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Hello world: thick client (desktop)
deanjones edited this page Jul 20, 2014
1 revision
This example builds on the first Hello World to demonstrate how to run a Lienzo-based application as a desktop application.
This assumes you have installed:
1. Create New > Project > Google > Web Application Project
- Name: lienzo-hello-world
- Package: my.lienzo.hello.world
- Generate Sample Code: yes
2. Add this to Lienzo_hello_world.gwt.xml
<inherits name='com.emitrom.lienzo.Lienzo' />
- Add Lienzo JAR file to the project's classpath
package my.lienzo.hello.world.client;
import com.emitrom.lienzo.client.core.event.NodeMouseClickEvent;
import com.emitrom.lienzo.client.core.event.NodeMouseClickHandler;
import com.emitrom.lienzo.client.core.event.NodeTouchStartEvent;
import com.emitrom.lienzo.client.core.event.NodeTouchStartHandler;
import com.emitrom.lienzo.client.core.shape.Layer;
import com.emitrom.lienzo.client.core.shape.Text;
import com.emitrom.lienzo.client.core.types.Shadow;
import com.emitrom.lienzo.client.widget.LienzoPanel;
import com.emitrom.lienzo.shared.core.types.ColorName;
import com.emitrom.lienzo.shared.core.types.TextAlign;
import com.google.gwt.core.client.EntryPoint;
import com.google.gwt.user.client.Window;
import com.google.gwt.user.client.ui.RootPanel;
public class Lienzo_hello_world implements EntryPoint
public void onModuleLoad()
double width = Window.getClientWidth();
double height = Window.getClientHeight();
LienzoPanel panel = new LienzoPanel((int) width, (int) height);
Text text = new Text("Hello World!", "Verdana, sans-serif", "italic bold", 24);
text.setX(width / 2);
text.setY(height / 2);
text.setShadow(new Shadow(ColorName.DARKMAGENTA, 6, 4, 4));
Layer layer = new Layer();
private void addHandlers(Text text) {
text.addNodeMouseClickHandler(new NodeMouseClickHandler() {
public void onNodeMouseClick(NodeMouseClickEvent event) {
Window.alert("You clicked on the text!");
4. GWT-compile the project to the default location (the war directory in your GWT project).
5. Create application.xml in the war directory. This instructs AIR where to start.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?>
<application xmlns="http://ns.adobe.com/air/application/3.0">
<name>Hello World</name>
<description />
<copyright />
<supportedProfiles>desktop extendedDesktop</supportedProfiles>
<title />
6. To run the compiled GWT app inside AIR we need to link it to the AIR SDK. For that we need to set up an External Run Configuration in Eclipse. Specify:
- Location - path to the AIR adl executable
- Working directory - the 'war' directory in the lienzo_hello_world project
- Arguments - application.xml
7. Once you run the previously created external application, you will see the following, before and after clicking on the text: