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Hosted on:
Currently hosting locally, once transfer functionality is implemented, will be hosted on server.
This repository, SyncraSong, is a front-end web application that retrieves from the SyncraSongAPI (private repository) and displays the data in a user-friendly manner. The application is built using React.js.
This web-application is still in development and is almost ready for public usage.
The core APIs for fetching playlists are working.
- Transfer functionality
- UI elements dragging functionality (to stage to transfer playlist)
- UI elements clicking functionality (to stage to transfer playlist)
- (API-side) Set up transfer implementation, passing Array of IDs[], fromProvider, toProvider.
- Dark/Light mode implementation
- More platforms (Tidal, Youtube Music, Soundcloud, etc.)
More to come...
- Implement playlist fetching on service linked account (Spotify/Apple Music)
- Access to RESTAPI for basic functions: get userID, session token
- oAuth link access through front-end side
- Proper login handler (some bugs)
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.