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Code of the article "Manipulation of granular materials by learning particle interactions"


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Manipulation of granular materials by learning particle interactions

Neea Tuomainen*, David Blanco-Mulero*, Ville Kyrki, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 2022. * Indicates equal contribution.

Website / IEEE paper

If you used our code, please consider citing:

  author={Tuomainen, Neea and Blanco-Mulero, David and Kyrki, Ville},
  journal={IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters}, 
  title={Manipulation of Granular Materials by Learning Particle Interactions}, 

Table of Contents


Cloning the repository

You can clone the repository with all the dependencies using

git clone --recurse-submodules [email protected]:mulerod1/gnn-manip.git

If you have already cloned the repository, remove the deps folder and update the submodules

rm -r deps
git submodule update --init --recursive

Conda installation

Install conda if required (instructions for Linux).

Create a conda environment using the requirements file

 conda env create -f environment.yml

Verify that PyTorch Geometric is installed conda env list

Install pytorch-gnet dependency

cd deps/pytorch-gnet/
~/anaconda/envs/gnn-manip/bin/pip install -e .

Installation for visualisation

You need to download and install blenderpy. First install the required libraries.

sudo apt install build-essential git subversion cmake libx11-dev libxxf86vm-dev libxcursor-dev libxi-dev libxrandr-dev libxinerama-dev libglew-dev

Then clone Blender and the prebuilt libraries

mkdir ~/blender-git
cd ~/blender-git
git clone
mkdir ~/blender-git/lib
cd ~/blender-git/lib
svn checkout

Update and build Blender as a Python module

cd ~/blender-git/blender
make update 
make bpy

Finally, build the python bpy package using the prebuilt bpy version

pip3 install . --global-option="build_ext" --global-option="--bpy-prebuilt=/home/mulerod1/repos/blenderpy/Blender/build_linux_bpy/bin/" -v

Graph Neural Network (GNN) dynamics model

Downloading the dataset

You can download the dataset from

wget --no-check-certificate '' -O coffee_dataset.tar.xz

Training a new GNN model

Suppose you have a dataset saved in datasets/coffee/ and you wish to save your model to directory models/. Then you may run training for the model with

python3 examples/ -d 'datasets/coffee/' --model_dir 'models/' -c --device 'cuda:0'

If you wish to resume training of already saved model, you may do so with

python3 examples/ -d 'datasets/coffee/' --model_dir 'models/' --load_model PATH_TO_MODEL_FILE -c --device 'cuda:0'

List of possible arguments for training

Argument Type Description
-d --data_dir PATH_TO_DATASET str Path to dataset.
--model_dir PATH_TO_MODEL_DIR str Path to directory where models are saved.
--load_model PATH_TO_MODEL_FILE str Path to model whose training is resumed. Default None.
-c --use_control Use control inputs in node attributes
--k_steps K_STEPS int Previous k positions used to compute node attributes. Default 6.
--conn_r CONN_R float Connectivity radius used to create edges. Default 0.015.
--max_neighbours MAX_NEIGHBOURS int Maximum number of neighbours for each node in graph. Default 20.
--noise_std NOISE_STD float Noise standard deviation for random walk noise added to particle positions. Default None.
--message_steps MESSAGE_STEPS int Number of message passing steps. Default 10.
--hidden_size HIDDEN_SIZE int Size of the hidden layers in MLPs. Default 128.
--num_layers NUM_LAYERS int Number of layers in MLPs. Default 2.
-e --epochs EPOCHS int Number of epochs to train. Default 1000.
-b --batch_size BATCH_SIZE int Batch size. Default 2.
--lr LR float Initial learning rate. Default 1e-4.
--lr_decay_final FINAL_LR float Final learning rate value when using linear learning rate decay. Default None.
--use_exp_lr_decay Use exponential learning rate decay.
--gamma GAMMA float Gamma for exponential learning rate. Default 0.997
--use_updated_loss Use loss that considers only coffee particles.
--print_info Prints information about training process.
--test_model Test the model in training at the end of each epoch.
--device DEVICE str Device used to run the training. Options: 'cpu', 'cuda:0', 'cuda:1'. Recommended: 'cuda:0'. Default 'cpu'.
--seed SEED int Random seed used in training and processing dataset. Default 123.
--save_freq SAVE_FREQ int Save the model every SAVE_FREQ epochs. Default 100.

Testing the model

Comparison of ground-truth (left) vs GNN rollout (right).

You may generate rollout predictions from test simulation with

python3 scripts/ -c -d PATH_TO_DATASET -m PATH_TO_MODEL --device 'cuda:0' --sim_id SIMULATION_ID

This saves ground-truth position and predicted rollout position of each particle for each frame.

List of possible arguments for rollout generation

Argument Type Description
-c --use_control Use control inputs in node attributes.
-pr --predict_rigids Predict rigid body accelerations.
--k_steps K_STEPS int Previous k positions used to compute node attributes. Default 6.
--conn_r CONN_R float Connectivity radius used to create edges. Default 0.015.
--max_neighbours MAX_NEIGHBOURS int Maximum number of neighbours for each node in graph. Default 20.
--message_steps MESSAGE_STEPS int Number of message passing steps. Default 10.
--hidden_size HIDDEN_SIZE int Size of the hidden layers in MLPs. Default 128.
--num_layers NUM_LAYERS int Number of layers in MLPs. Default 2.
-d --data_dir PATH_TO_DATASET str Path to dataset.
-m --model PATH_TO_MODEL_FILE str Path to model file.
--rd --rollout_dir ROLLOUT_DIR str Path to directory where rollouts are saved. Default ''
--sim_id SIMULATION_ID int Index of test simulation for which rollout is generated. Default 1.
--device DEVICE str Device used to run the training. Options: 'cpu', 'cuda:0', 'cuda:1'. Recommended: 'cuda:0'. Default 'cpu'.

We have included code for generating a visualization of 3D data using Blender. You may generate the visualization with

python3 scripts/ --blender_file 'scripts/' --file_name 'prediction.npy' --output OUTPUT_DIR
python3 scripts/ --file_name 'prediction.npy' --output OUTPUT_DIR -c --device 'cuda:0' -d PATH_TO_DATASET -m PATH_TO_MODEL
python scripts/ --file_name 'prediction.npy' -c --device 'cuda:0' -d ~/gnn-manip/dataset/coffee-new3D-v2/ -m ~/gnn-manip/models/model.pth --output OUTPUT_DIR 

This renders visualization of given data with Blender and saves the rendered frames to OUTPUT_DIR as .pngs. Notice that this assumes that you have Blender installed and added to path.

You can also visualize the data generated using Taichi by running

python3 examples/ --file_name positions.csv --output output_dir  --save_ffmpeg --start 100 --end 400

Visualising the results

You may test one or more models on whole test data with

python3 scripts/ --dir PATH_TO_DATASET --models PATH_TO_MODEL_V1 PATH_TO_MODEL_V2 --device 'cuda:0' -c 1 1 --labels 'Model V1' 'Model V2' --nof_sims NUMBER_OF_SIMS --message_steps 10 10 --k_steps 6 6

This plots Wasserstein distance of sand distributions for each simulation and each given model and saves data needed to plot boxplot of this to file bxp_wasser.json.

python scripts/ -c --device cuda:0 -d ~/gnn-manip/dataset/coffee/ -m ~/gnn-manip/models/model.pth --plot --output ~/gnn-manip/dataset/coffee/results_1/ --sim_id 1

Planning of manipulation trajectories using CMAES and a trained GNN model

In order to run the CMA-ES for planning the trajectory we need to define the following:

  • d: folder containing the granular material dataset
  • model_path: folder containing the trained GNN model to be loaded
  • c: use control inputs in node attributes.
  • sample_traj: initial sample trajectory to start the CMA-ES planning
  • m_steps: Number of message steps in the GNN model
  • test_list: IDs of the target configuration of the granular material
  • max_rot: maximum rotation allowed for the planning
  • max_ty: maximum translation in the Y coordinate for the planning
  • scale_rot: scaling factor used for the rotation to normalise the CMA-ES proposed trajectory
  • scale_ty: scaling factor used for the translation to normalise the CMA-ES proposed trajectory
  • cma_penalty: alpha constant applied in the CMA-ES objective function
  • cma_gamma: gamma constant appleid in the CMA-ES objective function
  • cma_iter: number of CMA-ES iterations to perform
  • cma_popsize: CMA-ES population size
  • cma_var: initial variance for the CMA-ES trajectory
python examples/ -d ~/gnn-manip/dataset/coffee/ -c -m ~/gnn-manip/models/model.pth \
--sample_traj ~/gnn-manip/dataset/sample_traj.npy --m_steps 10 --test_list 1 2 --scale_rot 0.05 --scale_ty 0.0035 \
--max_rot 3 --max_ty 0.002 --device cuda:0 --cma_iter 50 \
--cma_gamma 1.0 --cma_penalty 1.0  --cma_popsize 40  --cma_var 1.5


Code of the article "Manipulation of granular materials by learning particle interactions"







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