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Earth Analytics Lessons

This repo contains all of the courses, lessons, workshop materials and blogposts that support the website. Please note that this repo is private as many of the lessons contain answers to homework assignment. As such DO NOT FORK this repo!

THe documentation surrounding the CI pipeline attached to this readme is here: hack md doc

Build Environment

We maintain a DOCKER CONTAINER that controls the build environment in circle ci. If a package is missing, please submit a PR to this repo and it will run a test build in dockerhub. If all goes well, the build will pass and we can merge!

The CI build converts RMD and ipynb files to markdown. It then pushese them to the eds-lessons-website repo. This repo is where all of the images and markdown files are stored that will be pushed to our new DRUPAL website when it is live. As a stop gap since we are currently hosting the site on github, When they successfully get to they website repo, they are then pushed via another CI pipeline to the live site repo: eds-lessons-website repo.

Getting started

To begin clone this repo locally. If you are a Windows user, please read the section below on long file paths.

Attention Windows Users - Long File Paths Abound

There are issues with long file paths on windows systems. The fix below should take care of this issue on your windows machine. Maybe thanks to Gina for figuring this out AND documenting it here.

WINDOWS: run git config --system core.longpaths true to ensure all files are cloned. Additionally, open the Registry Editor and navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\FileSystem. Double click the LongPathsEnabled value and change the value from "0" to "1" in the "Value Data" field and click OK. See full instructions on editing the registry here.

Next clone this repository to your local machine. Do so by running:

# clone the repository, , make the site, and serve it.
git clone $(The repo's URL)

cd $(The repo you just cloned)

The environment that is being used to build these lessons lives here:

Feel free to pull that docker container from dockerhub to grab it and build locally if you'd like!