There are two binaries one for admin and one for the app. The admin is used to set up the generating public and private ssh keys for use in generating jwt tokens.
Ensure you have docker and docker-compose installed. Make sure that no program is running on port 5432 sudo service postgresql stop Also if you had previously run this we need to stop all running containers.So first run this to do some house cleaning for you.
make clean
Then there is a docker-compose file for our postgresql container image. Run it like so on your terminal: make db-up
To stop it run:
make db-down
Run the admin binary with the following command
make keygen
Run the server binary (this should never run before the db)
make server
To stop the serve just hit ctrl+c.
Run the frontend.To run it you will use docker to load the frontend image like so
make web-up
To stop the frontend server run:
make web-down
When everything runs successfully you should be able to have a beautiful and simple UI like the one shown below.
- Add circuit breaker logic for when we hit the twitter api limits.
- Add metrics exporters e.g. prometheous.
- Refactor code to enhance readability.
- Add CI/CD (critical)