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Tags: guorbit/obc-model



Toggle cloudview-1's commit message


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Merge pull request #60 from guorbit/cid-test

fix index for CloudView deployment on IAC branch


Toggle main-valid's commit message

- Error DWF_DC_15 : Leaf Function Allocation Consistency error for
Change mode.
- Error DWF_DC_09 : On-Board Computer Subsystem (Logical Component)
allocates the non leaf function Change mode.
- Error I_19 : Root Physical Function contains 2 elements with
conflicting names: Commanded, OBC-Relayed Mode Change, Commanded,
OBC-Relayed Mode Change
- Error I_19 : Root Physical Function contains 2 elements with
conflicting names: Commanded, OBC-Bypassing Mode Change, Commanded,
OBC-Bypassing Mode Change


Toggle I2C-infra-arch's commit message
I2C bus Infrastructure Architecture

this architecture of the internal communication infrastructure is
modelled for I2C bus:
- bus topology: all subsystems are daisy-chained in a single bus,
  including Communications; see [PAB] Node Topology
- non-eavesdroppable: addresses are assigned to devices, so only the
  target is notified; see [PAB] Physical Architecture View of Commanded
Mode Change


Toggle CAN-infra-arch's commit message
CAN bus Infrastructure Architecture

this architecture of the internal communication infrastructure is modelled for CAN bus:
- bus topology: all subsystems are daisy-chained in a single bus, including Communications; see [PAB] Node Topology
- eavesdroppable: addresses are assigned to messages, not to devices;
  see [PAB] Physical Architecture View of Commanded Mode Change