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Fix FileSystem
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Krzysztof-Cieslak committed Nov 20, 2021
1 parent b28a6f4 commit 4d0a380
Showing 1 changed file with 131 additions and 85 deletions.
216 changes: 131 additions & 85 deletions src/FsAutoComplete.Core/FileSystem.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,27 +19,36 @@ open FSharp.Compiler.IO
type SourceTextExtensions =
static member GetText(t: ISourceText, m: FSharp.Compiler.Text.Range): Result<string, string> =
let allFileRange = Range.mkRange m.FileName Position.pos0 (t.GetLastFilePosition())
if not (Range.rangeContainsRange allFileRange m)
then Error $"%A{m} is outside of the bounds of the file"
static member GetText(t: ISourceText, m: FSharp.Compiler.Text.Range) : Result<string, string> =
let allFileRange =
Range.mkRange m.FileName Position.pos0 (t.GetLastFilePosition())

if not (Range.rangeContainsRange allFileRange m) then
Error $"%A{m} is outside of the bounds of the file"
else if m.StartLine = m.EndLine then // slice of a single line, just do that
let lineText = t.GetLineString(m.StartLine - 1)

lineText.Substring(m.StartColumn, m.EndColumn - m.StartColumn)
|> Ok
if m.StartLine = m.EndLine then // slice of a single line, just do that
let lineText = t.GetLineString (m.StartLine - 1)
lineText.Substring(m.StartColumn, m.EndColumn - m.StartColumn) |> Ok
// multiline, use a builder
let builder = new System.Text.StringBuilder()
// slice of the first line
let firstLine = t.GetLineString (m.StartLine - 1)
builder.Append (firstLine.Substring(m.StartColumn)) |> ignore<System.Text.StringBuilder>
// whole intermediate lines
for line in (m.StartLine + 1)..(m.EndLine - 1) do
builder.AppendLine (t.GetLineString(line - 1)) |> ignore<System.Text.StringBuilder>
// final part, potential slice
let lastLine = t.GetLineString (m.EndLine - 1)
builder.Append (lastLine.Substring(0, m.EndColumn)) |> ignore<System.Text.StringBuilder>
Ok (builder.ToString())
// multiline, use a builder
let builder = new System.Text.StringBuilder()
// slice of the first line
let firstLine = t.GetLineString(m.StartLine - 1)

|> ignore<System.Text.StringBuilder>
// whole intermediate lines
for line in (m.StartLine + 1) .. (m.EndLine - 1) do
builder.AppendLine(t.GetLineString(line - 1))
|> ignore<System.Text.StringBuilder>
// final part, potential slice
let lastLine = t.GetLineString(m.EndLine - 1)

builder.Append(lastLine.Substring(0, m.EndColumn))
|> ignore<System.Text.StringBuilder>


static member inline Lines(t: ISourceText) =
Expand All @@ -48,71 +57,108 @@ type SourceTextExtensions =
/// a safe alternative to GetLastCharacterPosition, which returns untagged indexes. this version
/// returns a FCS Pos to prevent confusion about line index offsets
static member GetLastFilePosition(t: ISourceText): Position =
static member GetLastFilePosition(t: ISourceText) : Position =
let endLine, endChar = t.GetLastCharacterPosition()
Position.mkPos endLine endChar

type FileSystem (actualFs: IFileSystem, tryFindFile: string<LocalPath> -> VolatileFile option) =
let getContent (filename: string<LocalPath>) =
|> tryFindFile
|> (fun file -> file.Lines.ToString() |> System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes)

let fsLogger = LogProvider.getLoggerByName "FileSystem"
/// translation of the BCL's Windows logic for Path.IsPathRooted.
/// either the first char is '/', or the first char is a drive identifier followed by ':'
let isWindowsStyleRootedPath (p: string) =
let isAlpha (c: char) =
(c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z')
|| (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z')
(p.Length >= 1 && p.[0] = '/')
|| (p.Length >= 2 && isAlpha p.[0] && p.[1] = ':')

/// translation of the BCL's Unix logic for Path.IsRooted.
/// if the first character is '/' then the path is rooted
let isUnixStyleRootedPath (p: string) =
p.Length > 0 && p.[0] = '/'

interface IFileSystem with
(* for these two members we have to be incredibly careful to root/extend paths in an OS-agnostic way,
as they handle paths for windows and unix file systems regardless of your host OS.
Therefore, you cannot use the BCL's Path.IsPathRooted/Path.GetFullPath members *)

member _.IsPathRootedShim (p: string) =
let r =
isWindowsStyleRootedPath p
|| isUnixStyleRootedPath p
fsLogger.debug (Log.setMessage "Is {path} rooted? {result}" >> Log.addContext "path" p >> Log.addContext "result" r)

member _.GetFullPathShim (f: string) =
let expanded =
Path.FilePathToUri f
|> Path.FileUriToLocalPath
fsLogger.debug (Log.setMessage "{path} expanded to {expanded}" >> Log.addContext "path" f >> Log.addContext "expanded" expanded)

member _.GetLastWriteTimeShim (f: string) =
f |> Utils.normalizePath |> tryFindFile |> (fun f -> f.Touched) |> Option.defaultValue DateTime.MinValue

member _.NormalizePathShim (f: string) = f |> Utils.normalizePath |> UMX.untag

member _.IsInvalidPathShim (f) = actualFs.IsInvalidPathShim f
member _.GetTempPathShim () = actualFs.GetTempPathShim()
member _.IsStableFileHeuristic (f) = actualFs.IsStableFileHeuristic f
member _.CopyShim(src, dest, o) = actualFs.CopyShim(src, dest, o)
member _.DirectoryCreateShim p = actualFs.DirectoryCreateShim p
member _.DirectoryDeleteShim p = actualFs.DirectoryDeleteShim p
member _.DirectoryExistsShim p = actualFs.DirectoryExistsShim p
member _.EnumerateDirectoriesShim p = actualFs.EnumerateDirectoriesShim p
member _.EnumerateFilesShim (p, pat) = actualFs.EnumerateFilesShim(p, pat)
member _.FileDeleteShim f = actualFs.FileDeleteShim f
member _.FileExistsShim f = actualFs.FileExistsShim f
member _.GetCreationTimeShim p = actualFs.GetCreationTimeShim p
member _.GetDirectoryNameShim p = actualFs.GetDirectoryNameShim p
member _.GetFullFilePathInDirectoryShim dir f = actualFs.GetFullFilePathInDirectoryShim dir f
member _.OpenFileForReadShim (filePath:string, useMemoryMappedFile, shouldShadowCopy) = actualFs.OpenFileForReadShim(filePath, ?useMemoryMappedFile=useMemoryMappedFile, ?shouldShadowCopy=shouldShadowCopy)
member _.OpenFileForWriteShim (filePath:string, fileMode, fileAccess, fileShare) = actualFs.OpenFileForWriteShim(filePath, ?fileMode=fileMode, ?fileAccess=fileAccess, ?fileShare=fileShare)
member _.AssemblyLoader = actualFs.AssemblyLoader
type FileSystem(actualFs: IFileSystem, tryFindFile: string<LocalPath> -> VolatileFile option) =
let fsLogger = LogProvider.getLoggerByName "FileSystem"

let getContent (filename: string<LocalPath>) =
fsLogger.debug (
Log.setMessage "Getting content of `{path}`"
>> Log.addContext "path" filename
|> tryFindFile
|> (fun file ->
|> System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes)

/// translation of the BCL's Windows logic for Path.IsPathRooted.
/// either the first char is '/', or the first char is a drive identifier followed by ':'
let isWindowsStyleRootedPath (p: string) =
let isAlpha (c: char) =
(c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z')

(p.Length >= 1 && p.[0] = '/')
|| (p.Length >= 2 && isAlpha p.[0] && p.[1] = ':')

/// translation of the BCL's Unix logic for Path.IsRooted.
/// if the first character is '/' then the path is rooted
let isUnixStyleRootedPath (p: string) = p.Length > 0 && p.[0] = '/'

interface IFileSystem with
(* for these two members we have to be incredibly careful to root/extend paths in an OS-agnostic way,
as they handle paths for windows and unix file systems regardless of your host OS.
Therefore, you cannot use the BCL's Path.IsPathRooted/Path.GetFullPath members *)

member _.IsPathRootedShim(p: string) =
let r =
isWindowsStyleRootedPath p
|| isUnixStyleRootedPath p

fsLogger.debug (
Log.setMessage "Is {path} rooted? {result}"
>> Log.addContext "path" p
>> Log.addContext "result" r


member _.GetFullPathShim(f: string) =
let expanded =
Path.FilePathToUri f |> Path.FileUriToLocalPath

fsLogger.debug (
Log.setMessage "{path} expanded to {expanded}"
>> Log.addContext "path" f
>> Log.addContext "expanded" expanded


member _.GetLastWriteTimeShim(f: string) =
|> Utils.normalizePath
|> tryFindFile
|> (fun f -> f.Touched)
|> Option.defaultValue DateTime.MinValue

member _.NormalizePathShim(f: string) = f |> Utils.normalizePath |> UMX.untag

member _.IsInvalidPathShim(f) = actualFs.IsInvalidPathShim f
member _.GetTempPathShim() = actualFs.GetTempPathShim()
member _.IsStableFileHeuristic(f) = actualFs.IsStableFileHeuristic f
member _.CopyShim(src, dest, o) = actualFs.CopyShim(src, dest, o)
member _.DirectoryCreateShim p = actualFs.DirectoryCreateShim p
member _.DirectoryDeleteShim p = actualFs.DirectoryDeleteShim p
member _.DirectoryExistsShim p = actualFs.DirectoryExistsShim p
member _.EnumerateDirectoriesShim p = actualFs.EnumerateDirectoriesShim p
member _.EnumerateFilesShim(p, pat) = actualFs.EnumerateFilesShim(p, pat)
member _.FileDeleteShim f = actualFs.FileDeleteShim f
member _.FileExistsShim f = actualFs.FileExistsShim f
member _.GetCreationTimeShim p = actualFs.GetCreationTimeShim p
member _.GetDirectoryNameShim p = actualFs.GetDirectoryNameShim p

member _.GetFullFilePathInDirectoryShim dir f =
actualFs.GetFullFilePathInDirectoryShim dir f

member _.OpenFileForReadShim(filePath: string, useMemoryMappedFile, shouldShadowCopy) =
|> Utils.normalizePath
|> getContent
|> (fun bytes -> new MemoryStream(bytes) :> Stream)
|> Option.defaultWith (fun _ ->
?useMemoryMappedFile = useMemoryMappedFile,
?shouldShadowCopy = shouldShadowCopy

member _.OpenFileForWriteShim(filePath: string, fileMode, fileAccess, fileShare) =
actualFs.OpenFileForWriteShim(filePath, ?fileMode = fileMode, ?fileAccess = fileAccess, ?fileShare = fileShare)

member _.AssemblyLoader = actualFs.AssemblyLoader

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