This repo contains a forked version of the original Angular Phonecat example app with the e2e tests written in Cypress.
The Cypress tests match up 1:1 so they can be directly compared to the original e2e protractor tests.
Each test covers the same functionality found in the protractor tests, and additionally new tests have been added to showcase functionality that exists only in Cypress.
The tests are heavily commented to ease you into the Cypress API.
Read Angular + Cypress = Love and An Alternative to Protractor for Angular Projects
The steps below will take you all the way through Cypress. It is assumed you have nothing installed except for node + git.
If you get stuck, here is more help:
Follow these instructions to install Cypress.
If you want to experiment with running this project in Continuous Integration, you'll need to fork it first.
After forking this project in Github
, run these commands:
## clone this repo to a local directory
git clone<your-username>/cypress-example-phonecat.git
## cd into the cloned repo
cd cypress-example-phonecat
## install the node_modules
npm install
## start the local webserver
npm start
The npm start
script will spawn a webserver on port 8000
which hosts the Phonecat app.
You can verify this by opening your browser and navigating to: http://localhost:8000
You should see the Phonecat app up and running. We are now ready to run Cypress tests.