Fluence enables HPC-grade pod scheduling in Kubernetes via the Kubernetes Scheduling Framework. Fluence uses the directed-graph based Fluxion scheduler to map pods or podgroups to nodes. Fluence supports all the Fluxion scheduling algorithms (e.g., hi
, low
, hinode
, etc.).
Important Fluence does not currently support use in conjunction with the kube-scheduler. Pods must all be scheduled by Fluence, and you should not use both schedulers in the same cluster.
- Need to allow for restart / crashes and looking up existing jobid, updating maps in PodGroup
- Since AskFlux is done on level of pod group, refactor function to account for specific resources of all pods (not just one pod)
- Figure out if EventsToRegister replaces old informer
- Would be nice to see the state of fluxion (retest the kubectl-fluence plugin)
For instructions on how to start Fluence on a K8s cluster, see examples. Documentation and instructions for reproducing our CANOPIE-2022 paper (citation below) can be found in the canopie22-artifacts branch. For background on the Flux framework and the Fluxion scheduler, you can take a look at our award-winning R&D100 submission. For next steps:
- To understand how it works, see Design
- To deploy our pre-built images, go to Deploy
- To build your own images, go to Build
- To learn about repository organization, see Developer
Fluence is a custom scheduler plugin that you can specify to use with two directive in your pod spec -
- Asking for
as the scheduler name
Note that any abstraction with pods (or a single pod) marked for fluence will automatically have the group name and nodes derived. However, if you want to customize this metadata (for example, define the size of the pod group explicitly you can use the following labels):
- A named group of pods with the
label. - Defining the group size with the
We expect to define more labels to customize the scheduling logic.
The way it works:
- We have a mutating admission webhook that looks for jobs and pods, and ensures there are fluence labels (likely we will add more abstractions).
- A PodGroup reconciler is watching for these same objects. When they are created: a. We find the labels and create the pod group object. b. The pod group object has a timestamp for creation in microseconds.
- When the pod is then given to fluence for scheduling, it already has the PodGroup created with name/size and can properly sort.
Here is an example of a Job intended for Fluence:
apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
name: fluence-job
completions: 10
parallelism: 10
completionMode: Indexed
schedulerName: fluence
- name: fluence-job
image: busybox
command: [echo, potato]
restartPolicy: Never
backoffLimit: 4
And you can imagine if you want to group pods from different abstractions together, or declare a different size than what is represented in the Job:
apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
name: fluence-job
scheduling.x-k8s.io/pod-group: min-size-group
fluence.group-size: 5
completions: 10
parallelism: 10
completionMode: Indexed
schedulerName: fluence
- name: fluence-job
image: busybox
command: [echo, potato]
restartPolicy: Never
backoffLimit: 4
There is no reason pods with different names or under different abstractions cannot be part of the same group that needs to be scheduled together. Also note that:
- We currently do not allow scheduling to a control plane
- Deployments, StatefulSets, and ReplicaSets can be scheduled and have pod groups created, however the pod groups are not cleaned up as these abstractions are not meant to complete.
We provide a set of pre-build containers alongside the repository that you can easily use to deploy Fluence right away! You'll first need to install the certificate manager:
kubectl apply -f https://github.com/cert-manager/cert-manager/releases/download/v1.16.2/cert-manager.yaml
And then clone the proper helm charts, and then install to your cluster. We provide helper commands to do that.
# This clones the upstream scheduler plugins code, we will add fluence to it!
make prepare
# Add fluence assets
cd upstream/manifests/install/charts
helm install \
--set scheduler.image=ghcr.io/flux-framework/fluence:latest \
--set scheduler.sidecarimage=ghcr.io/flux-framework/fluence-sidecar \
--set controller.image=ghcr.io/flux-framework/fluence-controller \
fluence as-a-second-scheduler/
And that's it! See the testing install section for a basic example to schedule pods using Fluence.
To build and test Fluence, you will need:
- Go, we have tested with version 1.19
- helm to install charts for scheduler plugins.
- A Kubernetes cluster for testing, e.g., you can deploy one with kind
There are three images we will be building:
- the scheduler sidecar: built from the repository here
- the scheduler: built (and modified) from this branch of scheduler-plugins
- the controller: same as the scheduler
This builds the scheduler, sidecar to the scheduler, and controller
This will run the full builds for all containers in one step, which includes:
- Building the fluence sidecar from source code in src
- Cloning the upstream kubernetes-sigs/plugin-schedulers repository to ./upstream
- Building the scheduler and controller containers
From the root here:
or customize the naming of your registry or local images:
make REGISTRY=vanessa SCHEDULER_IMAGE=fluence SIDECAR_IMAGE=fluence-sidecar CONTROLLER_IMAGE=fluence-controller
As an alternative, you can look at the Makefile to do each of the steps separately.
Prepare a cluster and install the Kubernetes scheduling plugins framework
These steps will require a Kubernetes cluster to install to, and having pushed the plugin container to a registry OR loading
them into the local cluster and setting the image pull policy to Never
. If you aren't using a cloud provider, you can create a local one with kind
kind create cluster --config ./examples/kind-config.yaml
And again install the certificate manager:
kubectl apply -f https://github.com/cert-manager/cert-manager/releases/download/v1.16.2/cert-manager.yaml
Important if you are developing or testing fluence, note that custom scheduler plugins don't seem to work out of the box with MiniKube (but everything works with kind). Likely there are extensions or similar that need to be configured with MiniKube (that we have not looked into).
For some background, the Scheduling Framework provided by Kubernetes means that our container is going to provide specific endpoints to allow for custom scheduling. At this point you can follow the instructions under deploy to ensure you have cloned the upstream kubernetes-sigs/scheduler-plugins and installed fluence. This section will provide more details to inspect attributes available to you. Let's say that you ran
make prepare
You could then inspect values with helm:
cd upstream/manifests/install/charts
helm show values as-a-second-scheduler/
Helm values for as-a-second-scheduler
# Default values for scheduler-plugins-as-a-second-scheduler.
# This is a YAML-formatted file.
# Declare variables to be passed into your templates.
name: fluence
image: ghcr.io/flux-framework/fluence:latest
replicaCount: 1
leaderElect: false
sidecarimage: ghcr.io/flux-framework/fluence-sidecar:latest
policy: lonode
pullPolicy: Always
sidecarPullPolicy: Always
loggingLevel: "9"
# Port is for GRPC, and enabling the external service will also
# create the service and ingress to it, along with adding
# additional API endpoints for our TBA kubectl plugin
enableExternalService: false
port: 4242
name: scheduler-plugins-controller
image: ghcr.io/flux-framework/fluence-controller:latest
replicaCount: 1
pullPolicy: Always
# LoadVariationRiskBalancing and TargetLoadPacking are not enabled by default
# as they need extra RBAC privileges on metrics.k8s.io.
enabled: ["Fluence"]
disabled: ["CapacityScheduling","NodeResourceTopologyMatch","NodeResourcesAllocatable","PrioritySort","Coscheduling"] # only in-tree plugins need to be defined here
# Customize the enabled plugins' config.
# Refer to the "pluginConfig" section of manifests/<plugin>/scheduler-config.yaml.
# For example, for Coscheduling plugin, you want to customize the permit waiting timeout to 10 seconds:
- name: Coscheduling
permitWaitingTimeSeconds: 10 # default is 60
# Or, customize the other plugins
# - name: NodeResourceTopologyMatch
# args:
# scoringStrategy:
# type: MostAllocated # default is LeastAllocated
enableCertManager: true
kubernetesClusterDomain: cluster.local
- port: 9443
protocol: TCP
targetPort: 9443
type: ClusterIP
Note that this plugin is going to allow us to create a Deployment with our plugin to be used as a scheduler!
The helm install
shown under deploy is how you can install to your cluster, and then proceed to testing below. Here would be an example using custom images:
cd upstream/manifests/install/charts
helm install \
--set scheduler.image=vanessa/fluence:latest \
--set scheduler.sidecarimage=vanessa/fluence-sidecar \
--set controller.image=vanessa/fluence-controller \
fluence as-a-second-scheduler/
If you need to uninstall (e.g., to redo something):
helm uninstall fluence
Or see the name you used:
helm list
Next you can move down to testing the install.
The installation process will run one scheduler and one controller pod for the Scheduler Plugin Framework in the default namespace. You can double check that everything is running as follows:
kubectl get pods
fluence-6bbcbc6bbf-xjfx6 2/2 Running 0 2m35s
scheduler-plugins-controller-787757d8b8-ss5qv 1/1 Running 0 2m35s
Wait until the pods are running! You've just deployed Fluence, congratulations! Let's now check logs for containers to check that everything is OK. First, let's look at logs for the sidecar container:
kubectl logs fluence-6bbcbc6bbf-xjfx6
Defaulted container "sidecar" out of: sidecar, scheduler-plugins-scheduler
This is the fluxion grpc server
Created flux resource client &{0x3bd33d0}
Number nodes 1
node in flux group kind-control-plane
Node kind-control-plane flux cpu 10
Node kind-control-plane total mem 32992821248
Can request at most 10 exclusive cpu
Match policy: {"matcher_policy": "lonode"}
[GRPCServer] gRPC Listening on [::]:4242
And for the fluence container:
kubectl logs fluence-6bbcbc6bbf-xjfx6 -c scheduler-plugins-scheduler
If you haven't done anything, you'll likely just see health checks.
You can test deploying pods and jobs.
kubectl apply -f examples/simple_example/fluence-scheduler-pod.yaml
or a job:
# size 3
kubectl apply -f examples/test_example/fluence-sized-job.yaml
# size 1
kubectl apply -f examples/test_example/fluence-job.yaml
Note that all of these have (in their spec) a designation of the fluence scheduler.
schedulerName: fluence
Once it was created, aside from checking that it ran OK, you can verify by looking at the scheduler logs again:
kubectl logs fluence-6bbcbc6bbf-xjfx6
Scheduler Logs
Defaulted container "sidecar" out of: sidecar, scheduler-plugins-scheduler
This is the fluxion grpc server
Created cli context &{}
Number nodes 1
node in flux group kind-control-plane
Node kind-control-plane flux cpu 6
Node kind-control-plane total mem 16132255744
Can request at most 6 exclusive cpu
Match policy: {"matcher_policy": "lonode"}
[GRPCServer] gRPC Listening on [::]:4242
Labels [] 0
No labels, going with plain JobSpec
[JobSpec] JobSpec in YAML:
version: 9999
- type: slot
count: 1
label: default
- type: core
count: 1
duration: 3600
- command: [""]
slot: default
per_slot: 1
[GRPCServer] Received Match request ps:{id:"fluence-scheduled-pod" cpu:1} request:"allocate" count:1
----Match Allocate output---
jobid: 1
reserved: false
allocated: {"graph": {"nodes": [{"id": "3", "metadata": {"type": "core", "basename": "core", "name": "core0", "id": 0, "uniq_id": 3, "rank": -1, "exclusive": true, "unit": "", "size": 1, "paths": {"containment": "/k8scluster0/1/kind-control-plane2/core0"}}}, {"id": "2", "metadata": {"type": "node", "basename": "kind-control-plane", "name": "kind-control-plane2", "id": 2, "uniq_id": 2, "rank": -1, "exclusive": false, "unit": "", "size": 1, "paths": {"containment": "/k8scluster0/1/kind-control-plane2"}}}, {"id": "1", "metadata": {"type": "subnet", "basename": "", "name": "1", "id": 0, "uniq_id": 1, "rank": -1, "exclusive": false, "unit": "", "size": 1, "paths": {"containment": "/k8scluster0/1"}}}, {"id": "0", "metadata": {"type": "cluster", "basename": "k8scluster", "name": "k8scluster0", "id": 0, "uniq_id": 0, "rank": -1, "exclusive": false, "unit": "", "size": 1, "paths": {"containment": "/k8scluster0"}}}], "edges": [{"source": "2", "target": "3", "metadata": {"name": {"containment": "contains"}}}, {"source": "1", "target": "2", "metadata": {"name": {"containment": "contains"}}}, {"source": "0", "target": "1", "metadata": {"name": {"containment": "contains"}}}]}}
at: 0
overhead: 0.000549
error: 0
[MatchRPC] Errors so far:
[{node kind-control-plane2 kind-control-plane 1}]
[GRPCServer] Response podID:"fluence-scheduled-pod" nodelist:{nodeID:"kind-control-plane" tasks:1} jobID:1
I was trying to look for a way to see the assignment, and maybe we can see it here (this is the best I could come up with!)
kubectl get events -o wide
kubectl get events -o wide | awk {'print $4" " $5" " $6'} | column -t
pod/default-scheduler-pod default-scheduler Successfully
pod/default-scheduler-pod spec.containers{default-scheduler-container} kubelet,
pod/default-scheduler-pod spec.containers{default-scheduler-container} kubelet,
pod/default-scheduler-pod spec.containers{default-scheduler-container} kubelet,
pod/default-scheduler-pod spec.containers{default-scheduler-container} kubelet,
pod/fluence-scheduled-pod fluence, fluence-fluence-6bbcbc6bbf-xjfx6
pod/fluence-scheduled-pod spec.containers{fluence-scheduled-container} kubelet,
pod/fluence-scheduled-pod spec.containers{fluence-scheduled-container} kubelet,
pod/fluence-scheduled-pod spec.containers{fluence-scheduled-container} kubelet,
For the above, I found this page very helpful.
You can see deploy for instructions on how to do a custom deployment.
If you are looking to develop:
- src: includes source code for fluence. You'll find logs for this code in the
container of the fluence pod. - sig-scheduler-plugins: includes assets (manifests and Go files) that are intended to be added to the kubernetes-sigs/scheduler-plugins upstream repository before build. You'll find logs for this container in the
container of the pod. - upstream: the default name this upstream is cloned to when you do a make build command.
Note that the clone of the repository and copying of files to the correct locations is all automated through the Makefile. Additional commands provided include the following:
# Only clone the repository into ./upstream
make clone
# Update the cloned upstream with a git pull origin master
make update
It's recommend to update once in a while if you have an older clone locally and there might be changes you are not accounting for.
The fluence module uses GRPC to communicate with Flux, and these assets are stored in src/fluence/fluxcli-grpc.
You should only update the sig-scheduler-plugins/pkg/fluence/fluxcli-grpc/fluxcli.proto file,
and then from the root run make proto
to re-generate the other files:
cd src
# Install protoc tools to local bin
# make protoc
make proto
You should first do these on your own:
- Create the kind cluster (
kubectl apply -f ./examples/kind-cluster.yaml
) - Install the certificate manager.
I was having trouble developing this easily because it's a lot of steps to build and load containers and change directories and uninstall/install the charts, so I put together a small script that does the following:
- Takes a registry of interest (probably doesn't matter since we are working locally, defaults to
- builds all three images, the controller, sidecar, and fluence
- loads them all into kind
- changes directory to the charts
- uninstalls the fluence helm instance (if installed)
- installs it, targeted the images just built, and setting pullPolicy to never
The last step ensures we use the images we loaded! You can basically just do:
/bin/bash ./hack/quick-build-kind.sh
This sped up my development time immensely. If you want to manually do the steps, see that script for instructions.
For easier viewing of what fluence is doing (in the sig-scheduler-plugins) we have a file logger that can be seen in the container:
$ kubectl exec -it fluence-68c4c586c6-nktdl -c scheduler-plugins-scheduler -- cat /tmp/fluence.log
Note that if you want to enable extra endpoints for the fluence kubectl plugin and expose the GRPC as a service, you can do:
helm install \
--set scheduler.image=ghcr.io/vsoch/fluence:latest \
--set scheduler.enableExternalService=true \
--set controller.image=ghcr.io/vsoch/fluence-controller \
--set scheduler.sidecarimage=ghcr.io/vsoch/fluence-sidecar:latest \
fluence as-a-second-scheduler/
For this setup if you are developing locally with kind, you will need to enable the ingress, as is done in examples/kind-config.yaml.
kind create cluster --config ./kind-config.yaml
- FluxStateData: is given to the framework.CycleState and serves as a vehicle to store a cache of node name assignment.
You can find details of Fluence architecture, implementation, experiments, and improvements to the Kubeflow MPI operator in our collaboration's papers:
author={Milroy, Daniel J. and Misale, Claudia and Georgakoudis, Giorgis and Elengikal, Tonia and Sarkar, Abhik and Drocco, Maurizio and Patki, Tapasya and Yeom, Jae-Seung and Gutierrez, Carlos Eduardo Arango and Ahn, Dong H. and Park, Yoonho},
booktitle={2022 IEEE/ACM 4th International Workshop on Containers and New Orchestration Paradigms for Isolated Environments in HPC (CANOPIE-HPC)},
title={One Step Closer to Converged Computing: Achieving Scalability with Cloud-Native HPC},
author={Misale, Claudia and Drocco, Maurizio and Milroy, Daniel J. and Gutierrez, Carlos Eduardo Arango and Herbein, Stephen and Ahn, Dong H. and Park, Yoonho},
booktitle={2021 3rd International Workshop on Containers and New Orchestration Paradigms for Isolated Environments in HPC (CANOPIE-HPC)},
title={It's a Scheduling Affair: GROMACS in the Cloud with the KubeFlux Scheduler},
address = {Cham},
author = {Misale, Claudia and Milroy, Daniel J. and Gutierrez, Carlos Eduardo Arango and Drocco, Maurizio and Herbein, Stephen and Ahn, Dong H. and Kaiser, Zvonko and Park, Yoonho},
booktitle = {Driving Scientific and Engineering Discoveries Through the Integration of Experiment, Big Data, and Modeling and Simulation},
editor = {Nichols, Jeffrey and Maccabe, Arthur `Barney' and Nutaro, James and Pophale, Swaroop and Devineni, Pravallika and Ahearn, Theresa and Verastegui, Becky},
isbn = {978-3-030-96498-6},
pages = {310--326},
publisher = {Springer International Publishing},
title = {Towards Standard Kubernetes Scheduling Interfaces for Converged Computing},
year = {2022}
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