Example of a simple service (see route-urls.js) to construct application URLs from Angular's standard routing configuration.
Most of the other files in the repo are an example of how it might be used, but basically:
Give each route a name that is meaningful to your application, e.g.
$routeProvider.when("/product/:id/stock/:store", { name: "product:stock", ... usual stuff ... });
Put the
service in the root scope so it's available application-wide. -
Reference pages by name, together with any params needed to build the URL, e.g.
<a href="{{ urls.href('product:stock', {id: 1, store: 'Leeds'}) }}"> Product 1, Leeds </a>
In the case where each named group in a route URL has a unique name and the order of the named groups is well known, paths can also be constructed by passing replacement values as positional args instead of a {name: value} map, e.g.
<a href="{{ urls.href('product:stock', 1, 'Leeds') }}">Product 1, Leeds</a>