This repository is based on this one here but is customized for the STM32F411CE / Black Pill.
This repository contains a CMake-based template project as a starting point for STM32 F4 projects. ST's official Standard Peripheral Library is already included in this repository.
Both C and C++ sources are supported. CMake will also try to find OpenOCD and will generate a flash target for easy programming of the microcontroller.
This template includes a sample application which turns on the blue LED on the STM32F4 Black Pill board for demonstration purposes.
You can run the tools/
script in order to install all required software.
Then you can run the following commands,
mkdir build
cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../CMake/GNU-ARM-Toolchain.cmake ..
cd build
st-flash write src/STM32F4Template.bin 0x8000000
In the ./CMakeLists.txt
change these parameters to your need,
# STM32-specific settings
# Speed of external resonator
set(HSE_VALUE 25000000)
# Used linker file (just for testing)
get_filename_component(LINKER_SCRIPT linker/STM32F411CE_FLASH.ld ABSOLUTE)
I would advise you to copy the startup_xxx.s
file corresponding to your mcu in the ./src
folder. Be careful to use
the correct linker script as well. The OpenOCD config ./tools/stm32f4.cfg
is working for stm32f4 with st-link v2.