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Get Unused Declarations from FCS (#998)
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Remove custom `UnusedDeclarationAnalyzer`

Change: Unused Diags now always contain Code `FSAC0003`

Fix: don't trigger Prefix with `_` CodeFix for backticks
Fix: don't replace private variable with `_`
  • Loading branch information
Booksbaum authored Aug 22, 2022
1 parent d0845a3 commit 680a95b
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Showing 11 changed files with 494 additions and 122 deletions.
9 changes: 3 additions & 6 deletions src/FsAutoComplete.Core/Commands.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ type NotificationEvent =
| AnalyzerMessage of messages: FSharp.Analyzers.SDK.Message[] * file: string<LocalPath>
| UnusedOpens of file: string<LocalPath> * opens: Range[]
// | Lint of file: string<LocalPath> * warningsWithCodes: Lint.EnrichedLintWarning list
| UnusedDeclarations of file: string<LocalPath> * decls: (range * bool)[]
| UnusedDeclarations of file: string<LocalPath> * decls: range[]
| SimplifyNames of file: string<LocalPath> * names: SimplifyNames.SimplifiableRange[]
| Canceled of errorMessage: string
| FileParsed of string<LocalPath>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1513,11 +1513,8 @@ type Commands(checker: FSharpCompilerServiceChecker, state: State, hasAnalyzers:
match tyResOpt with
| None -> ()
| Some tyRes ->
let allUses = tyRes.GetCheckResults.GetAllUsesOfAllSymbolsInFile()

let unused =
UnusedDeclarationsAnalyzer.getUnusedDeclarationRanges allUses isScript
|> Seq.toArray
let! unused = UnusedDeclarations.getUnusedDeclarations (tyRes.GetCheckResults, isScript)
let unused = unused |> Seq.toArray

notify.Trigger(NotificationEvent.UnusedDeclarations(file, unused))
Expand Down
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion src/FsAutoComplete.Core/FsAutoComplete.Core.fsproj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -26,7 +26,6 @@
<Compile Include="DocumentationFormatter.fs" />
<Compile Include="FileSystem.fs" />
<Compile Include="KeywordList.fs" />
<Compile Include="UnusedDeclarationsAnalyzer.fs" />
<Compile Include="Decompiler.fs" />
<Compile Include="Sourcelink.fs" />
<Compile Include="InteractiveDirectives.fs" />
Expand Down
74 changes: 0 additions & 74 deletions src/FsAutoComplete.Core/UnusedDeclarationsAnalyzer.fs

This file was deleted.

110 changes: 76 additions & 34 deletions src/FsAutoComplete/CodeFixes/RenameUnusedValue.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,44 +5,86 @@ open FsAutoComplete.CodeFix
open FsAutoComplete.CodeFix.Types
open FsAutoComplete
open FsAutoComplete.LspHelpers
open FSharp.Compiler.Symbols
open FSharp.UMX
open FSharp.Compiler.Syntax
open FSharp.Compiler.Text

let titleReplace = "Replace with _"
let titlePrefix = "Prefix with _"

/// `let private foo = ...`: `foo` cannot be `_`: `private` not allowed -> must be replaced too
/// But current FCS version doesn't include range for `SynAccess`
/// -> no (easy) way to get range with accessibility
/// -> instead of range to replace, just if there's accessibility
let private variableHasAccessibility (ast: ParsedInput) (pos: Position) =
{ new SyntaxVisitorBase<_>() with
member _.VisitPat(_, defaultTraverse, pat) =
match pat with
| SynPat.Named (accessibility = Some _; range = range) when Range.rangeContainsPos range pos ->
// `SynAccess` in FCS version currently used in FSAC doesn't contain its range
// -> no easy way to get range with accessibility
// -> instead of returning range with accessibility, just info if there's accessibility
// TODO: return range with accessibility once available (
Some true
| _ -> defaultTraverse pat }
|> Option.defaultValue false

/// a codefix that suggests prepending a _ to unused values
let fix (getRangeText: GetRangeText) =
Run.ifDiagnosticByMessage "is unused" (fun diagnostic codeActionParams ->
let fix (getParseResultsForFile: GetParseResultsForFile) =
Run.ifDiagnosticByCode (Set.ofList [ "FSAC0003" ]) (fun diagnostic codeActionParams ->
asyncResult {
match getRangeText (codeActionParams.TextDocument.GetFilePath() |> normalizePath) diagnostic.Range with
| Ok unusedExpression ->
match diagnostic.Code with
| Some _ ->
[ { SourceDiagnostic = Some diagnostic
File = codeActionParams.TextDocument
Title = titleReplace
Edits =
[| { Range = diagnostic.Range
NewText = "_" } |]
Kind = FixKind.Refactor } ]
| None ->
let replaceSuggestion = "_"
let prefixSuggestion = $"_%s{unusedExpression}"

[ { SourceDiagnostic = Some diagnostic
File = codeActionParams.TextDocument
Title = titleReplace
Edits =
[| { Range = diagnostic.Range
NewText = replaceSuggestion } |]
Kind = FixKind.Refactor }
{ SourceDiagnostic = Some diagnostic
File = codeActionParams.TextDocument
Title = titlePrefix
Edits =
[| { Range = diagnostic.Range
NewText = prefixSuggestion } |]
Kind = FixKind.Refactor } ]
| Error _ -> return []
let fileName = codeActionParams.TextDocument.GetFilePath() |> Utils.normalizePath
let startPos = protocolPosToPos codeActionParams.Range.Start
let! (tyRes, line, lines) = getParseResultsForFile fileName startPos

let mkFix title range =
{ SourceDiagnostic = Some diagnostic
File = codeActionParams.TextDocument
Title = title
Edits = [| { Range = range; NewText = "_" } |]
Kind = FixKind.Refactor }

let mkReplaceFix = mkFix titleReplace

let tryMkPrefixFix range =
match lines.GetText(protocolRangeToRange (UMX.untag fileName) range) with
// cannot prefix backticks -> exclude
| Ok ident when PrettyNaming.IsIdentifierName ident ->
mkFix titlePrefix (protocolPosToRange range.Start) |> Some
| _ -> None

let tryMkValueReplaceFix (range: Ionide.LanguageServerProtocol.Types.Range) =
// // `let private foo = ...` -> `private` must be removed (`let private _ = ...` is not valid)
if variableHasAccessibility tyRes.GetAST (protocolPosToPos range.Start) then
mkReplaceFix range |> Some

// CodeFixes:
// * Replace with _
// * variable
// * this
// * Prefix with _
// * variable
// * Otherwise: neither
match tyRes.TryGetSymbolUse startPos line with
| None -> return []
| Some symbolUse ->
match symbolUse.Symbol with
| :? FSharpMemberOrFunctionOrValue as mfv ->
if mfv.IsMemberThisValue then
return [ mkReplaceFix diagnostic.Range ]
elif mfv.IsValue then
[ tryMkValueReplaceFix diagnostic.Range; tryMkPrefixFix diagnostic.Range ]
|> List.choose id
return []
| _ -> return []
7 changes: 4 additions & 3 deletions src/FsAutoComplete/FsAutoComplete.Lsp.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -267,6 +267,7 @@ type FSharpLspServer(state: State, lspClient: FSharpLspClient) =
let doc = p.TextDocument
let filePath = doc.GetFilePath() |> Utils.normalizePath
let version = doc.Version.Value // this always has a value, despite the Option type

match state.TryGetFileSource(filePath) with
| Ok content ->

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -360,9 +361,9 @@ type FSharpLspServer(state: State, lspClient: FSharpLspClient) =

let diags =
|> (fun (n, t) ->
|> (fun n ->
{ Range = fcsRangeToLsp n
Code = (if t then Some "FSAC0003" else None)
Code = Some "FSAC0003"
Severity = Some DiagnosticSeverity.Hint
Source = "FSAC"
Message = "This value is unused"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -801,7 +802,7 @@ type FSharpLspServer(state: State, lspClient: FSharpLspClient) =
(ResolveNamespace.fix tryGetParseResultsForFile commands.GetNamespaceSuggestions)
Run.ifEnabled (fun _ -> config.UnusedDeclarationsAnalyzer) (RenameUnusedValue.fix getRangeText)
Run.ifEnabled (fun _ -> config.UnusedDeclarationsAnalyzer) (RenameUnusedValue.fix tryGetParseResultsForFile)
AddNewKeywordToDisposableConstructorInvocation.fix getRangeText
(fun _ -> config.UnionCaseStubGeneration)
Expand Down
99 changes: 97 additions & 2 deletions test/FsAutoComplete.Tests.Lsp/CodeFixTests/Tests.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1263,11 +1263,106 @@ let private renameUnusedValue state =
let add one two $0three = one + two
(Diagnostics.log >> Diagnostics.acceptAll)
(CodeFix.log >> selectPrefix)
let add one two _three = one + two

testCaseAsync "doesn't replace function with _" <|
CodeFix.checkNotApplicable server
let $0f _ = ()
testCaseAsync "doesn't prefix function with _" <|
CodeFix.checkNotApplicable server
let $0f _ = ()

ptestCaseAsync "replacing private variable with _ replaces private too" <|
CodeFix.check server
let private $0value = 42
let _ = 42
//TODO: remove this test and enable prev test once FCS includes range for `SynAccess`
testCaseAsync "private variable cannot be replaces with _" <|
CodeFix.checkNotApplicable server
let private $0value = 42

testCaseAsync "prefixing private variable with _ keeps private" <|
CodeFix.check server
let private $0value = 42
let private _value = 42

testCaseAsync "can replace backticks with _" <|
CodeFix.check server
let $0``hello world`` = 42
let _ = 42
testCaseAsync "cannot prefix backticks with _" <|
CodeFix.checkNotApplicable server
let $0``hello world`` = 42

testCaseAsync "replace doesn't trigger for function" <|
CodeFix.checkNotApplicable server
let $0f _ = ()
testCaseAsync "prefix doesn't trigger for function" <|
CodeFix.checkNotApplicable server
let $0f _ = ()

testCaseAsync "replace doesn't trigger for member" <|
CodeFix.checkNotApplicable server
type T() =
member _.$0F () = ()
testCaseAsync "prefix doesn't trigger for member" <|
CodeFix.checkNotApplicable server
type T() =
member _.$0F () = ()

let private replaceWithSuggestionTests state =
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions test/FsAutoComplete.Tests.Lsp/Program.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -86,6 +86,7 @@ let lspTests =
XmlDocumentationGeneration.tests state
InlayHintTests.tests state
DependentFileChecking.tests state
UnusedDeclarationsTests.tests state

Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1 @@

Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">


<Compile Include="Library.fs" />


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