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The Ozone project for the AT Protocol consists of 4 components:

  1. A Gradle plugin to compile AT Protocol schemas into usable Kotlin classes.
  2. Multiplatform APIs for the AT Protocol spec that can be used with any compatible service, including Bluesky Social.
    • Supports Android, JVM, JavaScript, and iOS.
  3. APIs to connect to the Jetstream firehose for Bluesky Social.
    • Supports Android, JVM, and JavaScript.
  4. Example client apps that demonstrate usage of those APIs.


🚧 🚧 🚧 Everything in here is very much a work-in-progress! The upstream schemas are still subject to breaking changes and may break at any moment if used in production code. Use at your own risk!

Why "Ozone"?

O3 exists at all levels in the ATmosphere.

No relation to the moderation tools also named Ozone.

Bluesky Social Bindings

Documentation is available at

Java / Kotlin

// build.gradle[.kts]

dependencies {

Swift / Objective-C

In Xcode, select File > Add Packages and enter

Jetstream Bindings

Documentation is available at

Java / Kotlin

// build.gradle[.kts]

dependencies {

Gradle Plugin

In addition to shipping the lexicons that define the official Bluesky API, this project also includes a Gradle Plugin that allows you to bring your own lexicon definitions and generate any set of AT Protocol bindings from them.

// build.gradle[.kts]

plugins {
  id("sh.christian.ozone.generator") version "0.3.2"

dependencies {
  // This is where you have your schema files stored in your project.
  lexicons(fileTree("lexicons") { include("**/*.json") })

  // You can also depend directly on the published Bluesky lexicons instead.

lexicons {
  // Determines the package name of generated supporting methods. Defaults to "sh.christian.ozone".

   // Configuration for how to handle unknown types and known values.
  defaults {
     // Determines whether to generate classes to encapsulate unknown types for union references. Defaults to false.

     // Determines whether to generate classes to encapsulate unknown values for strings. Defaults to false.

  // Generates an additional interface for the target schemas.
  // This method can be called more than once to generate multiple API interfaces.
  generateApi("BlueskyApi") {
    // Determines the package name of the generated API. Defaults to "sh.christian.ozone".

    // Generates an additional class that implements this interface by sending corresponding
    // XRPC requests to a provided host conforming to the AT Protocol.
    // Inherits the same package name as the generated interface.

    // Determines the return type for each generated API method. Defaults to Raw.
    // - Raw: the raw data type
    // - Result: Result<T>
    // - Response: AtpResponse<T>

    // Determines whether the generated methods should be marked as suspend functions.
    // When generating a Ktor implementation as well, execution will block the current thread
    // for non-suspending methods. Defaults to true.

  // File path where Kotlin source files will be written to. Defaults to "<project-dir>/build/generated/lexicons".