This is a simple library that provides go structures for:
- the Flux Framework Jobspec (package jobspec)
- the Next Generation Jobspec (package nextgen)
Note for nextgen, since Go is more strict with typing, we accept a parsed JobSpec, meaning that all resources have been defined in the top level named section, and are referenced by name in tasks. We will start assuming that a request for the resource groups should be satisfied within the same cluster, and each is a separate match request.
Build the examples:
Run all tests at once:
make test
Here is an example of usage. Note that this isn't a full program, but is intended to show helper functions. In this small program, we load in a jobspec (from yaml) and then validate and serialize to each of json and yaml.
package main
import (
v1 ""
func main() {
// Example 1: reading from file
yamlFile := "examples/v1/example1/jobspec.yaml"
// This is how to read from a YAML file
js, err := v1.LoadJobspecYaml(yamlFile)
// Validate the jobspec
valid, err := js.Validate()
// Convert back to YAML (print out as string(out))
out, err := js.JobspecToYaml()
// Convert back into JSON (also print string(out))
out, err = js.JobspecToJson()
// Example 2: creating from scratch
var nodes int32 = 2
var tasks int32 = 12
js, err := v1.NewSimpleJobspec("myjobspec", "echo hello world", nodes, tasks)
// proceed with equivalent functions above!
For full examples, see the examples directory.
You can run any example (and view the code) to see how it works!
This example reads, parses, and validates a Jobspec
map[attributes:map[system:map[cwd:/home/flux duration:3600 environment:map[HOME:/home/flux]]] resources:[map[count:4 type:node with:[map[count:1 label:default type:slot with:[map[count:2 type:core]]]]]] tasks:[map[command:[app] count:map[per_slot:1] slot:default]] version:1]
schema is valid
{1 [{node 4 [{slot 1 [{core 2 [] false}] default false}] false}] [{[app] default {1 0}}] {{3600 /home/flux map[HOME:/home/flux]}}}
cwd: /home/flux
duration: 3600
HOME: /home/flux
- count: 4
type: node
- count: 1
label: default
type: slot
- count: 2
type: core
- command:
- app
per_slot: 1
slot: default
version: 1
And that's mostly it! This library will eventually go into other Go projects that need Jobspec, and for now just provides the basic types and validation.
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