This QT C++ Application is a polygon calculatore developed during the Object Oriented course in the second year of my bachelor degree in Computer science.
This application has been developed by following the MVC (Model View Controller) architectural pattern, and in particular:
- the Model has been developed in C++;
- the view has been developed using the Qt library.
To execute it on Ubuntu just download the executable file 'Calcolatrice', open a terminal in the forlder where you downloaded the file, type './Calcolatrice' and press enter.
- If during the execution you get the following error: 'bash: ./Calcolatrice: Permission denied', type:
- sudo chmod +x Calcolatrice
- ./Calcolatrice
If you are currently using Windows (install Ubuntu :)) or use the Ubuntu shell bash available on Windows 10 and follow the execution commands for Ubuntu.
In order to correctly execute and use the application read the 'Manuale utente' file (ONLY in italian) inside the 'relazione.pdf' file.
-> If you wanna report any bug, or you wanna propose something just open an issue.