This repository provides instructions and helper scripts to install Immich without Docker, natively.
This is tested on Ubuntu 22.04 (on both x86 and aarch64) as the host distro, but it will be similar on other distros. If you want to run this on a macOS, see 4v3ngR's unofficial macOS port.
This guide installs Immich to
. To change it, replace it to the directory you want in this README
. -
The script currently is using Immich v1.130.3. It should be noted that due to the fast-evolving nature of Immich, the install script may get broken if you replace the
to something more recent. -
is deliberately disabled as this is a native install and sharing system library makes more sense. -
is used instead
that the official Immich uses to remove an additional Rust build dependency. -
Microservice and machine-learning's host is opened to in the default configuration. This behavior is changed to only accept during installation.
Only the basic CPU configuration is used. Hardware-acceleration such as CUDA is unsupported. In my personal experience, importing about 10K photos on a x86 processor doesn't take an unreasonable amount of time (less than 30 minutes).
JPEG XL support may differ official Immich due to base-image's dependency differences.
As the time of writing, Node.js v22 LTS, PostgreSQL 17 and Redis 7.4.1 was used.
pgvector is included in the official PostgreSQL's APT repository:
sudo apt install postgresql(-17)-pgvector
Immich uses FFmpeg to process media.
FFmpeg provided by the distro is typically too old.
Either install it from jellyfin
or use FFmpeg Static Builds and install it to /usr/bin
sudo apt install --no-install-recommends \
python3-venv \
python3-dev \
uuid-runtime \
autoconf \
build-essential \
unzip \
jq \
perl \
libnet-ssleay-perl \
libio-socket-ssl-perl \
libcapture-tiny-perl \
libfile-which-perl \
libfile-chdir-perl \
libpkgconfig-perl \
libffi-checklib-perl \
libtest-warnings-perl \
libtest-fatal-perl \
libtest-needs-perl \
libtest2-suite-perl \
libsort-versions-perl \
libpath-tiny-perl \
libtry-tiny-perl \
libterm-table-perl \
libany-uri-escape-perl \
libmojolicious-perl \
libfile-slurper-perl \
liblcms2-2 \
A separate Python's virtualenv will be stored to /var/lib/immich
This guide isolates Immich to run on a separate immich
This provides basic permission isolation and protection.
sudo adduser \
--home /var/lib/immich/home \
--shell=/sbin/nologin \
--no-create-home \
--disabled-password \
--disabled-login \
sudo mkdir -p /var/lib/immich
sudo chown immich:immich /var/lib/immich
sudo chmod 700 /var/lib/immich
Create a strong random string to be used with PostgreSQL immich database.
You need to save this and write to the env
file later.
sudo -u postgres psql
postgres=# create database immich;
postgres=# create user immich with encrypted password 'YOUR_STRONG_RANDOM_PW';
postgres=# grant all privileges on database immich to immich;
postgres=# ALTER USER immich WITH SUPERUSER;
postgres=# \q
Save the env file to /var/lib/immich
, and configure on your own.
You'll only have to set DB_PASSWORD
sudo cp env /var/lib/immich
sudo chown immich:immich /var/lib/immich/env
Clone this repository to somewhere anyone can access (like /tmp) and run
as root.
Anytime Immich is updated, all you have to do is run it again.
In summary, the
script does the following:
Sets up a dedicated Python venv to
. -
. -
Limits listening host from to If you do not want this to happen (make sure you fully understand the security risks!), comment out the
's "Use" part.
Your Immich installation should be running at 2283 port, listening from localhost (
Immich will additionally use localhost's 3003 ports.
Please add firewall rules and apply https proxy and secure your Immich instance.
# Run as root!
# Remove Immich systemd services
systemctl list-unit-files --type=service | grep "^immich" | while read i unused; do
systemctl stop $i
systemctl disable $i
rm /lib/systemd/system/immich*.service
systemctl daemon-reload
# Remove Immich files
rm -rf /var/lib/immich
# Delete immich user
deluser immich
# Remove Immich DB
sudo -u postgres psql
postgres=# drop database immich;
postgres=# drop user immich;
postgres=# \q
# Optionally remove dependencies
# Review /var/log/apt/history.log and remove packages you've installed