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Manage your Gitlab Access Token Lifetime with ease and enhancing security


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GitLab Access Token Updater/Rotation Manager

This app addresses the following challenges:

  • Token Expiration Management: If you've created numerous Group/Project Access Tokens without expiration dates, these tokens can unexpectedly become a problem once got expired (broken automation, pipeline, etc), as outlined in GitLab's new expiration policy.
  • Premium Solution Limitations: GitLab Premium or Ultimate users are recommended to use Service Account personal access tokens that don’t expire (mentioned in blog above). However, this introduces additional security risks.
  • Service Account Management: Not a direct issue, managing Service Accounts is difficult due to the lack of a UI, as noted in GitLab's current limitations, requiring manual API calls for management.
  • Token Usage Visibility: Tracking Group/Project access token usage is limited, and rotating or renewing tokens requires locating and updating each token’s use, such as in CI/CD or Kubernetes secrets.
  • Response to Token Leaks or Staff Changes: When tokens are leaked or an employee leaves, the lack of visibility or automation around access tokens makes you don't want rotate it.



Assuming your main configuration file is located in the current directory:

docker run -v `./config.yml:/tmp/config.yml` -it --rm iomarmochtar/gitlab-token-updater:latest -c /tmp/config.yml


Go to the releases page for a compiled version specific to your OS and architecture.

Source Build

Ensure to have following package installed on your local:

Run following commands:

git clone
cd gitlab-token-updater
make dist-dev

the compiled binary is located under folder dist

How To Use


1. Personal Access Token

As Group/Project Access Tokens cannot be used to create other access token related to the access token rotation API (example), use a Personal Access Token for access token rotation.

Create a Personal Access Token with the api scope. You may also create another with the read_api scope for MR dry run purposes.

2. Config File

To run the application, specify the configuration file with the -c or --config argument. Other modes are available.


For the normal execution, just poin the configuration file with argument -c or --config, some of other modes are available

gitlab-token-updater -c [PATH_TO_CONFIG_FILE]


You can enable each mode by adding the respective argument, and they can be used in combination.

If any error occurs during execution, it will not interrupt the iteration; errors are accumulated and reported at the end. This behavior can be modified by running in strict mode.

Dry Run

Run with the --dry-run argument. This will execute read-only APIs and verify the existence of specified objects like access tokens and environment variables.

It can be combined with force mode to scan for the existence of each hook. This is recommended during MR validation.


Run with the --force argument to execute the rotation API regardless of the access token's expiry time. This acts as an "emergency button" to ensure all tokens are renewed.


Run with the --strict argument. Any error encountered during execution will be raised immediately, stopping the process.


Consist of YAML formatted content, see the sample one in sample-config.yml, these are the available properties

Param Description Defaults Required
.host URL of Gitlab instance yes
.token Personal access token for GitLab API usage (api scope for all execution, read_api for dry run mode) ${GL_RENEWER_TOKEN} yes
.default_hook_retry Default retry count for hook execution; can be overridden in individual hook configurations 0 yes
.default_renew_before Default duration to renew an access token before expiry; can be overridden in specific access token configs 14d yes
.default_expiry_after_rotate Default duration for token expiration after rotation 3M yes
.manage_tokens[] List of managed access token yes
.manage_tokens[].type Type of access token (repository, group, or personal) yes
.manage_tokens[].path Repository or group location Required for repository/group
.manage_tokens[].include Include external manage_token configuration, the path is relative to main config file no
.manage_tokens[].access_tokens[] List of managed access tokens yes
.manage_tokens[].access_tokens[].name Name of access token yes
.manage_tokens[].access_tokens[].renew_before Specific renewal period, overriding .default_renew_before no
.manage_tokens[].access_tokens[].expiry_after_rotate Specific expiration period, overriding .default_expiry_after_rotate no
.manage_tokens[].access_tokens[].hooks[] List of actions for each hook no
.manage_tokens[].access_tokens[].hooks[].type Hook type (update_var, exec_cmd, use_token) yes
.manage_tokens[].access_tokens[].hooks[].retry Hook retry count, overriding .default_hook_retry no
.manage_tokens[].access_tokens[].hooks[].args Arguments for each hook type (see details below) *some hook type is not required


  • the config value can be injected by env variable by using format ${THIS_IS_VAR} and it's only available in following locations:
    • .host
    • .token
    • .manage_tokens[].access_tokens[].hooks[].args for hook type update_var
    • .manage_tokens[].access_tokens[].hooks[].args.env for hook type exec_cmd
  • Known duration suffixes: d (day), M (month), Y (year).
  • hook types with it's available arguments:
    • update_var:
      • .name (required): CICD variable name
      • .type (required): repository or group
      • .path (required): location of repository or group
      • .gitlab: set this if CICD variable is located in another Gitlab instance
      • .gitlab_token: the token that will be used to another Gitlab instance as in .gitlab
      • misc:
        • if .type and .path are not defined, then it will use the same as in it's parent (manage token config)
        • .gitlab-token is required when .gitlab configured, and suggested set in env variable
    • exec_cmd:
      • .path (required): location of executable
      • .env: set the injected environment variable that will be read by the executeable
      • misc:
        • the new generated token that read in the executeable is through env variable by name GL_NEW_TOKEN
    • use_token: not requiring any arguments, it will uses the new token in the current API call; can only be set once in the first hook sequence.


To avoid "polluting" your local environment and to use a consistent development setup, use devcontainer, which is included in this repository and a built in feature in Visual Studio Code.


Utilizing Service Account

For GitLab Premium or higher, it's recommended to use a Service Account's access token instead of one belonging to an active user. Consider leaving its expiration unset and using a self-update approach, as shown in the examples folder.

Separating Between Access Token For Execution

For more information, refer to this example.


Manage your Gitlab Access Token Lifetime with ease and enhancing security








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