Step 1️⃣: create dictionary: /create_dict
Step 2️⃣: fill dictionary with own phrases and translation. Type some word or phrase and it's translation using pattern:
{word} - {translation}
{word} - {translation1}, {translation2}
Example: apple - яблоко
Step 3️⃣: search existing phrases for translation. Try to type apple
or app
, you'll get all words and translations containing this string.
Step 4️⃣: Train your memory! The most interesting part is 'training'. Select one of your dictionaries using /list_dicts and start a quiz. You can choose between guessing original phrases and translations. Tap "Yes" if it's familiar word to you, overwise "No". When you'll done, the bot will show you your current progress in "guessing" of entire dictionary. Next time, the quiz will propose you less guessable phrases first.
ℹ️ The bot uses language detection which is in under construction. Current version recognizes latin characters as English and Cyrillic as Russian. Unfortunately, EN-FR or EN-SP dictionaries are not supported yet. This is my pet project, if you want to see new features, write me.
✉️ Contacts: Artem Vasilev ([email protected])