cli tool to send a message. useful when you want to be notified of when a slow command has finished.
after configuring your ~/.msgme.ini , and installing it in some place like /usr/bin/msgme , it's as easy as
msgme ping
an example usage:
dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/full bs=10M;msgme disk drive wipe completed
just imagine that instead of writing to /dev/full, you're writing to /dev/sdb or whatever, and it takes hours, and you want to be notified when the wipe is complete. the code above will (using the Facebook relay) send you a message on facebook saying "disk wipe completed", once dd has finished.
hanshenrik@WebDevXubuntu:/$ dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/full bs=10M;msgme disk drive wipe completed
dd: error writing '/dev/full': No space left on device
1+0 records in
0+0 records out
0 bytes copied, 0,873993 s, 0,0 kB/s
sending message 'hanshenrik@WebDevXubuntu:disk drive wipe completed.' to facebook profile id 100000605585019
and indeed, my phone, synced to facebook messenger, pings me with "you got a new message!" :)
protip, if you want to be notified when an already started process finishes (like dd), do
while pgrep -x dd ; do sleep 1; done; msgme dd complete
php-cli >=7 with libxml and libcurl support (in debian & co terms, that means sudo apt install php-cli php-xml php-curl
- also, when something goes wrong, you may get better error messages if your php is not compiled with
sudo rm -fv /usr/bin/msgme_standalone.php /usr/bin/msgme
sudo wget -O /usr/bin/msgme_standalone.php
sudo chmod 0555 /usr/bin/msgme_standalone.php
sudo ln -s /usr/bin/msgme_standalone.php /usr/bin/msgme
for general configurations info, try msgme --help
and for configuration for a specific relay, msgme --help relay RelayName
(like msgme --help relay Facebook
here is a full working ~/.msgme.ini :
email[email protected]
just change the recipientID to your own facebook ID. (if you dont know your FB ID, check or google it, or you can find it by looking for "uid" in facebook's html for viewing your own profile..) - however, since facebook will not notice you about messages from strangers, but hide them in a section called "Message Requests", for the best effect, send a friend request to first.