This repo contains several headers and CLI allowing to test and add filters in any project.
In order to use the CLI you can run the following commands,
git clone
cd Filters
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
The recursion is as follow,
st = alpha.xt + (1 - alpha).st-1
s0 = x0
Create file containing a single row of data (double format),
./exp_smoothing test.txt 0.9 0
The first parameter is the name of the input file, the second parameter is alpha
and the last one the value to
initialize the filter.
The ouput file is named exp_smt.txt
The recursion is as follow,
st = alpha.xt + (1 - alpha)(st-1 + bt-1)
bt = beta.(st - st-1) + (1 - beta).bt-1
s0 = x0 b0 = x1 - x0
Ft+m = st +
Create file containing a single row of data (double format),
./double_exp_smoothing test.txt alpha beta x0 x1 m
Parameter list:
- file name
data smoothing factorbeta
trend smoothing factorx0
filter initializationm
number of point to forecast
The output file is `` and it contains m
rows being the forecasted values, `t t+1 t+... t+m`.
0 0 0
0.5 0.95 1.4
0.975 1.4475 1.92
1.22375 1.49487 1.766
1.24744 1.29587 1.3443
1.14793 1.06322 0.978515