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Jay Ryan edited this page Mar 8, 2021 · 31 revisions

This is a WIP migration from Elanthipedia, if you don't find your script listed below, check there!

Please contact me, blackheart#7719 on Discord, if you have any questions, concerns, or you want to help and get involved!

Script List

Appraisal - Trains the appraisal skill.

Athletics - Trains the athletics skill.

Buff - Buffs your character using waggle sets, many scripts utilize this!

Buffother - Buffs another player using the Buff script!

Charge Holy Weapon - Charges a paladin's holy weapon.

Combat Trainer - Primary combat trainer for dr-scripts.

Adding Script Settings Pages

  1. Keep it alphabetical!
  2. Make sure you add all the script's settings within the page, to the best of your knowledge. A key to this is to check the setup or initialize for the script before adding. Mistakes will be made, not an issue, just correct them.
def initialize
  some settings
def setup
  some settings
  1. Name the github wiki page, Scriptname-Settings. This should be automatic if you name the New Page appropriately. So, pick.lic's page would be named Pick Settings, and the system will automatically name it:
  2. Follow the same formatting as the others being sure to include a short description!
#### [Display Text](https://page-link) - Short description of the script.
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