ServiceID: business-process-service
Business Process Service in the NIMBLE Microservice Infrastructure based on Camunda
Base configuration can be found at src/main/resources/ and bootstrap.yml. Spring Cloud Config is used for central configuration management. A central configuration is hosted on and injected during startup.
For database configuration, please set your postgres username and password in the following files:
- pom.xml
- bootstrap.yml
The Business Process API is designed using the editor (file: src/main/resources/api.yml) and the code generator for the Spring framework. The Maven plugin (swagger-codegen-maven-plugin) is used to generate defined interfaces automatically in each Maven build. In addition the Business Process Service provides a proxy to the REST API from Camunda.
# standalone
mvn clean spring-boot:run
# in docker environment from core cloud infrastructure using 8085 as internal port
mvn clean package docker:build -P docker
docker run -p 8081:8085 nimbleplatform/business-process-service
The according Dockerfile can be found at src/main/docker/Dockerfile.
Also you can reach the camunda cockpit available at Camunda Cocpit (kermit/superSecret)
# get
curl http://localhost:8081/version
In the following there are some examples for interacting with Camunda through the REST interface.
- GET deployed business process definitions
curl http://localhost:8081/content
- START 'Negotiation' process
curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type:application/json' -d '{
"variables": {
"processID": "Negotiation",
"initiatorID": "buyer1387",
"responderID": "seller1387",
"content": "{ \"id\": \"3997b638-b2df-4820-be46-b0af8c5e297d\", \"issueDate\": \"2017-06-12T21:00:00Z\", \"issueTime\": \"1970-01-01T10:27:42Z\", \"sellerSupplierParty\": { \"party\": { \"id\": \"seller1387\" } }, \"buyerCustomerParty\": { \"party\": { \"id\": \"buyer1387\" } }, \"requestForQuotationLine\": [ { \"lineItem\": { \"id\": \"1\", \"quantity\": { \"value\": 5, \"unitCode\": \"KGM\" }, \"lineExtensionAmount\": { \"value\": 100, \"currencyID\": \"EUR\" }, \"totalTaxAmount\": { \"value\": 18, \"currencyID\": \"EUR\" }, \"price\": { \"priceAmount\": { \"value\": 20, \"currencyID\": \"EUR\" } }, \"item\": { \"name\": \"Apple\" }, \"taxTotal\": { \"taxAmount\": { \"value\": 18, \"currencyID\": \"EUR\" }, \"taxSubtotal\": [ { \"taxAmount\": { \"value\": 18, \"currencyID\": \"EUR\" }, \"percent\": 18, \"taxCategory\": { \"taxScheme\": { \"taxTypeCode\": { \"value\": \"VAT\" } } } } ] } } } ] }"
"processInstanceID": "deneme"
}' http://localhost:8081/start
- COMPLETE 'Negotiation' process
curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type:application/json' -d '{
"variables": {
"processID": "Negotiation",
"initiatorID": "seller1387",
"responderID": "buyer1387",
"content": "{ \"id\": \"c9319255-77eb-498d-ac7b-a13decf57c3f\", \"issueDate\": \"2017-06-12T21:00:00Z\", \"issueTime\": \"1970-01-01T10:27:42Z\", \"requestForQuotationDocumentReference\": { \"id\": \"3997b638-b2df-4820-be46-b0af8c5e297d\" }, \"sellerSupplierParty\": { \"party\": { \"id\": \"seller1387\" } }, \"buyerCustomerParty\": { \"party\": { \"id\": \"buyer1387\" } }, \"quotationLine\": [ { \"lineItem\": { \"id\": \"1\", \"quantity\": { \"value\": 5, \"unitCode\": \"KGM\" }, \"lineExtensionAmount\": { \"value\": 100, \"currencyID\": \"EUR\" }, \"totalTaxAmount\": { \"value\": 18, \"currencyID\": \"EUR\" }, \"price\": { \"priceAmount\": { \"value\": 20, \"currencyID\": \"EUR\" } }, \"item\": { \"name\": \"Apple\" }, \"taxTotal\": { \"taxAmount\": { \"value\": 18, \"currencyID\": \"EUR\" }, \"taxSubtotal\": [ { \"taxAmount\": { \"value\": 18, \"currencyID\": \"EUR\" }, \"percent\": 18, \"taxCategory\": { \"taxScheme\": { \"taxTypeCode\": { \"value\": \"VAT\" } } } } ] } } } ] }"
"processInstanceID": "25"
}' http://localhost:8081/continue
- START 'Order' process
curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type:application/json' -d '{
"variables": {
"processID": "Order",
"initiatorID": "buyer1387",
"responderID": "seller1387",
"contentUUID": "d65f6a41-5b9a-4b25-8720-e9c07916023a",
"content": "{ \"id\": \"d65f6a41-5b9a-4b25-8720-e9c07916023a\", \"issueDate\": \"2017-06-12T21:00:00Z\", \"issueTime\": \"1970-01-01T10:27:42Z\", \"buyerCustomerParty\": { \"party\": { \"id\": \"buyer1387\" } }, \"sellerSupplierParty\": { \"party\": { \"id\": \"seller1387\" } }, \"taxTotal\": { \"taxAmount\": { \"value\": 18, \"currencyID\": \"EUR\" }, \"taxSubtotal\": [ { \"taxAmount\": { \"value\": 18, \"currencyID\": \"EUR\" }, \"percent\": 18, \"taxCategory\": { \"taxScheme\": { \"taxTypeCode\": { \"value\": \"VAT\" } } } } ] }, \"anticipatedMonetaryTotal\": { \"lineExtensionAmount\": { \"value\": 100, \"currencyID\": \"EUR\" }, \"taxExclusiveAmount\": { \"value\": 100, \"currencyID\": \"EUR\" }, \"taxInclusiveAmount\": { \"value\": 118, \"currencyID\": \"EUR\" }, \"payableAmount\": { \"value\": 118, \"currencyID\": \"EUR\" } }, \"orderLine\": [ { \"lineItem\": { \"id\": \"1\", \"quantity\": { \"value\": 5, \"unitCode\": \"KGM\" }, \"lineExtensionAmount\": { \"value\": 100, \"currencyID\": \"EUR\" }, \"totalTaxAmount\": { \"value\": 18, \"currencyID\": \"EUR\" }, \"price\": { \"priceAmount\": { \"value\": 20, \"currencyID\": \"EUR\" } }, \"item\": { \"name\": \"Apple\" }, \"taxTotal\": { \"taxAmount\": { \"value\": 18, \"currencyID\": \"EUR\" }, \"taxSubtotal\": [ { \"taxAmount\": { \"value\": 18, \"currencyID\": \"EUR\" }, \"percent\": 18, \"taxCategory\": { \"taxScheme\": { \"taxTypeCode\": { \"value\": \"VAT\" } } } } ] } } } ] }"
"processInstanceID": "deneme"
}' http://localhost:8081/start
- COMPLETE 'Order' process
curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type:application/json' -d '{
"variables": {
"processID": "Order",
"initiatorID": "seller1387",
"responderID": "buyer1387",
"contentUUID": "12bf7859-c232-46cb-acd4-cb4a1ede2b51",
"content": "{ \"id\": \"12bf7859-c232-46cb-acd4-cb4a1ede2b51\", \"issueDate\": \"2017-06-12T21:00:00Z\", \"issueTime\": \"1970-01-01T10:37:49Z\", \"acceptedIndicator\": true, \"orderReference\": { \"id\": \"d65f6a41-5b9a-4b25-8720-e9c07916023a\" }, \"sellerSupplierParty\": { \"party\": { \"id\": \"seller1387\" } }, \"buyerCustomerParty\": { \"party\": { \"id\": \"buyer1387\" } } }"
"processInstanceID": "23"
}' http://localhost:8081/continue
The project leading to this application has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 723810.