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This is a repository for org-roam notes. It is a fork of jethrokuan/braindump.

Jethro's Braindump

This braindump is generated via ox-hugo and uses the cortex theme.

The org files used to generate the markdown files are also hosted here for posterity. They can be found in the org folder.

ox-hugo quickstart

In regular Emacs initialisation:

(with-eval-after-load 'ox
  (require 'ox-hugo))

In the Org files, add strings like this at the top:

#+hugo_slug: something_goes_here
#+title: ...

As a one-off export of a single file, you can run: C-c C-e H A (or M-x org-export-dispatch RET H A).

However, much better than that: we have added .dir-locals.el to the top-level (~/notes) directory, with contents as follows:

  . ((org-mode . ((eval . (org-hugo-auto-export-mode)))))))

This automatically generate a markdown file in ~/notes/content/ any time an Org file in ~/notes/org/ is saved.

Installation instructions

Install hugo. E.g., on a Mac with Homebrew:

$ brew install hugo

Make sure the submodule containing the Hugo theme is installed:

$ git submodule init
$ git submodule update

Now run hugo to generate the files (find them in /public):

$ hugo

Or run the following to get an immediately browsable website on localhost:

$ hugo serve


notes repository managed with org-mode and org-roam.






  • TeX 72.9%
  • JavaScript 21.9%
  • Emacs Lisp 4.0%
  • Other 1.2%