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  • web-src : Web directory for Apache or Nginx web server.

After reading this Readme, see ./web-src/coffee/ for more information about the CoffeeScript developing and its directory structure.


  • Install Apache o Nginx web server with PHP5 module support.
  • Fish shell.
  • nodejs, npm and coffee-script (see below for installation of the latter using npm).


You can run the scripts/ script, it will setup the current working directory, or you can do the following steps:

  • Copy web-src into the web directory (usually /var/www/html for the Apache server).
  • Copy the web-src/config/config.php.example into web-src/config/config.php and open the file.
    • Check the configuration parameters at the config.php file.
  • Ensure that the web server can access the "run" directory. It needs to write ./run/input-file.owllink file. You can execute (suppose "www-data" is the username associated to the web server):
    sudo chgrp -R www-data run
    sudo chown -R g+rwx run
    On some systems, you may have to configure SELinux parameters to enable Apache writing privileges. You can use the ./tests/ for checking if it is correctly set.
  • Also, configure PHP for not writing Warnings or Errrors on the HTML produced page. This is done by setting the following on /etc/php.ini config file:
    display_errors = Off
    log_errors = On
    This will log errors and warnings instead of showing on the generated HTML page. See error_log configuration parameter, its value is the log filename and path, usually its deafult value is: /var/log/php/php_error.log.

Install CoffeeScript Compiler

  1. Install nodejs and npm.
  2. Install coffee by executing sudo npm install -g coffee-script
  3. Test the coffee command, it must open a CoffeeScript shell. Exit with Ctrl d.

Compile CoffeeScript

Use the scripts/ script located under the root project directory.

Installing Coffee script on Eclipse Mars.1 Release (4.5.1)

  • From Eclipse -> Help -> Install New Software... install
  1. Install plugin Xtext complete SDK from

  2. Install plugin Coffee script plugin

Generating js code from coffee script Eclipse Mars.1 Release (4.5.1)

  1. Create an External Tools Configuration
  2. Location: add path to compile
  3. Working Directory: path to Eclipse project.


At the ./test/ directory you'll find proper fish scripts for running tests.



Install PHPUnit for testing.


cd tests


Use doxygen or doxywizard (the Doxygen GUI) for compiling the PHP documentation on docs/doxygen.

  • Execute doxygen command on the main directory, or
  • Execute doxywizard and open the Doxyfile on the main directory; then click on the "run doxygen" button in the "run" tab.

CoffeeScript Documentation

We use codo. However, docco can be used too.

For installing codo:

sudo npm install -g codo

For installing docco:

sudo npm install -g docco

Compiling documentation:

./scripts/ from project root directory


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