The FlyByWire autoflight system has a built-in data collection to help with development, debugging and user support.
The idea is taken from real aircraft and their flight data recorder and helps to analyze issues and performance of the simulated aircraft.
To see which data is collected see data_fields.txt
in the docs
To learn how to configure the data collection see this folder on the main a32nx repository:
: Documentation/fdr2csv
: Converter tool from *.fdr files to *.csv/python
: Base scripts for development and debugging/support
: Scripts targeted mainly for support staff and user support.
FDR data files are stored in the aircraft's work folder.
The work folder can be found here:
The work folder can be found here:
%APPDATA%\Microsoft Flight Simulator\Packages\flybywire-aircraft-a320-neo\work\
FDR files are basically log files of a lot of parameters of the sim and the aircraft (ap/a-thr/fbw) in a special compressed format.
Every time the users starts a new flight a new file is created. For very long flight files are split into several files.
Example file name: 2021-11-15-12-57-13.fdr
Test FDR file: 2021-11-15-12-57-13.fdr
Convert the fdr file to csv
fdr2csv_v11.exe -i .\2021-11-15-12-57-13.fdr -o .\2021-11-15-12-57-13.csv
(you might need to use a different version of the fdr2csv_vx.exe for different versions of the a32nx)
Create a graph: -f .\2021-11-15-12-57-13.csv
See example.png for an explanation of a Autopilot Disconnect Analysis Chart.