Primitive utility for asynchronous JSON requests with Dart. Sending JSON data is supported, as well, as simple success/error/always callbacks
Add dependency in your pubspec.yaml
adaj: any
and run
pub install
Import library
import "package:adaj/adaj.dart" as http;
and now you can make adaj (Asynchronous Dart and JSON) calls
http.get("http://httpbin.org/get").done((json) {
print(json["url"]); //prints "http://pastebin.org/get"
Sending data with post
Map data = {"test": 42};
http.post("http://httpbin.org/post", data).done((json) {
PUT and POST are supported in a similar way. For other HTTP methods you can use ajax(url, {method, data})
http.ajax("http://httpbin.org/", method: "HEAD", data: {}).go();
You also have .fail()
and .always()
callback hooks and you can chain them as much as you like
http.get(...).done(...).fail(...).always(...).done(...) /* and so on */ .go();