Land Acknowledgement is a simple api that links data about native lands to current locations. Designed to run with AWS Lambda and API Gateway and produce output suitable for Twilio's SMS messaging.
This project does two basic things:
- determines a lat/lon from a city/state
- looks up the native land from that point
Contributions that improve either of these are welcome. Currently the data comes from:
- Data about boundaries of Native land is from:
- Geolocations from MapBox
Python 3
AWS Chalice This uses AWS Chalice to simplify deploying apps using Lambda and API Gateway. It also makes it easy to run and test code locally. You will need to install the Chalice command-line tool in order to run this code.
MapBox API Key The ability to convert locations like "Chicago, IL" into geographic coordinates requires a geocoding service. This uses MapBox for that service. To run locally, you will need a mapbox api key: Mapbox api
The free tier should easily cover local development and testing.
Install dependencies Clone this repo
git clone
Create a virtual env (Optional, but a good practice)
cd land_acknowledgement_lambda/
python -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
Make sure pip is up-to-date and install dependencies
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
Set MapBox API Key The app will look for a MapBox API key in order:
- An Environmental Variable
This is all you need to run locally. The easiest way to set this is from the command line:
export MAPBOX_TOKEN=some_long_token_string
- AWS Secrets at the arn This is best for production since it allows you to keep the token out of sight. The app will try to access the arn set in .chalice/secrets_policy.json.
Start it up
chalice local