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NVR (Network Video Recorder) for Elixir using Membrane Framework

ExNVR dashboard




To get started with ex_nvr it's preferable and easy to run a docker image:

docker run --rm -it -p 4000:4000 --env-file .env

Or create a new image using the Dockerfile. Run the following command from the root folder of the project

docker build -t ex_nvr:custom .

This will create an image ex_nvr with custom tag. To run it, issue this command:

docker run --rm -it -p 4000:4000 --env-file .env ex_nvr:custom


There's currently no automated docker build for arm/v7 since building the image using buildx and Qemu take ages to complete, the workaround is to build the image on the target host itself

docker build -t ex_nvr:0.6.0 -f Dockerfile-armv7 .


Starting from v0.6.0, there are elixir releases for GNU/Linux and debian packages available as release assets.

You can download the tar file and uncompress it. cd to the decompressed directory and then run:

sudo ./run

The sudo is needed to create the database as the default location is /var/lib/ex_nvr which is not accessible to not-root users by default. If you want to run it as the current user, either:

  • Update the DATABASE_PATH env variable in the file in releases/<version> to point to another location.
  • Or create the /var/lib/ex_nvr folder and make it owned by the current user sudo chown $UID:$GID /var/lib/ex_nvr

For debian packages, just download the package and run:

sudo dpkg -i <package name>

This will install ex_nvr as a systemd service under the name ex_nvr. To run it issue the command

sudo systemctl start ex_nvr.service

To start it on boot

sudo systemctl enable ex_nvr.service

To delete the package, first stop the service and then run dpkg to delete it

sudo systemctl stop ex_nvr.service
sudo systemctl disable ex_nvr.service
sudo dpkg -P ex-nvr

Environment Variables

If you want to configure some aspects of ex_nvr, you can set the following environment variables:

Env variable description
DATABASE_PATH The path where Sqlite database will be created. Defaults to: /var/lib/ex_nvr/ex_nvr.db
EXNVR_HLS_DIRECTORY The directory where hls playlists will be stored. Defaults to: /tmp/hls.

It is not necessary to expose this folder via volumes since the playlists are deleted each time the user stop streaming.
EXNVR_ADMIN_USERNAME The username(email) of the admin user to create on first startup. Defaults to: admin@localhost.
EXNVR_ADMIN_PASSWORD The password of the admin user to create on first startup. Defaults to: P@ssw0rd.
EXNVR_DOWNLOAD_DIR The directory where to save temporary downloaded footages. Defaults to: /tmp/ex_nvr_downloads (/data/ex_nvr/downloads in nerves image)

Due to the underlying libraries, the created footages may accumulate over time, it's safe to clean this directory from time to time.
SECRET_KEY_BASE A 64 byte key that's used by Pheonix to encrypt cookies
EXNVR_URL The url to use for generating URLs. The host is used as a default value for check_origin of the websocket. Defaults to: http://localhost:4000
EXNVR_CHECK_ORIGIN if the transport should check the origin of requests when the origin header is present. May be true, false or a list of hosts that are allowed. Defaults to true.
EXNVR_HTTP_PORT Http port, defaults to: 4000
EXNVR_CORS_ALLOWED_ORIGINS A space separated allowed origins for CORS requests. defaults to: *
EXNVR_ENABLE_HTTPS Enable https, default: false
EXNVR_HTTPS_PORT Https port, defaults to: 443
EXNVR_SSL_KEY_PATH The path to the SSL key.
EXNVR_SSL_CERT_PATH The path to the SSL certificate.
EXNVR_JSON_LOGGER Enable json logging, defaults to: true
ENABLE_REVERSE_PROXY Enable reverse proxy. All endpoint calls to a path that starts with /service/{ipv4} will be proxied to http://{ipv4}. ipv4 is a valid private ip address. Defaults to: false
EXNVR_REMOTE_SERVER_URI The remote server where to send system status. It should be a websocket uri ws:// or wss://
EXNVR_REMOTE_SERVER_TOKEN A token that will be used for authentication for the websocket connection, it'll be send as a query params with token name


WebRTC Configuration

Env variable description
EXNVR_ICE_SERVERS Ice and turn servers to use as a json object. Default to: [{\"urls\":\"\"}]

Page URL

You can access the webrtc page using the following url:



A webrtc player can be embedded in web page by using iframe

<iframe width="640" height="480" src="http://localhost:4000/webrtc/device_id?access_token=token" title="ex_nvr" allowfullscreen></iframe>

The access_token will eventually expire and must be updated to ensure the proper functioning of the embedded page. We plan to enhance this by introducing the capability to make the page public or generate non-expiring tokens with view privileges.

HEVC (H265) Support

H265 is a an efficient video encoding that promises 50% bitrate gain with the same quality as in H264. This makes it ideal for video storage. Many modern IP cameras support H265 by default. However due to licensing and patents, adoption by browsers is still minimal or not available at all.

When using ex_nvr to record H265, no transcoding is done, so streaming from ex_nvr (e.g. hls or webrtc) will give h265 stream, so viewing it depends on the browser support (browser support for hevc in hls is lacking and it's more in the case of webrtc).


The main feature of this project is to store video streams retrieved from devices to local file system and allow users to stream back those recorded videos.

  • Devices: read video streams from

    • IP Cameras
    • USB / Webcams
    • Raspberry Pi Cameras
    • Plain RTSP stream
    • File Upload
  • Camera Streams: save and playback

    • Main stream
    • Sub-stream
  • Device Discovery: discover devices

    • Onvif discovery
  • Video Codecs: allow storing and streaming videos with following codecs

    • H264
    • H265
  • Streaming: live view and playback

    • HLS
    • WebRTC
    • Webm
    • RTSP
    • RTMP
  • Integration: Integrate with third party software

    • Web Hooks: Notify external services of new recorded videos
    • Unix-domain Socket: Send snapshots via unix-domain socket
    • API / API documentation
  • Other: other interesting features

    • Support audio
    • Support multiple devices in same instance
    • Get snapshot from live/recorded stream
    • Download videos of arbitrary durations
    • Add stats/info about streams (for devs)
    • Gather metrics
    • Run machine learning models on video streams (live video / stored footages)
    • Sync recorded videos to cloud storage
    • Application for management of multiple NVRs
    • Support HTTPS

Project Structure

The project is in a poncho style, it consists of the following (sub)projects:

  • rtsp - Contains the code needed to connect to cameras via RTSP and parsing RTP packets.
  • ui - Contains the core logic of ex_nvr and a live view app.
  • nerves_fw - Contains nerves firmware image. Check here