Simple PHP classes to map DataTables Request and Reponse requiring PHP 8.1+.
For compatibility with PHP 8.0 see version 3.
In your project directory run
user@host project$ composer require "cyril-verloop/datatables"
user@host ~$ cd [PATH_WHERE_TO_PUT_THE_PROJECT] # E.g. ~/projects/
user@host projects$ git clone
user@host projects$ cd datatables
user@host datatables$ composer install -o
user@host datatables$ phive install --trust-gpg-keys 4AA394086372C20A,12CE0F1D262429A5,31C7E470E2138192,8AC0BAA79732DD42,C5095986493B4AA0
You can put the elements requested by DataTables into a "Request" object.
use CyrilVerloop\Datatables\Request;
$request = new Request(
Then use the "getCriterias" and "getOrderBy" methods to get parameters for a database query.
$criterias = $request->getCriterias();
$orderBy = $request->getOrderBy();
Once you have the requested records from the database, you can put them into a "Response" object and send the object back to the browser thanks to the "jsonSerialize" method.
use CyrilVerloop\Datatables\Response;
$response = new Response($draw, $data, $recordsTotal, $recordsFiltered);
To run the tests :
user@host datatables$ ./tools/phpunit -c ./ci/phpunit.xml
The generated outputs will be in ./ci/phpunit/
Look at ./ci/phpunit/html/index.html
for code coverage
and ./ci/phpunit/testdox.html
for a verbose list of passing / failing tests.
To run mutation testing, you must run PHPUnit first, then :
user@host datatables$ ./tools/infection -c./ci/infection.json
The generated outputs will be in ./ci/infection/
To do a static analysis :
user@host datatables$ ./tools/psalm -c ./ci/psalm.xml [--report=./psalm/psalm.txt --output-format=text]
Use "--report=./psalm/psalm.txt --output-format=text" if you want the output in a file instead of on screen.
To generate the PHPDoc :
user@host datatables$ ./tools/phpdocumentor --config ./ci/phpdoc.xml
The generated HTML documentation will be in ./ci/phpdoc/
All PHP files in this project follows PSR-12. To indent the code :
user@host datatables$ ./tools/phpcbf --standard=PSR12 --extensions=php -p ./src/ ./tests/