Repository no longer maintained, please switch to official plugin from Scandit.
- Documentation:
- GitHub:
Scandit mobile computer vision software brings unrivaled scanning performance to any app on any smart device, turning it into a powerful data-capture tool.
Add the following to the ios/Runner/Info.plist
- The key
Privacy - Camera Usage Description
and a usage description.
Or in text format add the key:
<string>Can I use the camera for scanning?</string>
Min target is iOS 9.0
Min SDK version should be 19 or later
minSdkVersion 19
First, we need to do add flutter_scandit_plugin
to the dependencies of the pubspec.yaml
flutter_scandit_plugin: any
Next, we need to install it:
# Dart
pub get
# Flutter
flutter packages get
Add Scandit
widget to the tree
import 'package:flutter_scandit_plugin/flutter_scandit_plugin.dart';
ScanditController? _controller;
scanned: (result) {
// handle scanned result here
onError: (e) {
// handle errors here
onScanditCreated: (controller) => _controller = controller,
licenseKey: '', // 'INSERT YOUR TEST KEY'
After a successful scan you need to manually resume scanning if needed:
Please check example folder and do not forget to add Scandit Key
to main.dart