An unofficial API for the trading platform Degiro written in Python with the ability to get real time data and historical data for products.
pip install advertsapi
pip install requests
import degiroapi
from degiroapi.product import Product
from degiroapi.order import Order
from degiroapi.utils import pretty_json
degiro = degiroapi.DeGiro()
degiro.login("username", "password")
- login
- logout
- getdata
- search_products
- product_info
- transactions
- orders
- delete_order
- real_time_price
- get_stock_list
- buyorder
- sellorder
Printing your current cach funds:
cashfunds = degiro.getdata(degiroapi.Data.Type.CASHFUNDS)
for data in cashfunds:
Printing your current portfolio, argument True to filter out products with a size of 0, False or no Argument to show all:
portfolio = degiro.getdata(degiroapi.Data.Type.PORTFOLIO, True)
for data in portfolio:
Searching for a product:
products = degiro.search_products('Pfizer')
Printing info for a specified product ID:
info = degiro.product_info(331823)
print(info["id"], info["name"], info["currency"], info["closePrice"])
Printing your transactions in a given time interval:
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
transactions = degiro.transactions(datetime(2019, 1, 1),
Printing your order history(the maximum timespan is 90 days) With argument True, this function only returns open orders
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
orders = degiro.orders( - timedelta(days=90),
orders = degiro.orders( - timedelta(days=90),, True)
Deleting an open order with the orderId
orders = degiro.orders( - timedelta(days=1),, True)
Get the real time price and the historical data of a stock:
products = degiro.search_products('nrz')
# Interval can be set to One_Day, One_Week, One_Month, Three_Months, Six_Months, One_Year, Three_Years, Five_Years, Max
realprice = degiro.real_time_price(Product(products[0]).id, degiroapi.Interval.Type.One_Day)
# getting the real time price
# getting historical data
Get the symbols of the S&P500 stocks:
sp5symbols = []
products = degiro.get_stock_list(14, 846)
for product in products:
Get the symbols of the german30 stocks:
daxsymbols = []
products = degiro.get_stock_list(6, 906)
for product in products:
Placing a buy order is dependent on the order Type:
You have to set a limit order price to which the order gets executed. arguments: order type, product id, execution time type (either 1 for "valid on a daily basis", or 3 for unlimited, size, limit(the limit price)
degiro.buyorder(Order.Type.LIMIT, Product(products[0]).id, 3, 1, 30)
Sets a limit order when the stoploss price is reached (not bought for more than the limit at the stop loss price): arguments: order type, product id, execution time type (either 1 for "valid on a daily basis", or 3 for "unlimited"), size, limit(the limit price), stop_loss(stop loss price)
degiro.buyorder(Order.Type.STOPLIMIT, Product(products[0]).id, 3, 1, 38, 38)
Bought at the market price: arguments: order type, product id, execution time type (either 1 for "valid on a daily basis", or 3 for "unlimited"), size
degiro.buyorder(Order.Type.MARKET, Product(products[0]).id, 3, 1)
The stop loss price has to be higher than the current price, when current price reaches the stoploss price the order is placed: arguments: order type, product id, execution time type (either 1 for "valid on a daily basis", or 3 for "unlimited"), size
degiro.buyorder(Order.Type.STOPLOSS, Product(products[0]).id, 3, 1, None, 38)
Placing a sell order is dependent on the order Type: Equivalent to the buy orders:
degiro.sellorder(Order.Type.LIMIT, Product(products[0]).id, 3, 1, 40)
degiro.sellorder(Order.Type.STOPLIMIT, Product(products[0]).id, 3, 1, 37, 38)
degiro.sellorder(Order.Type.MARKET, Product(products[0]).id, 3, 1)
degiro.sellorder(Order.Type.STOPLOSS, Product(products[0]).id, 3, 1, None, 38)
For documented examples see