- Optimized to handle frequently requested files fast and easy (data-nodes may need additional setup, please check data-node readme file)
- Stability Improvement for Deletion
- Zombie Notification is added to fs-tool directory list (↯)
- Added Zombie killer option to "rm" command in filesystem tool (run kertish-fs rm -k filename.ext)
- Descriptive lock message added at end of filenames in fs-tool directory list Ex: filename.txt (locked till 2006 Jan 02 03:04 )
- Metadata check/fix specification is added. (run kertish-admin with -check-consistency flag)
- Breaking Change! (for custom implementations) Header keys are changed, please check README files
- File lock mechanism is improved
- Limit Create and Delete sync loop to avoid infinite retry (manager-node will not try to sync data-nodes for the specific file after some times of failures. HealthCheck will handle sync at a later time.)
- Sync improvement between data-nodes
- Improved node prioritizing
- Breaking Change! Changed Reservation handling. (Please update array type cluster reservations fields in MongoDB to object type) Just copy paste the following code and run on MongoDB database of Kertish-DFS.
db.cluster.find({}).forEach( function (x) {
var reservations = new Object();
x.reservations.forEach(function (r) {
Object.keys(r).forEach(function(key) {
reservations[key] = r[key];
x.reservations = reservations;
- Breaking Change! Replaced Redis based mutex mechanism with Locking-Center on manager-node and head-node (Please check README files.)
- Squeezed many bugs...