With 1.0 released and the holidays over, it's time to start planning our 2.0 milestone (and set a target date).
Thanks to everyone who contributed to 1.0 and to our users for stress testing us! We got a lot in for 1.0 but we also left a lot on the table to achieve for 2.0.
Major themes proposed for 2.0: watch mode for all, replacement ts_library & ng_modu…
With 1.0 released and the holidays over, it's time to start planning our 2.0 milestone (and set a target date).
Thanks to everyone who contributed to 1.0 and to our users for stress testing us! We got a lot in for 1.0 but we also left a lot on the table to achieve for 2.0.
Major themes proposed for 2.0: watch mode for all, replacement ts_library & ng_module rules, yarn workspaces, better examples of using generated bin rules such as jest_test & mocha_test, improved docker support.