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Exposes Prometheus metrics for imap mailboxes show you how many mails (extra metric for unread) you have in your folders.


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publish License: MIT

This is a prometheus exporter which gives you metrics for how many e-mails you have in your INBOX and in additional configured folders.

Connections to IMAP are only TLS enrypted supported, either via TLS or STARTTLS.


This exporter is in early development and at the moment highly adjusted for my personal usecase. As it not reached 1.0.0 yet, there may are breaking changes at any time. Keep an eye on the CHANGELOG for information.

As this exporter is using exporter-toolkit since 0.1.0, you can also configure basic auth, or TLS secured connection to the exporter using http/2, for more information visit the configuration page of exporter-toolkit.

The exporter provides 14 metrics, three main metrics are provided for all accounts, one metric can be enabled using a feature flag --oldestunseen.feature, eigth metrics are quota related and only provided if the server supports imap quota and two informatial metrics.

If your account supports quota you can see in loglevel INFO (default) with the following log entry since version 0.6.0:

time=2024-10-09T17:19:25.407Z level=INFO source=/go/src/imap-mailstat-exporter/internal/valuecollect/valuecollector.go:287 msg="Fetching quota related metrics" [email protected]

JSON Log format is a bit more detailed:

{"time":"2024-10-09T17:30:25.663440549Z","level":"INFO","source":{"function":"*imapStatsCollector).Collect.func1","file":"/workspaces/imap-mailstat-exporter/internal/valuecollect/valuecollector.go","line":287},"msg":"Fetching quota related metrics","address":"[email protected]"}

Up to version 0.5.0 the log entries are looking a bit different.

ts=2023-10-30T22:12:27.376Z caller=valuecollector.go:266 level=info msg="Fetching quota related metrics" [email protected]

Since version 0.6.0 the log format changed a bit, because of an update of the internal log library. Changes are:

  • time=... instead of ts=...
  • level=INFO instead of level=info (or level=WARN, etc., loglevel names are uppercase now)
  • source=... instead of caller=...

The exposed metrics were the following in version 0.0.1 and can be enabled by using command line flag --migration.mode (only in version 0.1.0):

imap_mailstat_mails_levelquotaavail_quantity (only imap with quota support)
imap_mailstat_mails_levelquotaused_quantity (only imap with quota support)
imap_mailstat_mails_mailboxquotaavail_quantity (only imap with quota support)
imap_mailstat_mails_mailboxquotaused_quantity (only imap with quota support)
imap_mailstat_mails_messagequotaavail_quantity (only imap with quota support)
imap_mailstat_mails_messagequotaused_quantity (only imap with quota support)
imap_mailstat_mails_storagequotaavail_kilobytes (only imap with quota support)
imap_mailstat_mails_storagequotaused_kilobytes (only imap with quota support)
imap_mailstat_mails_oldestunseen_timestamp (only with enabled feature flag --oldestunseen.feature)


In version 0.1.0 the metric names were changed. First because they were hard to read and now I hope I follow more best practices in naming metrics. As 0.1.0 comes with more than one breaking change my decision was to rename the metrics at this point as well. The exporter allows you for migration in version 0.1.0 to get the old metrics as well using command line flag --migration.mode or the also available environment variable MAILSTAT_EXPORTER_MIGRATIONMODE=true. This flag, the environment variable and the old metrics are removed in version 0.2.0.

The exposed metrics since version 0.1.0 are:

metric type description remarks
mailstat_info gauge Info metric for imap-mailstat-exporter
mailstat_up gauge Was talking to all accounts imap successfully if value is 0: any account has a problem, check logs
mailstat_fetch_duration_seconds gauge Duration for fetching the metrics for the given account
mailstat_mails_all gauge The total number of mails in folder
mailstat_mails_unseen gauge The total number of unseen mails in folder
mailstat_level_quota_avail gauge How many levels are available according your quota only imap with quota support
mailstat_level_quota_used gauge How many levels are used only imap with quota support
mailstat_mailbox_quota_avail gauge How many mailboxes are available according your quota only imap with quota support
mailstat_mailbox_quota_used gauge How many mailboxes are used only imap with quota support
mailstat_message_quota_avail gauge How many messages available according your quota only imap with quota support
mailstat_message_quota_used gauge How many messages are used only imap with quota support
mailstat_storage_quota_avail_bytes gauge How many storage is available according your quota only imap with quota support
mailstat_storage_quota_used_bytes gauge How many storage is used only imap with quota support
mailstat_mails_oldest_unseen_timestamp gauge Timestamp in unix format of oldest unseen mail only with enabled feature flag --oldestunseen.feature

Example output:

# HELP mailstat_fetch_duration_seconds Duration for fetching the metrics for the given account
# TYPE mailstat_fetch_duration_seconds gauge
mailstat_fetch_duration_seconds{mailboxname="Jane_Doe_Mailbox"} 1.303695723
mailstat_fetch_duration_seconds{mailboxname="Jane_Mailbox"} 0.612008505
# HELP mailstat_info Info metric for imap-mailstat-exporter.
# TYPE mailstat_info gauge
mailstat_info{version="0.1.0"} 1
# HELP mailstat_level_quota_avail How many levels are available according your quota
# TYPE mailstat_level_quota_avail gauge
mailstat_level_quota_avail{mailboxfoldername="INBOX",mailboxname="Jane_Mailbox"} 3000
# HELP mailstat_level_quota_used How many levels are used
# TYPE mailstat_level_quota_used gauge
mailstat_level_quota_used{mailboxfoldername="INBOX",mailboxname="Jane_Mailbox"} 1000
# HELP mailstat_mailbox_quota_avail How many mailboxes are available according your quota
# TYPE mailstat_mailbox_quota_avail gauge
mailstat_mailbox_quota_avail{mailboxfoldername="INBOX",mailboxname="Jane_Mailbox"} 31000
# HELP mailstat_mailbox_quota_used How many mailboxes are used
# TYPE mailstat_mailbox_quota_used gauge
mailstat_mailbox_quota_used{mailboxfoldername="INBOX",mailboxname="Jane_Mailbox"} 0
# HELP mailstat_mails_all The total number of mails in folder
# TYPE mailstat_mails_all gauge
mailstat_mails_all{mailboxfoldername="INBOX",mailboxname="Jane_Doe_Mailbox"} 404
mailstat_mails_all{mailboxfoldername="INBOX",mailboxname="Jane_Mailbox"} 2
mailstat_mails_all{mailboxfoldername="INBOX_Spam",mailboxname="Jane_Doe_Mailbox"} 5
mailstat_mails_all{mailboxfoldername="INBOX_Spam",mailboxname="Jane_Mailbox"} 0
mailstat_mails_all{mailboxfoldername="INBOX_Trash",mailboxname="Jane_Doe_Mailbox"} 32
mailstat_mails_all{mailboxfoldername="INBOX_Trash",mailboxname="Jane_Mailbox"} 0
# HELP mailstat_mails_oldest_unseen_timestamp Timestamp in unix format of oldest unseen mail
# TYPE mailstat_mails_oldest_unseen_timestamp gauge
mailstat_mails_oldest_unseen_timestamp{mailboxfoldername="INBOX",mailboxname="Jane_Doe_Mailbox"} 1.69878845e+09
mailstat_mails_oldest_unseen_timestamp{mailboxfoldername="INBOX_Spam",mailboxname="Jane_Doe_Mailbox"} 1.698318945e+09
# HELP mailstat_mails_unseen The total number of unseen mails in folder
# TYPE mailstat_mails_unseen gauge
mailstat_mails_unseen{mailboxfoldername="INBOX",mailboxname="Jane_Doe_Mailbox"} 1
mailstat_mails_unseen{mailboxfoldername="INBOX",mailboxname="Jane_Mailbox"} 0
mailstat_mails_unseen{mailboxfoldername="INBOX_Spam",mailboxname="Jane_Doe_Mailbox"} 5
mailstat_mails_unseen{mailboxfoldername="INBOX_Spam",mailboxname="Jane_Mailbox"} 0
mailstat_mails_unseen{mailboxfoldername="INBOX_Trash",mailboxname="Jane_Doe_Mailbox"} 0
mailstat_mails_unseen{mailboxfoldername="INBOX_Trash",mailboxname="Jane_Mailbox"} 0
# HELP mailstat_message_quota_avail How many messages available according your quota
# TYPE mailstat_message_quota_avail gauge
mailstat_message_quota_avail{mailboxfoldername="INBOX",mailboxname="Jane_Mailbox"} 6.2e+07
# HELP mailstat_message_quota_used How many messages are used
# TYPE mailstat_message_quota_used gauge
mailstat_message_quota_used{mailboxfoldername="INBOX",mailboxname="Jane_Mailbox"} 2000
# HELP mailstat_storage_quota_avail_bytes How many storage is available according your quota
# TYPE mailstat_storage_quota_avail_bytes gauge
mailstat_storage_quota_avail_bytes{mailboxfoldername="INBOX",mailboxname="Jane_Mailbox"} 1.048576e+09
# HELP mailstat_storage_quota_used_bytes How many storage is used
# TYPE mailstat_storage_quota_used_bytes gauge
mailstat_storage_quota_used_bytes{mailboxfoldername="INBOX",mailboxname="Jane_Mailbox"} 35000
# HELP mailstat_up Was talking to all accounts imap successfully.
# TYPE mailstat_up gauge
mailstat_up 1

Metrics are available via http (or https if configured) on port 8081/tcp on path /metrics as default, but you can configure this of you want to change.

Command line options

Since version 0.3.0

You have several command line options. Four of them can also be set via environment variables, if you like.
Change to version 0.1.0 is the new option for providing a password for the mailbox (only used with one account configuration, see configuration section).

usage: imap-mailstat-exporter [<flags>]

a prometheus-exporter to expose metrics about your mailboxes

  -h, --[no-]help                Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long and --help-man).
  -c, --config.file="./config/config.toml"  
                                 Provide the configfile ($MAILSTAT_EXPORTER_CONFIGFILE)
                                 Enable metric with timestamp of oldest unseen mail, default false ($MAILSTAT_EXPORTER_OLDESTUNSEEN)
  -p, --mailboxpassword="\x00"   Password for mailbox, available if only one mailbox is configured ($MAILSTAT_EXPORTER_MAILBOX_PASSWORD)
      --[no-]web.systemd-socket  Use systemd socket activation listeners instead of port listeners (Linux only).
      --web.listen-address=:8081 ...  
                                 Addresses on which to expose metrics and web interface. Repeatable for multiple addresses.
      --web.config.file=""       Path to configuration file that can enable TLS or authentication. See:
                                 Path under which to expose the IMAP mailstat Prometheus metrics ($MAILSTAT_EXPORTER_WEB_TELEMETRY_PATH)
  -v, --[no-]version             Show application version.
      --log.level=info           Only log messages with the given severity or above. One of: [debug, info, warn, error]
      --log.format=logfmt        Output format of log messages. One of: [logfmt, json]

Since version 0.1.0

You have several command line options. Three of them can also be set via environment variables, if you like.

usage: imap-mailstat-exporter [<flags>]

a prometheus-exporter to expose metrics about your mailboxes

  -h, --[no-]help                Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long and --help-man).
  -c, --config.file="./config/config.toml"  
                                 Provide the configfile ($MAILSTAT_EXPORTER_CONFIGFILE)
                                 Enable metric with timestamp of oldest unseen mail, default false ($MAILSTAT_EXPORTER_OLDESTUNSEEN)
      --[no-]migration.mode      Enable old metric format, default false, WILL BE REMOVED IN version 0.2.0 ($MAILSTAT_EXPORTER_MIGRATIONMODE)
      --[no-]web.systemd-socket  Use systemd socket activation listeners instead of port listeners (Linux only).
      --web.listen-address=:8081 ...  
                                 Addresses on which to expose metrics and web interface. Repeatable for multiple addresses.
      --web.config.file=""       [EXPERIMENTAL] Path to configuration file that can enable TLS or authentication. See:
                                 Path under which to expose the IMAP mailstat Prometheus metrics ($MAILSTAT_EXPORTER_WEB_TELEMETRY_PATH)
  -v, --[no-]version             Show application version.
      --log.level=info           Only log messages with the given severity or above. One of: [debug, info, warn, error]
      --log.format=logfmt        Output format of log messages. One of: [logfmt, json]

Version 0.0.1

You have three available command line options.

Usage of imap-mailstat-exporter:
  -config string
        provide the configfile (default "./config/config.toml")
  -loglevel string
        provide the desired loglevel, INFO and ERROR are supported (default "INFO")
        enable metric with timestamp of oldest unseen mail


You can configure your accounts in a configfile in toml format. You can find the example file in the folder examples. You can use command line flag -config=<path/configfile> (version 0.0.1) or --config.file="<path/configfile>" (version 0.1.0 and newer) to specify where your configfile is located.


If you are using the container image, the default configfile in the container is expected on /home/nonroot/config/config.toml. You need to set your mount accordingly.

Since version 0.3.0 there is an additional possibility to provide the password for the mailbox, but this is only available using just one configured account. If you use only one account you can configure your password via environment variable ($MAILSTAT_EXPORTER_MAILBOX_PASSWORD) or command line parameter (-p). This is only used when you have one account configured. If you use the environment variable or command line parameter with more than one configured account, the password outside the configuration file is ignored and you will receive an error message in the logs.

Example configuration, for one account, use only one account definition.

# This is a example configfile.  
# You need only one account configured, but all keys need to be defined except username which can be empty and mailaddress is used as username value instead.
# place this file named as config.toml in a folder named config along your imap-mailstat-exporter binary or mount this file as config.toml in folder /config/ in the container.
# If you put you config elsewhere you can use the command line flag --config.file="<path/configfile>" to specify where your config is.

name = "Jane Mailbox" # mailbox, you can set as you like, will be used as metric label (whitespace are replaced by underscore)
mailaddress = "[email protected]" # your e-mail address (at the moment used as login name)
username = "your_user_name" # if empty string mailaddress value is used
password = "your_password" # beware of escaping characters like \ or "
serveraddress = "" # mailserver name or address
serverport = 993 # imap port number (at the moment only tls connection is supported)
starttls = false # set to true for using standard port 143 and STARTTLS to start a TLS connection
additionalfolders = ["Trash", "Spam"] # additional mailfolders you want to have metrics for

[[Accounts]] # you can configure more accounts if you like
name = "Jane Doe Mailbox"
mailaddress = "[email protected]"
username = ""
password = ""
serveraddress = ""
serverport = 143
starttls = true
additionalfolders = ["Trash", "Spam"]


At the moment INFO (default), WARN and ERROR are used. DEBUG is available, but I don't output anything on this level yet. INFO tells you when metrics are fetched and give you additional information how long the connection setup, the login process and the whole metric fetch takes. If INFO is too noisy you can switch to WARN or ERROR level and only get information about warnings or errors by using e.g. command line flag -loglevel WARN (version 0.0.1), or --log.level="WARN" (version 0.1.0 and newer).

OCI Container Image

Image is available on: Images are build for linux/amd64 and linux/arm64 for every release as Docker multi-platform image. Release versions are v*.. and the Container Images are without the v in front of the version, so use:

docker pull*.*.*

The tag latest is following main branch, is only build for linux/amd64 platform and not related to the releases.


In folder examples you can find a example Grafana dashboard, which I use together with the also available example scrape config. I scrape my exporter every 10 minutes, but as Prometheus only hold metrics for 5 minutes, the dashboard is build for scraping with this interval and looks for the last values in the last 10 minutes.
If you use another scrape interval you may need to adjust the queries in the dashboard, if you want to use it.


This project is licensed using MIT license, see LICENSE


This exporter is used personally with e-mail accounts provided by my webhosting provider (IMAP without quota) and provided by my ISP Deutsche Telekom AG (T-Online Freemail, IMAP with quota support).