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Docker image: Ansible Managed Node

Docker Hub microbadger

A Docker image of run the OpenSSH daemon and Python for Ansible.

WARNING: This docker image can be access with ssh by chusiang/ansible-jupyter image. Do not use it on the Production Environment, please.

Supported tags and respective Dockerfile links


root user:

  • username: root
  • password: root

sudo user:

  • username: docker
  • password: docker

Build image

  1. Get this project.

    $ git clone
  2. Go to workspace.

    $ cd ansible-managed-node.dockerfile/
  3. Bunild the image.

    $ docker build -t chusiang/ansible-managed-node .

Run container

  1. Get image.

    $ docker pull chusiang/ansible-managed-node
  2. Run the container with daemon mode.

    $ docker run --name ansible-managed-node -P -d chusiang/ansible-managed-node
  3. Check container process.

    $ docker ps
    CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                      COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                     NAMES
    be8a15b9d4da        chusiang/ansible-managed-node   "/usr/sbin/sshd -D"   9 minutes ago      Up 9 minutes>22/tcp      ansible-managed-node
  4. Enter container with command line.

    $ docker exec -it ansible-managed-node bash

Enjoy it !



  • 06/18 Add new images of alpine-3.7, ubuntu-18.04, enable the sudo no password in each images. Stop automated build images of alpine-3.4, debian-7, ubuntu-14.04.


Copyright (c) chusiang from 2016-2017 under the MIT license.