This repository contains the test collection for (context-aware) citation recommendation constructed from bibliographic records and open-access papers collected from the ACM Digital Library.
pip install -r requirements.txt
Documents are bibliographic records of scientific papers (BibTeX entries) about IR-related topics collected from the ACM Digital Library. We use the SIGs IR, KDD, CHI, WEB and MOD sponsored conferences and journals as filter. BibTeX files are grouped by venue-year (e.g. 'sigir/sigir-1999' contains all citations from SIGIR-1999). Details about the venues are presented in here. An example of document is given below:
author = {Gallina, Ygor and Boudin, Florian and Daille, B\'{e}atrice},
title = {Large-Scale Evaluation of Keyphrase Extraction Models},
year = {2020},
isbn = {9781450375856},
publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery},
address = {New York, NY, USA},
url = {},
doi = {10.1145/3383583.3398517},
abstract = {Keyphrase extraction models are usually evaluated under different, not directly comparable, experimental setups. [...]},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries in 2020},
pages = {271–278},
numpages = {8},
keywords = {natural language processing, keyphrase generation, evaluation},
location = {Virtual Event, China},
series = {JCDL '20}
Some statistics of the document collection (2021-04-30): 114,882 records, from which 103,990 (91%) have abstracts and 83,517 have author-assigned keyphrases (73%). We only consider 'article' and 'inproceedings' citations, and remove session papers (title starting with "Session" and empty abstract)
Papers used for generating queries are in the data/topics+qrels
directory. They are grouped by venue (e.g. sigir-2020), and each of
them is represented by three separate files, e.g. for paper with
doi 10.1145/3397271.3401032
3397271.3401032.pdf # pdf of the paper
3397271.3401032.dois # manually curated list of dois for cited references
# the following rules are used for mapping dois :
# 1. DOI from the ACM DL
# 2. DOI from another publisher (including ACL-anthology DOIs)
# 3. arxiv/pubmed/acl-anthology url
# 4. pdf url
# 5. None
3397271.3401032.xml # manually extracted citation contexts
Actually, there are 50 papers (the list of selected papers is data/topics+qrels/papers/
) and their manually extracted and curated citation contexts are in the following xml format:
<title>Measuring Recommendation [...]</title>
<abstract>Explanations have a large effect on [...]</abstract>
<context id="01" section="introduction">
<s>Recommendations are part of everyday life.</s>
<s>Be they made by a person, or by [...]</s>
<s cites="13,14,23,28">Explanations are known to strongly impact how the recipient of a recommendation responds [13, 14, 23, 28], yet the effect is still not well understood.</s>
<reference id="1">10.1145/3173574.3174156</reference>
<reference id="2">10.1145/3331184.3331211</reference>
Some statistics of the manually extracted citations and relevance judgements
python3 src/ --input data/topics+qrels/papers/ \
--collection data/topics+qrels/collection.txt
avg number of cited documents: 31.82 [8 - 71]
avg number of cited documents in collection: 15.86 [1 - 37]
avg coverage of collection: 0.5074 [0.0909 - 0.8333]
- number of citation contexts (s): 837
- number of 1+/all citation contexts (s): 552
0 | 1+ | All |
34.05 | 20.91 | 45.04 |
- number of citation contexts (p): 341
- number of 1+/all citation contexts (p): 269
0 | 1+ | All |
21.11 | 53.67 | 25.22 |
Here, we use the open-source information retrieval toolkit anserini which is built on Lucene. Below are the installation steps for a mac computer (tested on OSX 11.2.3) based on their colab demo.
# install maven
brew install adoptopenjdk
brew install maven
# cloning / installing anserini
git clone --recurse-submodules
cd anserini/
# for 11.1 issues -> add the following in pom.xml
# <plugin>
# <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
# <artifactId>maven-surefire-plugin</artifactId>
# <configuration>
# <forkCount>3</forkCount>
# <reuseForks>true</reuseForks>
# <argLine>-Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m</argLine>
# </configuration>
# </plugin>
# for 10.14 issues -> changing jacoco from 0.8.2 to 0.8.3 in pom.xml to build correctly
# for 10.13 issues ->
mvn clean package appassembler:assemble
# compile evaluation tools and other scripts
cd tools/eval && tar xvfz trec_eval.9.0.4.tar.gz && cd trec_eval.9.0.4 && make && cd ../../..
cd tools/eval/ndeval && make && cd ../../..
python3 src/ --collection data/docs/collection.jsonl \
--contexts data/topics+qrels/contexts.jsonl \
--input output/run.t+a+k.description.paragraphs.bm25.txt \
--output output/run.t+a+k.description.paragraphs.scibert.txt
python3 src/ --collection data/docs/collection.jsonl \
--contexts data/topics+qrels/sentences.jsonl \
--input output/run.t+a+k.description.sentences.bm25.txt \
--output output/run.t+a+k.description.sentences.scibert.txt
python3 src/ output/run.t+a+k.description.paragraphs.bm25.txt \
output/run.t+a+k.description.paragraphs.scibert.txt \
python3 src/ output/run.t+a+k.description.sentences.bm25.txt \
output/run.t+a+k.description.sentences.scibert.txt \
recall_10 all 0.3440
ndcg_cut_10 all 0.2937
Evaluating output/run.t+a+k.description.paragraphs.bm25.txt
recall_10 all 0.3358
ndcg_cut_10 all 0.2827
Evaluating output/run.t+a+k.description.paragraphs.scibert.txt
recall_10 all 0.3397
ndcg_cut_10 all 0.2307
Evaluating output/run.t+a+k.description.sentences.bm25+scibert.txt
recall_10 all 0.4030
ndcg_cut_10 all 0.3231
Evaluating output/run.t+a+k.description.sentences.bm25.txt
recall_10 all 0.3903
ndcg_cut_10 all 0.3156
Evaluating output/run.t+a+k.description.sentences.scibert.txt
recall_10 all 0.3340
ndcg_cut_10 all 0.1761