This is an Electron template to embed Node-RED with a Dashboard generated by node-red-dashboard.
You can base off this model and update the package.json file to include your own required dependencies.
To clone and run this repository you'll need Git and Node.js (which comes with npm) installed on your computer. From your command line:
# Clone this repository
git clone
# Go into the repository
cd electron-node-red
# Install dependencies and run the app
npm install && npm run clean && npm start
On OSX you can run ./buildall
to build binaries of "everything"... maybe...
Run npm run pack
to create packages for all platforms - these are the files required to run, they are not binary installers.
Builds are created in the build
directory. Runtimes are created in the ../electron-bin
Note: this was written to work on a Mac... other tools may/will be needed on other platforms.
If you want to distribute executables of this project, the easiest way is to use electron-packager:
sudo npm install -g electron-packager
# build for OSX 64 bits
electron-packager . Node-RED --icon=nodered.icns --platform=darwin --arch=x64 --out=build --overwrite
# build for Windows 64 bits
electron-packager . Node-RED --icon=nodered.icns --platform=win32 --arch=x64 --out=build --asar=true --overwrite --win32metadata.CompanyName='IBM Corp.' --win32metadata.ProductName='Node-RED Electron'
# build for Linux 64 bits
electron-packager . Node-RED --icon=nodered.icns --platform=linux --arch=x64 --out=build --overwrite
Learn more about Electron and its API in the documentation.
npm run build:osx
look at
sudo npm install -g appdmg
appdmg appdmg.json ~/Desktop/NodeRED.dmg
npm run build:linux64
or npm run build:linux32
- for Intel Linux
Look at
fpm -s dir -t deb -f -n node-red-electron -v 0.16.2 -m [email protected] -a i386 Node-RED-linux-ia32/
fpm -s dir -t deb -f -n node-red-electron -v 0.16.2 -m [email protected] -a x86_64 Node-RED-linux-x64/
Use sudo dpkg -i ...* to install the correct deb for your architecture.
Use Node-RED
command to run. Flows are stored in ~/.node-red
npm run build:win32
- to build for 32-bit Windows.
npm run build:win64
- to build for 64-bit Windows.
Note: This project was built to run on Mac OSX - To build for windows on other platforms you may need to use other tools.
License CC0 (Public Domain)
- Stand-alone Starter Project -
- Bluemix Starter Project -
- Split up main into
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