RBD (Ceph) virtual image changer for Bacula
This is an early work in progress script, so it is NOT guaranteed to work properly on any other system than mine. Be warned!
This is for a clean bacula installation. You need the ceph-common package to get python bindings for Rados and RBD.
- Copy the files rbdchanger.py and rbdchanger1.conf to /etc/bacula/
- Modify rbdchanger1.conf to accommodate your settings
- Create the rbd pool:
rados mkpool bacula
- Create the mount point for image staging:
mkdir -p /mnt/bacula
- Modify your bacula-sd.conf like this:
Autochanger {
Name = rbdchanger1;
Device = rbdchanger1_drive0;
Changer Command = "/etc/bacula/rbdchanger.py %c %o %S %a %d";
Changer Device = "/etc/bacula/rbdchanger1.conf";
Device {
Name = rbdchanger1_drive0
DriveIndex = 0
Media Type = File;
Device Type = File;
Autochanger = yes;
Archive Device = /var/lib/bacula/rbdchanger1/drive0/data;
Label Media = yes;
Random Access = yes;
Automatic Mount = yes;
Removable Media = yes;
Always Open = yes;
- And you bacula-dir.conf like this:
Storage {
Name = File
# Do not use "localhost" here
Address = localhost # N.B. Use a fully qualified name here
SDPort = 9103
Password = "xxxxxx"
Device = rbdchanger1_drive0
#Device = FileStorage
Media Type = File;
Autochanger = yes;
- Run
/etc/bacula/rbdchanger.py /etc/bacula/rbdchanger1.conf labelnew
- It should create cephVolume00001 for you
- Make a couple more images for fun
- Start bconsole and give the command
label barcodes
- After confirmation you should see your images getting added to the catalog
- What you do next is up to you...