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PabloMK7 edited this page Mar 8, 2025 · 4 revisions

Azahar allows loading personal game backups you have legally obtained from your own console. The following formats are supported:

  • Decrypted CXI/NCCH files, with .cxi extension.
  • Decrypted CIA files, with .cia extension.
  • Decrypted CCI files, with .cci extension (formerly known as .3ds files, such files can be renamed and still work).
  • Homebrew files, with .3dsx extension.

Azahar does not support encrypted files.

Due to the nature of copyright laws in different legislations, Azahar does not provide a dumping guide. Instead the user should do the appropriate research to understand what is possible and what not in their legislation, and take the appropriate procedures to obtain decrypted backups of their games.