Author: Austin Kim
Published Date: 06/24/2023
This research aims to analyze vehicle crash incidents in San Jose, CA, from 2011 to June 18, 2023, using data from the San Jose CA Open Data Portal.
This observatory study will address any concerns about traffic safety and the increase in vehicular accidents in the area.
The data for this research comes from two primary sources provided by the San Jose CA Open Data Portal:
The study investigates several key questions:
- Which vehicle type (PartyType) experiences the most severe vehicle damage?
- Does sobriety impact the severity of vehicle damage?
- Is there a correlation between the driver's sex and the severity of vehicle damage?
- Which movements preceding collisions cause the most damage?
- Which age group experiences the most severe vehicle damage?
An objective will also be in creating a model predicting vehicle damage based on the collected data.
The analysis begins by importing the necessary libraries and loading the CSV files into dataframes. After verifying that the columns are consistent across the files, the dataframes are concatenated into a single dataframe. Missing values are identified and addressed, with columns containing excessive missing data being dropped.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
import seaborn as sns
import warnings
Now let's import the csv file of the vehicle crash data provided by the San Jose CA Open Data portal.
One file is from 2011 to 2020 while the other vehicle crash data is from 2021 to the present (as of June 18th 2023).
I will verify that the columns are the same for both files and then combine them into one dataframe.
The initial data prepartion includes:
- Dropping Columns with excessive values or irrelevant data
- Dropping rows with missin gvalues
- Converting categorical variables into numerical values
dfs = [ # load all csv files into a list of dataframes
shapeY = dfs[0].shape[1]
for df in dfs:
if shapeY != df.shape[1]: # check if columns are the same for each df
print('Columns are not the same')
print('Shape of data below', df.shape)
display(df.head()) # display each df head
Shape of data below (115302, 15)
CrashName | Name | Sex | Age | Speed | VehicleDamage | PartyCategory | Sobriety | VehicleDirection | MovementPrecedingCollision | PartyType | OtherAssociatedFactor | VehicleCount | ViolationCode | ViolationCodeDescription | |
0 | CR-0000063652 | ACV-0000000030 | M | 0 | NaN | Minor | Driver | Impairment Not Known | East | Proceeding Straight | Car | Unknown | 1 | 00001 | Other Improper Driving |
1 | CR-0000068628 | ACV-0000000031 | NaN | 0 | NaN | Unknown | Driver | Impairment Not Known | Unknown | Backing | Unknown | Inattention | 1 | 00001 | Other Improper Driving |
2 | CR-0000064498 | ACV-0000000032 | F | 50 | NaN | Minor | Driver | Had Not Been Drinking | South | Parking Maneuver | Car | Unknown | 1 | 00001 | Other Improper Driving |
3 | CR-0000068721 | ACV-0000000033 | M | 19 | NaN | Minor | Driver | Had Not Been Drinking | North | Proceeding Straight | Car | Inattention | 1 | 00001 | Other Improper Driving |
4 | CR-0000064227 | ACV-0000000034 | M | 16 | NaN | Unknown | Driver | Had Not Been Drinking | East | Making Left Turn | Car | None Apparent | 1 | 00001 | Other Improper Driving |
Shape of data below (20240, 15)
CrashName | Name | Sex | Age | Speed | VehicleDamage | PartyCategory | Sobriety | VehicleDirection | MovementPrecedingCollision | PartyType | OtherAssociatedFactor | VehicleCount | ViolationCode | ViolationCodeDescription | |
0 | CR-0000085197 | ACV-0000174389 | M | 33 | NaN | Unknown | Driver | Impairment Not Known | West | Stopped | Car | Unknown | 1 | Unknown | Unknown |
1 | CR-0000085197 | ACV-0000174390 | NaN | 0 | NaN | Unknown | Driver | Impairment Not Known | West | Making Right Turn | Car | Unknown | 1 | Unknown | Unknown |
2 | CR-0000085218 | ACV-0000174429 | M | 19 | NaN | Major | Driver | Had Not Been Drinking | East | Proceeding Straight | Car | Speeding | 1 | 23103 | Reckless Driving 2 |
3 | CR-0000085218 | ACV-0000174430 | NaN | 0 | NaN | Moderate | Parked | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | Parked | Car | Unknown | 1 | Not Applicable | Not Applicable |
4 | CR-0000085218 | ACV-0000174431 | NaN | 0 | NaN | Moderate | Parked | Not Applicable | Not Applicable | Parked | Car | Unknown | 1 | Not Applicable | Not Applicable |
Concatenate the two dataframes into one dataframe called "df".
Here, I am verifying that the individual shape add up to the total shape to make sure I concatenated the dataframes correctly.
The columns are checked in the last cell so I will only check the rows here.
df = pd.concat(dfs, axis=0, ignore_index=True)
print('Shape of combined data:', df.shape)
Shape of combined data: (135542, 15)
I want to check the null or empty values for each column.
If too much data is missing from a columns I will remove it.
print('\nNull Values for each column:') # check for null values
Null Values for each column:
CrashName 0
Name 0
Sex 35804
Age 0
Speed 84772
VehicleDamage 4163
PartyCategory 0
Sobriety 0
VehicleDirection 0
MovementPrecedingCollision 0
PartyType 0
OtherAssociatedFactor 0
VehicleCount 0
ViolationCode 0
ViolationCodeDescription 0
dtype: int64
Too many values are missing for "Speed", so I will drop it.
"Name" and "CrashName" are not relavent with this study and can be dropped.
df = df.drop(columns=["Speed",
"Name"]) # Too many missing values
df = df.dropna() # drop rows with missing values
Observing the Unique values in each column to see if some columns are irrelevant or can be dropped.
print('Unique Values for each column:')
for col in df.columns:
print(col, df[col].unique())
Unique Values for each column:
Sex ['M' 'F']
Age [ 0 50 19 16 23 76 25 48 20 18 38 45 62 36 59 58 28 41
34 22 57 24 42 37 21 43 40 32 52 80 17 55 31 61 65 74
64 35 30 70 47 66 85 56 44 51 39 63 54 77 46 26 67 27
33 53 71 72 60 29 15 73 90 14 69 49 11 68 82 89 81 13
10 88 12 93 78 6 8 86 75 9 84 83 1 79 87 92 95 5
4 98 91 99 96 7 3 2 97 94 100 150 101 140]
VehicleDamage ['Minor' 'Unknown' 'Major' 'Moderate' 'Not Applicable' 'Totaled']
PartyCategory ['Driver' 'Parked' 'Bicycle' 'Pedestrian' 'Other' 'Unknown']
Sobriety ['Impairment Not Known' 'Had Not Been Drinking'
'Had Been Drinking - Not Under Influence' 'Sleepy/Fatigued'
'Impairment Physical' 'Had Been Drinking - Under Influence'
'Under Drug Influence' 'Had Been Drinking - Impairment Unknown'
'Not Applicable']
VehicleDirection ['East' 'South' 'North' 'Not Applicable' 'West' 'Unknown']
MovementPrecedingCollision ['Proceeding Straight' 'Parking Maneuver' 'Making Left Turn' 'Parked'
'Ran Off Road' 'Slowing/Stopping' 'Entering Traffic' 'Making Right Turn'
'Other' 'Other Unsafe Turning' 'Traveling Wrong Way' 'Stalled'
'Passing Other Vehicles' 'Other (Bike)' 'Merging' 'Backing' 'Unknown'
'Stopped' 'Making U-Turn' 'Changing Lanes' 'Crossing Into Opposing Lane'
'Other (Ped)']
PartyType ['Car' 'Panel Truck' 'Unknown' 'Motorcycle/Moped' 'Car With Trailer'
'Emergency Vehicle' 'Bus - Other' 'Bicycle' 'Other' 'Scooter Motorized'
'Construction Equipment' 'Semi Truck' 'Pedestrian' 'Skateboard'
'Wheelchair' 'Bus - School' 'Scooter Non-Motorized' 'Light Rail Vehicle'
'Ice Cream Truck' 'Train']
OtherAssociatedFactor ['Unknown' 'Inattention' 'None Apparent' 'Other' 'Other Violation'
'Defective Vehicle Equipment' 'Vision Obscurement' 'Speeding'
'Not Applicable' 'Violation By Bike' 'Stop And Go Traffic'
'Entering/Leaving Ramp' 'Improper Turn' 'Under Influence'
'Improper Light' 'Right Of Way' 'Improper Passing'
'Violation By Pedestrian' 'Unfamiliar With Road' 'Previous Collision'
'Improper Signal' 'Improper Lane Change' 'Improper Parking'
'Runaway Vehicle' 'Other Improper Turn' 'DIS R1R/SIG' 'Inva. Brakes'
'Uninvolved Vehicle' 'Following Too Close' 'Other Defect' 'Dis Control'
'Lt of Center' 'Other Violation;Inattention' 'Unknown;None Apparent'
'None Apparent;Stop And Go Traffic'
'Entering/Leaving Ramp;Vision Obscurement' 'Unknown;Other Violation'
'Other Violation;Stop And Go Traffic'
'Other Violation;Unfamiliar With Road' 'None Apparent;Inattention'
'Entering/Leaving Ramp;Stop And Go Traffic'
'Inattention;Entering/Leaving Ramp' 'None Apparent;Entering/Leaving Ramp'
'Other;Stop And Go Traffic' 'None Apparent;Other Violation'
'None Apparent;Vision Obscurement' 'Other Violation;Previous Collision'
'Other Violation;Vision Obscurement'
'Other Violation;Entering/Leaving Ramp' 'Inattention;Other'
'Other Violation;Under Influence' 'Inattention;Stop And Go Traffic'
'Other Violation;Other' 'Other Violation;Defective Vehicle Equipment'
'Inattention;Vision Obscurement' 'Inattention;Under Influence'
'Speeding;Under Influence' 'Other Violation;Inattention;Other'
'Other Violation;Runaway Vehicle' 'Inattention;Previous Collision'
'Other Violation;Inattention;Entering/Leaving Ramp'
'Other Violation;Speeding' 'Unknown;Inattention'
'Other Violation;Entering/Leaving Ramp;Speeding'
'Entering/Leaving Ramp;Unfamiliar With Road'
'Inattention;Unfamiliar With Road' 'Other;Previous Collision'
'Other;Entering/Leaving Ramp;Uninvolved Vehicle' 'Inattention;Speeding'
'Other;Violation By Pedestrian']
VehicleCount [1]
ViolationCode ['00001' '21235' '21451' '21453' '00002' '12500' '20002' '21200' '21202'
'21456' '21803' '21461' '22101' '21209' '22103' '21754' '22114' '22400'
'22515' '22517' '21951' '21953' '26452' '22108' '21460' '21657' '21712'
'21755' '21203' '21457' '24002' '22521' '21804' '21658' '21806' '21950'
'21952' '22100' '22102' '22109' '23109' '23140' '23152' '21650' '21651'
'21663' '21750' '21751' '21752' '21753' '21949' '21954' '21955' '21956'
'22350' '21703' '21800' '21801' '21802' '22450' '22451' '22105' '23101'
'23102' '23103' '26453' '27360' '27456' 'Unknown' '22106' '22107' '22500'
'23153' '24250' '27465' '29003' '29004' 'Not Applicable' '23123']
ViolationCodeDescription ['Other Improper Driving' 'Laws Apply To Motorized Scooter'
'Failure To Go On Green/Arrow' 'Run Red Light' 'Fell Asleep'
'Unlicensed Driver' 'Leave Accident Scene' 'Laws Applied To Bike'
'Wrong Way Bike' "Pedestrian Don't Walk" 'Yield Yield Sign'
'Obey Traffic Control' 'Regulation Of Turns At Intersection'
'Driving In Bike Lane' 'Unsafe U-Turn' 'Pass' 'Spilling Load'
'Minimum Speed Law' 'Unattended Vehicle' 'Open Door Traffic'
'Vehicle Stopped/Pedestrian' 'Overhead Crossing' 'Bad Brakes'
'Duration/Signal' 'Driving Over Centerline' 'Going Wrong Way'
'Unlawful Riding' 'Pass On Right' 'Bike Over Centerline'
'Flashing Signal' 'Vehicle Unsafe' 'Parking On Railroad'
'Yield From Driveway/Curb' 'Unsafe Lane Change' 'Yield Emergency Vehicle'
'Yield Pedestrian In Crosswalk' 'Right Of Way/Sidewalk' 'Improper Turn'
'U-Turn Business District' 'Stop Suddenly' 'Speed Contest'
'Driving Drunk <21' 'Driving Drunk' 'Driving Wrong Side'
'Divided Highway' 'Driving On Sidewalk' 'Passing On Left' 'Passing'
'Driving On Left' 'Yield For Pass' 'Yield Bike-Crosswalk'
'Pedestrian Yield Car' 'Crossing Controlled Intersection/Jaywalking'
'Pedestrian On Roadway' 'Speeding' 'Follow Too Closely'
'Yield Uncontrolled Intersection' 'Yield Left Turn' 'Yield Stop Sign'
'Fail Stop/Sign' 'Railroad Crossing' 'Obstructed View/U-Turn'
'Reckless Driving' 'Reckless Driving 1' 'Reckless Driving 2'
'Condition/Brakes' 'Child Safety/Belt' 'Bald Tires' 'Unknown'
'Unsafe Backing' 'Unsafe Turn Movement' 'Parking Unlawfully'
'Driving Drunk With Injury' 'No Head Lights' 'Tire Tread Depth'
'Unsafe Tow' 'Towed Vehicle' 'Not Applicable' 'Cellphone In Use']
Viewing the unique values for each column, I noticed that there are too many "OtherAssociatedFactor", "ViolationCode" and "ViolationCodeDescription" and these features will not help with the data.
The column "VehicleCount" only has one value which won't influence in finding relations.
df = df.drop(columns=["OtherAssociatedFactor",
Removing the Unknown values from all columns.
df = df[df.Age != 0]
df = df[df.VehicleDamage != 'Unknown']
df = df[df.VehicleDamage != 'Not Applicable']
df = df[df.PartyCategory != 'Unknown']
df = df[df.Sobriety != 'Impairment Not Known']
df = df[df.Sobriety != 'Not Applicable']
df = df[df.VehicleDirection != 'Not Applicable']
df = df[df.VehicleDirection != 'Unknown']
df = df[df.MovementPrecedingCollision != 'Unknown']
df = df[df.PartyType != 'Unknown']
df = df.rename(columns={'VehicleDamage': 'Damage', # shorten column name
'PartyCategory': 'PartyCat',
'VehicleDirection': 'Direction',
'MovementPrecedingCollision': 'Movement'})
print('Shape after cleaning', df.shape) # check new size of dataset
display(df.head()) # show first five rows of data
Shape after cleaning (50733, 8)
Sex | Age | Damage | PartyCat | Sobriety | Direction | Movement | PartyType | |
2 | F | 50 | Minor | Driver | Had Not Been Drinking | South | Parking Maneuver | Car |
3 | M | 19 | Minor | Driver | Had Not Been Drinking | North | Proceeding Straight | Car |
9 | M | 76 | Major | Driver | Had Not Been Drinking | West | Proceeding Straight | Panel Truck |
13 | M | 20 | Minor | Driver | Had Not Been Drinking | West | Making Left Turn | Car |
14 | F | 18 | Moderate | Driver | Had Not Been Drinking | West | Proceeding Straight | Car |
Convert all the object datatypes into numerical datatypes so that I can generate a pairplot and correlation matrix.
print('Data Types:')
Data Types:
Sex object
Age int64
Damage object
PartyCat object
Sobriety object
Direction object
Movement object
PartyType object
dtype: object
Convert categorical variables into numerical values.
# prepare data for pairplot
sex_dict = {'F': 0, 'M': 1}
df['Sex'] = df['Sex'].map(sex_dict)
damage_dict = {'None': 0, 'Minor': 1, 'Moderate': 2, 'Major': 3, 'Totaled': 4}
df['Damage'] = df['Damage'].map(damage_dict)
partycat_dict = {'Driver': 0, 'Parked': 1, 'Bicycle': 2, 'Pedestrian': 3, 'Other': 4}
df['PartyCat'] = df['PartyCat'].map(partycat_dict)
movement = df['Movement'].unique()
movement_dict = {}
for i in range(len(movement)):
movement_dict[movement[i]] = i
df['Movement'] = df['Movement'].map(movement_dict)
sobriety = df['Sobriety'].unique()
sobriety_dict = {}
for i in range(len(sobriety)):
sobriety_dict[sobriety[i]] = i
print('Sobriety Definition Below')
df['Sobriety'] = df['Sobriety'].map(sobriety_dict)
direction_dict = {'North': 0, 'West': 1, 'South': 2, 'East': 3}
df['Direction'] = df['Direction'].map(direction_dict)
partyType = df['PartyType'].unique()
partyType_dict = {}
for i in range(len(partyType)):
partyType_dict[partyType[i]] = i
print('PartyType Definition Below')
df['PartyType'] = df['PartyType'].map(partyType_dict)
print('Data Types:')
Sobriety Definition Below
{'Had Not Been Drinking': 0, 'Had Been Drinking - Not Under Influence': 1, 'Sleepy/Fatigued': 2, 'Impairment Physical': 3, 'Under Drug Influence': 4, 'Had Been Drinking - Under Influence': 5, 'Had Been Drinking - Impairment Unknown': 6}
PartyType Definition Below
{'Car': 0, 'Panel Truck': 1, 'Motorcycle/Moped': 2, 'Car With Trailer': 3, 'Emergency Vehicle': 4, 'Bus - Other': 5, 'Other': 6, 'Scooter Motorized': 7, 'Construction Equipment': 8, 'Semi Truck': 9, 'Bicycle': 10, 'Skateboard': 11, 'Scooter Non-Motorized': 12, 'Wheelchair': 13, 'Bus - School': 14, 'Pedestrian': 15, 'Light Rail Vehicle': 16, 'Ice Cream Truck': 17, 'Train': 18}
Sex | Age | Damage | PartyCat | Sobriety | Direction | Movement | PartyType | |
2 | 0 | 50 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 0 | 0 |
3 | 1 | 19 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
9 | 1 | 76 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
13 | 1 | 20 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 0 |
14 | 0 | 18 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 |
Data Types:
Sex int64
Age int64
Damage int64
PartyCat int64
Sobriety int64
Direction int64
Movement int64
PartyType int64
dtype: object
I will create a pairplot and a correlation matrix to view the relationship between the features.
sns.set(rc={'figure.figsize': (10, 10)}) # set figure size
corr = df.corr()
print('Correlation Matrix:')
Correlation Matrix:
Sex | Age | Damage | PartyCat | Sobriety | Direction | Movement | PartyType | |
Sex | 1.000000 | -0.019113 | 0.019291 | 0.050231 | 0.109745 | 0.000649 | -0.014118 | 0.133929 |
Age | -0.019113 | 1.000000 | -0.086239 | -0.030016 | -0.120345 | 0.006783 | 0.020240 | 0.000334 |
Damage | 0.019291 | -0.086239 | 1.000000 | -0.067009 | 0.165210 | -0.003236 | -0.221201 | -0.124160 |
PartyCat | 0.050231 | -0.030016 | -0.067009 | 1.000000 | -0.026878 | 0.004721 | -0.009584 | 0.668826 |
Sobriety | 0.109745 | -0.120345 | 0.165210 | -0.026878 | 1.000000 | 0.002796 | -0.076940 | -0.046169 |
Direction | 0.000649 | 0.006783 | -0.003236 | 0.004721 | 0.002796 | 1.000000 | 0.006678 | 0.000442 |
Movement | -0.014118 | 0.020240 | -0.221201 | -0.009584 | -0.076940 | 0.006678 | 1.000000 | -0.009605 |
PartyType | 0.133929 | 0.000334 | -0.124160 | 0.668826 | -0.046169 | 0.000442 | -0.009605 | 1.000000 |
Visually viewing the seaborn pairplot, there are no apprant correlation between any of the features.
Viewing the correlation matrix above, "PartyCat" and "PartyType" has a moderate to strong correlation.
To start, I will view the distribution of some of the features that might be a good candidate for the model.
I will start by viewing these features in a histogram.
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 12))
plt.subplot(3, 2, 1) # 2x2 1 subplot
plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.5, wspace=0.5)
plt.subplot(3, 2, 2)
plt.subplot(3, 2, 3)
plt.subplot(3, 2, 4)
plt.xlabel('Sobriety Level')
plt.subplot(3, 2, 5)
plt.subplot(3, 2, 6)
Text(0.5, 0, 'Movement')
Features "Age" and "Movement" looks like a good candidate to use for the model because it is slightly right skewed.
Other features are not good candidates because they are not normally distributed or there are too few parameters to train with therefore the model won't be near accurate.
Using the elbow method, I will determine the optimal number of clusters for the KMeans model.
# kmeans clustering
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score
X = df[['Age']]
y = df[['Damage']]
wcss = []
for i in range(1, 11):
kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=i, init='k-means++')
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5))
plt.plot(range(1, 11), wcss)
plt.title('Elbow Method')
plt.xlabel('Number of Clusters')
It looks like the optimal number of clusters is 3.
kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=3, init='k-means++')
y_pred = kmeans.predict(X)
print('Accuracy Score of KMeans:', accuracy_score(y, y_pred))
Accuracy Score of KMeans: 0.19027063252715196
The accuracy score is not very accurate, as expected.
I will try the same feature but use the classification model to see if it will be more accurate.
# classifcation model Tree
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score
X = df[['Age']]
y = df[['Damage']]
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.2)
model = DecisionTreeClassifier(), y_train)
y_pred = model.predict(X_test)
print('Accuracy Score of DecisionTreeClassifier:', accuracy_score(y_test, y_pred))
Accuracy Score of DecisionTreeClassifier: 0.36000788410367596
The accuracy score improved but it is still not near accurate.
I will try creating a model for movement.
I think it will be a good candidate because it has lots of parameters to train with but it's really right skewed which might effect accuracy.
# classification model for movement
X = df[['Movement']]
y = df[['Damage']]
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.2)
model = DecisionTreeClassifier(), y_train)
y_pred = model.predict(X_test)
print('Accuracy Score of DecisionTreeClassifier:', accuracy_score(y_test, y_pred))
Accuracy Score of DecisionTreeClassifier: 0.42584014979796986
As expected, the score is not impressive btu it is better than the previous models.
I will now answer some statistical questions I created from beginning of the project.
Answers will be posted in the conclusion section.
rev_partyType_dict = {value: key for key, value in partyType_dict.items()}
df['PartyType'] = df['PartyType'].map(rev_partyType_dict)
print('Vehicle Damage by PartyType:')
Vehicle Damage by PartyType:
Scooter Non-Motorized 3.000
Car 2.022
Motorcycle/Moped 1.964
Panel Truck 1.932
Scooter Motorized 1.733
Construction Equipment 1.714
Car With Trailer 1.658
Bus - School 1.600
Bicycle 1.533
Other 1.486
Pedestrian 1.455
Emergency Vehicle 1.401
Semi Truck 1.380
Light Rail Vehicle 1.333
Bus - Other 1.209
Train 1.200
Skateboard 1.200
Ice Cream Truck 1.000
Wheelchair 1.000
Name: Damage, dtype: float64
rev_sobreity_dict = {value: key for key, value in sobriety_dict.items()}
df['Sobriety'] = df['Sobriety'].map(rev_sobreity_dict)
print('Vehicle Damage by Sobriety:')
# plot bar graph
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
sns.barplot(x='Damage', y='Sobriety', data=df)
plt.title('Vehicle Damage by Sobriety')
Vehicle Damage by Sobriety:
Sleepy/Fatigued 2.545
Had Been Drinking - Under Influence 2.386
Had Been Drinking - Impairment Unknown 2.291
Impairment Physical 2.270
Under Drug Influence 2.236
Had Been Drinking - Not Under Influence 2.054
Had Not Been Drinking 1.937
Name: Damage, dtype: float64
rev_sex_dict = {value: key for key, value in sex_dict.items()}
df["Sex"] = df["Sex"].map(rev_sex_dict)
print("Sex vs Vehicle Damage")
Sex vs Vehicle Damage
M 2.003
F 1.971
Name: Damage, dtype: float64
rev_movement_dict = {value: key for key, value in movement_dict.items()}
df["Movement"] = df["Movement"].map(rev_movement_dict)
print('Movement vs Vehicle Damage (mean)')
Movement vs Vehicle Damage (mean)
Ran Off Road 2.575
Crossing Into Opposing Lane 2.523
Other Unsafe Turning 2.396
Other 2.132
Proceeding Straight 2.120
Making Left Turn 2.103
Traveling Wrong Way 2.028
Making U-Turn 2.013
Entering Traffic 1.886
Parked 1.829
Passing Other Vehicles 1.818
Changing Lanes 1.802
Making Right Turn 1.699
Slowing/Stopping 1.636
Other (Ped) 1.571
Stopped 1.560
Merging 1.521
Parking Maneuver 1.505
Backing 1.437
Other (Bike) 1.395
Stalled 1.200
Name: Damage, dtype: float64
bin_list = list(range(0, 101, 5)) # list of bins for age 0-100, inc of 5
print('Age vs Vehicle Damage (mean)')
display(df.groupby(pd.cut(df['Age'], bins=bin_list))['Damage'].mean().sort_values(ascending=False).round(3))
Age vs Vehicle Damage (mean)
(90, 95] 2.222
(15, 20] 2.213
(20, 25] 2.139
(85, 90] 2.080
(80, 85] 2.069
(75, 80] 2.040
(25, 30] 2.025
(70, 75] 1.990
(65, 70] 1.965
(30, 35] 1.963
(95, 100] 1.952
(35, 40] 1.930
(40, 45] 1.904
(55, 60] 1.891
(45, 50] 1.889
(50, 55] 1.884
(60, 65] 1.873
(10, 15] 1.744
(5, 10] 1.333
(0, 5] 1.000
Name: Damage, dtype: float64
Sex | Age | Damage | PartyCat | Sobriety | Direction | Movement | PartyType | |
2 | F | 50 | 1 | 0 | Had Not Been Drinking | 2 | Parking Maneuver | Car |
3 | M | 19 | 1 | 0 | Had Not Been Drinking | 0 | Proceeding Straight | Car |
9 | M | 76 | 3 | 0 | Had Not Been Drinking | 1 | Proceeding Straight | Panel Truck |
13 | M | 20 | 1 | 0 | Had Not Been Drinking | 1 | Making Left Turn | Car |
14 | F | 18 | 2 | 0 | Had Not Been Drinking | 1 | Proceeding Straight | Car |
The analysis of vehicle crash data in San Jose from 2011 to 2023 reveals several key insights into factors influencing vehicle damage severity. Despite the data limitations and the moderate correlations among features, the findings highlight the significant impact of sobriety, specific movements, and age groups on vehicle damage severity. Future research could benefit from more comprehensive data and advanced modeling techniques to improve prediction accuracy.