It's time for action arguments in Rails3.
Big thanks go out to: ezmobius, mattetti, maiha, Yehuda Katz, Andy Delcambre, Janne Asmala. Did I miss any merb-action-args contributors?
A plugin for the Rails framework that provides support for arguments to actions that come in from the query.
As a system gem:
gem install rails_action_args
Or in a gemfile:
gem "rails_action_args", "0.1.5"
When installed as a gem:
require "rails_action_args/plugin"
Or as a plugin
script/plugin install git://
class Foo < ApplicationController::Base
def bar(baz)
Hitting "/foo/bar?baz=bat" will call foo("bat").
Hitting "/foo/bar" will raise an AbstractController::ActionArgs::InvalidActionArgs exception
class Foo < ApplicationController::Base
def bar(baz, bat = "hola")
"#{baz} #{bat}"
Hitting "/foo/bar?baz=bat" will call foo("bat", "hola")
Hitting "/foo/bar?baz=bat&bat=whaa" will call foo("bat", "whaa")
Hitting "/foo/bar" will still raise a BadRequest.
class Foo < ApplicationController::Base
def bar(one, two = "dos", three = "tres")
"#{one} #{two} #{three}"
The interesting thing here is that hitting "/foo/bar?one=uno&three=three" will call foo("uno", "dos", "three"). In other words, the defaults can be in any order, and rails_action_args will figure out where to fill in the holes.