602 commits
to helidon-3.x
since this release
This is the fifth Alpha build of Helidon 4.0.0 and is intended as a preview release only. Do not use this release in production. It is suitable only for experimentation. APIs are subject to change. Documentation is incomplete. And some functionality is experimental and not fully tested.
The big news in Helidon 4.0.0 is the introduction of Helidon Nima -- a ground up webserver implementation based on JDK Project Loom virtual threads.
Helidon 4.0.0 is a major release that includes significant new features and fixes. As a major release it also includes some backward incompatible API changes.
Java 19 or newer is required to use Heldon 4.0.0-ALPHA5.
- Config: Configuration fixes 6145
- Config: Describe disabling config token replacement 6170
- FaultTolerance: Reactive FT Module Info fix 6238
- HTTP2: Issue 5425: Added configurable validate-path and max-concurrent-streams to HTTP 2. 5981
- Media: Reactive Media Common deprecated cleanup 6098
- Messaging: AQ connector @ConnectorAttribute 6038
- OCI: Register OciMetricsSupport service only when enable flag is set to true 6053
- Security: Nima and Reactive implementation of OIDC provider separated 6055
- Security: OIDC logout functionality fixed 6131
- Security: Reloadable server TLS KeyStore 5964
- Tracing: Fix order of initialization of tracing and security. (#5987) 6034
- Tracing: Fix parent handling in OpenTelemetry 6092
- WebClient: Need to use a ConcurrentHashMap in DefaultDnsResolver 6207
- WebServer: 100 continue request reset fix 6251
- WebServer: 100 continue triggered by content request 5965
- WebServer: ContentEncodingContext Builder and passing ContentEncodingContext instance from WebServer to Http1Connection. 5921
- WebServer: Port to Nima of enhancement to allow WebSocket applications on different ports 6004
- WebServer: Proposal to implement a more efficient webserver shutdown strategy 5876
- WebServer: Refactor Níma connection context 6109
- WebServer: Static content update 6195
- WebServer: Switch default back-pressure strategy to AUTO_FLUSH from LINEAR. 5983
- WebServer: Update BodyPart to return Optional instead of a nullable String 6101
- Webserver: Support for interruption of HTTP/2 connections for efficient shutdowns 6041
- Build: Configure helidon-mave-plugin jlink-image to use --enable-preview 6048
- Build: Correct arrangement of fields, methods and inner types. 6114
- Build: Fix duplicate maven-failsafe-plugin declaration in dbclient integration test 6241
- Build: Idea code style 6111
- Build: Remove user specific package from the code style. 6144
- Build: Use https in pom.xml schemaLocation 6043 and others
- Dependencies: Cleanup Helidon BOM by removing artifacts that are not deployed 6047
- Dependencies: Upgrade Jersey 3.1.1 6171
- Dependencies: Upgrade Weld to 5.x #5815 5830
- Dependencies: jakarta.activation cleanup 6138
- Docs: Restore navbar glyphs 6179
- Examples: Add application parent pom for Nima applications. Use in nima examples. 6232
- Examples: Nima Quickstart Archetype 6229
- Tests: Use Hamcrest assertions instead of JUnit 6160 and others
- Tests: LRA TCK failing randomly #6106 6107
- Tests: intermittent issue on OciMetricsSupportTest 6151