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A Kotlin/JS Wrapper for ef.js.

Related project:


Import Kefjs from CubeSky Repo with Maven or Gradle.

Ef.setParser(ParserMethod) //Change the default parser for ef.js so you can use a different type of template
Ef.parseEft('Your awesome template') //Get ef.js ast using default parser

val templateString = "Your awesome template"
val ast = arrayOf(/* AST Which Support by ef */)

val template1 = Ef.create(template)
val template2 = Ef.create(ast)
val template3 = """
Your awesome template

val component1 = template1.newInstance()
val component3 = template3.newInstance(kefconfig {
  data {
    key setTo value
  methods {
    methodName bind { state, value, e ->
    } // same as ef.js component1.$methods.key = function ({state, value, e}) {}

Ef.onNextRender(MethodFunction) // Cache operations to execute on next render
Ef.inform() // Tell ef to cache operations **USE WITH CARE**
Ef.exec() // Tell ef to execute all cached operations **USE WITH CARE**
Ef.exec(true) // Force execute cached operations **USE WITH CARE**
Ef.bundle(MethodFunction) // Wrapper for Ef.inform() and Ef.exec()

component1.getElement() // The DOM element of component1
component2.getElement() // The DOM element of component2["something"] = "Something new" // Update Binding Data
component2.methods["someMethod"] = Ef.createFunc { state, value ,e ->["something"] = "Something new"
    println("Event target ${}")
    println("Value passed $value")

val logData = Ef.createFunc { state, value ,_ ->
    println("Subscribed data updated: $value")
component1.subscribe("", logData) // Observe a value
component1.unsubscribe("", logData) // Stop observing a value

component2.getParent() // Get where the component is mounted

component2.getRefs("example") // Get referenced nodes named 'example'

component1.mount("mountingPoint",component2) // Mount component2 to 'mountingPoint' on component1
component1.mount("mountingPoint",null) // Detach the mounted component

component1.list("listMP").push(component2) // Mount component2 to list 'listMP' mounting point on component1

component1.mount(target, option) // Mount method called by ef when trying to mount
component1.umount() // Unmount from parent


These feature is provide by Kefjs. Maybe not stable or maybe not recommended by ef.js author.

  • Data Store in Ef instance
     component1.editUserStore(key, value) //key is String, value is Any, pass null to value can remove this key.  
     component1.getUserStore(key, default) //get value or default