feat(store): support specifying a maintenance database when using 'createIfNotExists' 673276
Bug fixes
fix(examples): correct subCommand check (#2850 ) c73d66
fix(store): use stream.Readable types in file functions 729347
fix(store): skip transform on unsupported image formats like .ico files 0a4745
fix(code-gen): align response type in react-query generator when not known d933b8
chore(docs): fix typo in 97b797
chore(docs): add CI docs 663d58
chore(compas): drop package 5c4664
Dependency updates
build(deps): bump @aws-sdk/client-s3 from 3.414.0 to 3.428.0 (#2849 , #2858 , #2875 , #2890 )
build(deps): bump @aws-sdk/lib-storage from 3.414.0 to 3.428.0 (#2849 , #2858 , #2875 , #2890 )
build(deps): bump sharp from 0.32.5 to 0.32.6 (#2849 )
build(deps): bump @babel/core from 7.22.19 to 7.23.2 (#2849 , #2858 , #2890 )
build(deps): bump eslint-plugin-jsdoc from 46.8.1 to 46.8.2 (#2849 )
build(deps): bump eslint from 8.49.0 to 8.51.0 (#2858 , #2890 )
build(deps): bump pino from 8.15.1 to 8.16.0 (#2875 , #2890 )
build(deps): bump postgres from 3.3.5 to 3.4.0 (#2890 )
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