- Pro
VirtualApp Public
Virtual Engine for Android(Support 14.0 in business version)
JavaSteam Public
Forked from Longi94/JavaSteamJava library that provides an interface to directly interact with Valve's Steam servers.
SandHook Public
Android ART Hook/Native Inline Hook/Single Instruction Hook - support 4.4 - 11.0 32/64 bit - Xposed API Compat
llvm-project Public
Forked from llvm/llvm-projectThe LLVM Project is a collection of modular and reusable compiler and toolchain technologies. Note: the repository does not accept github pull requests at this moment. Please submit your patches at…
UpdatedMar 13, 2022 -
OLLVM-Elimination Public
This is the first general purpose OLLVM elimination algorithm.
SandVXposed Public
Xposed environment without root (OS 5.0 - 10.0)
chromium Public
Forked from chromium/chromiumThe official GitHub mirror of the Chromium source
Official QEMU mirror. Please see http://wiki.qemu.org/Contribute/SubmitAPatch for how to submit changes to QEMU. Pull Requests are ignored. Please only use release tarballs from the QEMU website.
whale Public
Hook Framework for Android/IOS/Linux/MacOS
AndHook Public
Android dynamic instrumentation framework
ElfHook Public
modify PLT to hook api, supported android 5\6.
Despector Public
Forked from Despector/DespectorJava / Kotlin Decompiler and AST Library
TurboDex Public
fast load dex in memory.
doppio Public
Forked from plasma-umass/doppioAn "OS for your browser" that breaks the browser language barrier (includes a plugin-free JVM).
awesome-design-cn Public
Forked from jobbole/awesome-design-cn设计师资源大全,包含:ICON图标、Logo设计、PhotoShop插件、交互设计工具、流程图、线框图/原型图、设计博客等
furnace-xray Public
Forked from evilmartians/furnace-xrayA visualizer for transformations of code in Static Single Assignment form based on the Furnace library.