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Improve detection and replacement logic for 'remove binding' codefix (#…
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baronfel authored Jun 28, 2021
1 parent dd027de commit d6bc9ac
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Showing 6 changed files with 187 additions and 29 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion .vscode/launch.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
"enableStepFiltering": false,
"args": [
"lsp.Ionide WorkspaceLoader.Go to definition tests.GoTo Tests.Go-to-type-definition on first char of identifier"
"lsp.Ionide WorkspaceLoader.codefix tests.remove unused binding"
Expand Down
94 changes: 67 additions & 27 deletions src/FsAutoComplete/CodeFixes/RemoveUnusedBinding.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,28 +16,53 @@ let posBetween (range: Range) tester =
Pos.posGeq tester range.Start // positions on this one are flipped to simulate Pos.posLte, because that doesn't exist
&& Pos.posGeq range.End tester

type private ReplacmentRangeResult =
| FullBinding of bindingRange: Range
| Pattern of patternRange: Range

type FSharpParseFileResults with
member this.TryRangeOfBindingWithHeadPatternWithPos pos =
member private this.TryRangeOfBindingWithHeadPatternWithPos (diagnosticRange: range) =
|> Option.bind (fun input ->
AstTraversal.Traverse(pos, input, { new AstTraversal.AstVisitorBase<_>() with
AstTraversal.Traverse(diagnosticRange.Start, input, { new AstTraversal.AstVisitorBase<_>() with
member _.VisitExpr(_, _, defaultTraverse, expr) =
defaultTraverse expr
override _.VisitPat(defaultTraverse, pat: SynPat) =
// if the diagnostic was for this specific pattern in its entirety, then we're don
if Range.equals pat.Range diagnosticRange then Some (Pattern diagnosticRange)
match pat with
| SynPat.Paren (inner, m) ->
// otherwise if the pattern inside a parens
if Range.rangeContainsRange m diagnosticRange
// explicitly matches
if Range.equals inner.Range diagnosticRange
// then return the range of the parens, so the entire pattern gets removed
then Some (Pattern m)
else defaultTraverse inner
else defaultTraverse inner
| pat -> defaultTraverse pat

override _.VisitBinding(defaultTraverse, binding) =
match binding with
| SynBinding.Binding(_, SynBindingKind.NormalBinding, _, _, _, _, _, pat, _, _, _, _) as binding ->
if posBetween binding.RangeOfHeadPat pos then
Some binding.RangeOfBindingAndRhs
// Check if it's an operator
match pat with
| SynPat.LongIdent(LongIdentWithDots([id], _), _, _, _, _, _) when id.idText.StartsWith("op_") ->
if posBetween id.idRange pos then
Some binding.RangeOfBindingAndRhs
defaultTraverse binding
| _ -> defaultTraverse binding
// walk the patterns in the binding first, to allow the parameter traversal a chance to fire
match defaultTraverse binding with
| None ->
// otherwise if the diagnostic was in this binding's head pattern then do teh replacement
if Range.rangeContainsRange binding.RangeOfHeadPat diagnosticRange then
Some (FullBinding binding.RangeOfBindingAndRhs)
// Check if it's an operator
match pat with
| SynPat.LongIdent(LongIdentWithDots([id], _), _, _, _, _, _) when id.idText.StartsWith("op_") ->
if Range.rangeContainsRange id.idRange diagnosticRange then
Some (FullBinding binding.RangeOfBindingAndRhs)
defaultTraverse binding
| _ -> defaultTraverse binding
| Some range -> Some range
| _ -> defaultTraverse binding })

Expand All @@ -48,21 +73,36 @@ let fix (getParseResults: GetParseResultsForFile): CodeFix =
let fileName = codeActionParams.TextDocument.GetFilePath() |> Utils.normalizePath
let fcsRange = protocolRangeToRange (codeActionParams.TextDocument.GetFilePath()) diagnostic.Range
let! tyres, line, lines = getParseResults fileName fcsRange.Start
let! rangeOfBinding = tyres.GetParseResults.TryRangeOfBindingWithHeadPatternWithPos(fcsRange.Start) |> Result.ofOption (fun () -> "no binding range found")
let! rangeOfBinding = tyres.GetParseResults.TryRangeOfBindingWithHeadPatternWithPos(fcsRange) |> Result.ofOption (fun () -> "no binding range found")

let protocolRange = fcsRangeToLsp rangeOfBinding
match rangeOfBinding with
| Pattern rangeOfPattern ->
let protocolRange = fcsRangeToLsp rangeOfPattern

// the pos at the end of the keyword
let! endOfPrecedingKeyword =
Navigation.walkBackUntilCondition lines (dec lines protocolRange.Start) (System.Char.IsWhiteSpace)
|> Result.ofOption (fun _ -> "failed to walk")
// the pos at the end of the previous token
let! endOfPrecedingToken =
Navigation.walkBackUntilCondition lines protocolRange.Start (System.Char.IsWhiteSpace >> not)
|> Result.ofOption (fun _ -> "failed to walk")
// replace from there to the end of the pattern's range
let replacementRange = { Start = endOfPrecedingToken; End = protocolRange.End }
return [ { Title = "Remove unused parameter"
Edits = [| { Range = replacementRange; NewText = "" } |]
File = codeActionParams.TextDocument
SourceDiagnostic = Some diagnostic
Kind = FixKind.Refactor } ]
| FullBinding bindingRangeWithPats ->
let protocolRange = fcsRangeToLsp bindingRangeWithPats
// the pos at the end of the previous keyword
let! endOfPrecedingKeyword =
Navigation.walkBackUntilCondition lines (dec lines protocolRange.Start) (System.Char.IsWhiteSpace >> not)
|> Result.ofOption (fun _ -> "failed to walk")

// walk back to the start of the keyword, which is always `let` or `use`
let keywordStartColumn = decMany lines endOfPrecedingKeyword 3
let replacementRange = { Start = keywordStartColumn; End = protocolRange.End }
return [ { Title = "Remove unused binding"
Edits = [| { Range = replacementRange; NewText = "" } |]
File = codeActionParams.TextDocument
SourceDiagnostic = Some diagnostic
Kind = FixKind.Refactor } ]
// walk back to the start of the keyword, which is always `let` or `use`
let keywordStartColumn = decMany lines endOfPrecedingKeyword 3
let replacementRange = { Start = keywordStartColumn; End = protocolRange.End }
return [ { Title = "Remove unused binding"
Edits = [| { Range = replacementRange; NewText = "" } |]
File = codeActionParams.TextDocument
SourceDiagnostic = Some diagnostic
Kind = FixKind.Refactor } ]
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/FsAutoComplete/FsAutoComplete.Lsp.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -614,7 +614,7 @@ type FSharpLspServer(backgroundServiceEnabled: bool, state: State, lspClient: FS
Run.ifEnabled (fun _ -> config.ResolveNamespaces) (ResolveNamespace.fix tryGetParseResultsForFile commands.GetNamespaceSuggestions)
UnusedValue.fix getRangeText
Run.ifEnabled (fun _ -> config.UnusedDeclarationsAnalyzer) (UnusedValue.fix getRangeText)
NewWithDisposables.fix getRangeText
Run.ifEnabled (fun _ -> config.UnionCaseStubGeneration)
(GenerateUnionCases.fix getFileLines tryGetParseResultsForFile commands.GetUnionPatternMatchCases getUnionCaseStubReplacements)
Expand Down
102 changes: 102 additions & 0 deletions test/FsAutoComplete.Tests.Lsp/CodeFixTests.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,6 +6,9 @@ open Helpers
open LanguageServerProtocol.Types
open FsAutoComplete.Utils

let pos (line, character) = { Line = line; Character = character }
let range st e = { Start = pos st; End = pos e }

let (|Refactor|_|) title newText action =
match action with
| { Title = title'
Expand All @@ -17,6 +20,13 @@ let (|Refactor|_|) title newText action =
when title' = title && newText' = newText -> Some ()
| _ -> None

let (|AtRange|_|) range (action: CodeAction) =
match action with
| { Edit = { DocumentChanges = Some [|
{ Edits = [| { Range = range' } |] }
|] } } when range = range' -> Some ()
| _ -> None

let abstractClassGenerationTests state =
let server =
async {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -307,6 +317,97 @@ let unusedValueTests state =

let removeUnusedBindingTests state =
let (|RemoveBinding|_|) = (|Refactor|_|) "Remove unused binding" ""
let (|RemoveParameter|_|) = (|Refactor|_|) "Remove unused parameter" ""

let server =
async {
let path = Path.Combine(__SOURCE_DIRECTORY__, "TestCases", "RemoveUnusedBinding")
let cfg = { defaultConfigDto with FSIExtraParameters = Some [| "--warnon:1182" |] }
let! (server, events) = serverInitialize path cfg state
do! waitForWorkspaceFinishedParsing events
let path = Path.Combine(path, "Script.fsx")
let tdop : DidOpenTextDocumentParams = { TextDocument = loadDocument path }
do! server.TextDocumentDidOpen tdop
let! diagnostics =
|> waitForCompilerDiagnosticsForFile "Script.fsx"
|> AsyncResult.bimap (fun _ -> failtest "Should have had errors") id
return (server, path, diagnostics)
|> Async.Cache

let canRemoveUnusedSingleCharacterFunctionParameter = testCaseAsync "can remove unused single character function parameter" (async {
let! server, file, diagnostics = server
let targetRange = range (0, 9) (0, 10)
let diagnostic =
|> Array.tryFind (fun d -> d.Range = targetRange && d.Code = Some "1182")
|> Option.defaultWith (fun () -> failwith "could not find diagnostic with expected range and code")
let detected = {
CodeActionParams.TextDocument = { Uri = Path.FilePathToUri file }
Range = diagnostic.Range
Context = { Diagnostics = [| diagnostic |] }
let replacementRange = range (0, 8) (0, 10)
match! server.TextDocumentCodeAction detected with
| Ok (Some (TextDocumentCodeActionResult.CodeActions [| RemoveParameter & AtRange replacementRange ; _ (* explicit type annotation codefix *) |])) -> ()
| Ok other ->
failtestf $"Should have generated _, but instead generated %A{other}"
| Error reason ->
failtestf $"Should have succeeded, but failed with %A{reason}"

let canRemoveUnusedSingleCharacterFunctionParameterInParens = testCaseAsync "can remove unused single character function parameter in parens" (async {
let! server, file, diagnostics = server
let targetRange = range (2, 11) (2, 12)
let diagnostic =
|> Array.tryFind (fun d -> d.Range = targetRange && d.Code = Some "1182")
|> Option.defaultWith (fun () -> failwith "could not find diagnostic with expected range and code")
let detected = {
CodeActionParams.TextDocument = { Uri = Path.FilePathToUri file }
Range = diagnostic.Range
Context = { Diagnostics = [| diagnostic |] }
let replacementRange = range (2, 9) (2, 13)
match! server.TextDocumentCodeAction detected with
| Ok (Some (TextDocumentCodeActionResult.CodeActions [| RemoveParameter & AtRange replacementRange ; _ (* explicit type annotation codefix *) |])) -> ()
| Ok other ->
failtestf $"Should have generated _, but instead generated %A{other}"
| Error reason ->
failtestf $"Should have succeeded, but failed with %A{reason}"

let canRemoveUnusedBindingInsideTopLevel = testCaseAsync "can remove unused binding inside top level" (async {
let! server, file, diagnostics = server
let targetRange = range (5, 6) (5, 10)
let diagnostic =
|> Array.tryFind (fun d -> d.Range = targetRange && d.Code = Some "1182")
|> Option.defaultWith (fun () -> failwith "could not find diagnostic with expected range and code")
let detected = {
CodeActionParams.TextDocument = { Uri = Path.FilePathToUri file }
Range = diagnostic.Range
Context = { Diagnostics = [| diagnostic |] }
let replacementRange = range (5,2) (5,16) // span of whole `let incr...` binding
match! server.TextDocumentCodeAction detected with
| Ok (Some (TextDocumentCodeActionResult.CodeActions [| RemoveBinding & AtRange replacementRange |])) -> ()
| Ok other ->
failtestf $"Should have generated _, but instead generated %A{other}"
| Error reason ->
failtestf $"Should have succeeded, but failed with %A{reason}"

testList "remove unused binding" [

let addExplicitTypeAnnotationTests state =
let server =
async {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -354,4 +455,5 @@ let tests state = testList "codefix tests" [
missingInstanceMemberTests state
unusedValueTests state
addExplicitTypeAnnotationTests state
removeUnusedBindingTests state
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions test/FsAutoComplete.Tests.Lsp/Helpers.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -413,6 +413,10 @@ let fsacDiagnostics file =
fileDiagnostics file
>> diagnosticsFromSource "FSAC"

let compilerDiagnostics file =
fileDiagnostics file
>> diagnosticsFromSource "F# Compiler"

let diagnosticsToResult = (function | [||] -> Ok () | diags -> Core.Error diags)

Expand All @@ -426,6 +430,11 @@ let waitForFsacDiagnosticsForFile file =
>> diagnosticsToResult
>> Async.AwaitObservable

let waitForCompilerDiagnosticsForFile file =
compilerDiagnostics file
>> diagnosticsToResult
>> Async.AwaitObservable

let waitForParsedScript (event: ClientEvents) =
|> typedEvents<LanguageServerProtocol.Types.PublishDiagnosticsParams> "textDocument/publishDiagnostics"
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
let incr i x = 2

let incr2 (i) = 2

let container () =
let incr x = 2

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