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Snapcast v0.25.0

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@badaix badaix released this 15 May 12:22
· 597 commits to master since this release

Version 0.25.0


  • Client: Editable PulseAudio properties, e.g. media.role=music (Issue #829)
  • Server: Configurable amplitute for silence detection in alsa stream (Issue #846)


  • Client: Fix crash on Windows when system volume changes (PR #838)
  • Client: Removed a log message to stdout for file player backend (Issue #681)
  • Server: Fix percent-decoding for stream URIs (Issue #850)
  • Server: Fix double quotes in Airplay device names (Issue #851)
  • Server: Fix crash when feeding a 16 bit signal into 24 bit flac (Issue #866)


  • Server: less verbose librespot logging (Issue #874)
  • Snapweb: Update to v0.3.0
  • Add unit tests to the project


The provided debian packages are automated builds from the github actions.


The packages snapclient_<version>_without_pulse_<arch>.deb are built without pulse audio player backend support (i.e. do not support --player pulse) and thus don't require the PulseAudio dependencies, recommended for headless, non-desktop systems.


There is no installer provided, the contained package vc_redist.exe must be installed to run snapclient.exe. The dll files must be located in your PATH or in the same directory with snapclient.exe.
@stijnvdb88 provides with Snap.Net a control interface and a player as single file installer