModuleDecl.NestedModule(moduleInfo = moduleInfo; decls = decls) ->
match moduleInfo with
| SynComponentInfo(xmlDoc = xmlDoc) when containsPosAndNotEmptyAndNotElaborated pos xmlDoc ->
Some xmlDoc
| _ -> findNested decls
| SynModuleDecl.Types(typeDefns = typeDefns) ->
|> List.tryPick (fun td ->
match td with
| SynTypeDefn(typeRepr = SynTypeDefnRepr.ObjectModel(_, members, _)) ->
|> List.tryPick (fun m ->
match m with
| SynMemberDefn.AutoProperty(xmlDoc = xmlDoc) when
containsPosAndNotEmptyAndNotElaborated pos xmlDoc
Some xmlDoc
| _ -> None)
| _ -> None)
| _ -> None)

findNested decls }

let private isAstElemWithPreXmlDoc input pos =
match isLowerAstElemWithPreXmlDoc input pos with
| Some xml -> Some xml
| _ -> isModuleOrNamespaceOrAutoPropertyWithPreXmlDoc input pos

let private collectCommentContents
(startPos: FSharp.Compiler.Text.Position)
(endPos: FSharp.Compiler.Text.Position)
(sourceText: NamedText)
let rec loop (p: FSharp.Compiler.Text.Position) acc =
if p.Line > endPos.Line then
let currentLine = sourceText.GetLine p

match currentLine with
| None -> acc
| Some line ->
let idx = line.IndexOf("///")

if idx >= 0 then
let existingComment = line.TrimStart().Substring(3).TrimStart()
let acc = acc @ [ existingComment ]

match sourceText.NextLine p with
| None -> acc
| Some nextLinePos -> loop nextLinePos acc

loop startPos List.empty

let private wrapInSummary indent comments =
let indentation = String.replicate indent " "

match comments with
| [] -> $"{indentation}/// <summary></summary>"
| [ c ] -> $"{indentation}/// <summary>%s{c}</summary>"
| cs ->
seq {
yield $"{indentation}/// <summary>{Environment.NewLine}"
yield! cs |> (fun s -> $"%s{indentation}/// %s{s}{Environment.NewLine}")
yield $"%s{indentation}/// </summary>"
|> String.concat ""

let fix (getParseResultsForFile: GetParseResultsForFile) (getRangeText: GetRangeText) : CodeFix =
fun codeActionParams ->
asyncResult {
let filePath = codeActionParams.TextDocument.GetFilePath() |> Utils.normalizePath
let fcsPos = protocolPosToPos codeActionParams.Range.Start
let! (parseAndCheck, lineStr, sourceText) = getParseResultsForFile filePath fcsPos
let showFix = isAstElemWithPreXmlDoc parseAndCheck.GetAST fcsPos

match showFix with
| Some xmlDoc ->
let d = xmlDoc.ToXmlDoc(false, None)

let origCommentContents =
collectCommentContents d.Range.Start d.Range.End sourceText

let indent = lineStr.IndexOf("///")
let summaryXmlDoc = wrapInSummary indent origCommentContents

let range =
{ Start = fcsPosToLsp (d.Range.Start.WithColumn 0)
End = fcsPosToLsp (d.Range.End) }

let e =
{ Range = range
NewText = summaryXmlDoc }

[ { Edits = [| e |]
File = codeActionParams.TextDocument
Title = title
SourceDiagnostic = None
Kind = FixKind.Refactor } ]
| None -> return []
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/FsAutoComplete/LspServers/AdaptiveFSharpLspServer.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1534,6 +1534,7 @@ type AdaptiveFSharpLspServer(workspaceLoader: IWorkspaceLoader, lspClient: FShar
AddExplicitTypeAnnotation.fix tryGetParseResultsForFile
ConvertPositionalDUToNamed.fix tryGetParseResultsForFile getRangeText
ConvertTripleSlashCommentToXmlTaggedDoc.fix tryGetParseResultsForFile getRangeText
UseTripleQuotedInterpolation.fix tryGetParseResultsForFile getRangeText
RenameParamToMatchSignature.fix tryGetParseResultsForFile |])

Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/FsAutoComplete/LspServers/FsAutoComplete.Lsp.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1197,6 +1197,7 @@ type FSharpLspServer(state: State, lspClient: FSharpLspClient) =
AddExplicitTypeAnnotation.fix tryGetParseResultsForFile
ConvertPositionalDUToNamed.fix tryGetParseResultsForFile getRangeText
ConvertTripleSlashCommentToXmlTaggedDoc.fix tryGetParseResultsForFile getRangeText
UseTripleQuotedInterpolation.fix tryGetParseResultsForFile getRangeText
RenameParamToMatchSignature.fix tryGetParseResultsForFile |]

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