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[sql lab] a better approach at limiting queries
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Currently there are two mechanisms that we use to enforce the row
limiting constraints, depending on the database engine:
1. use dbapi's `cursor.fetchmany()`
2. wrap the SQL into a limiting subquery

Method 1 isn't great as it can result in the database server storing
larger than required result sets in memory expecting another fetch
command while we know we don't need that.

Method 2 has a positive side of working with all database engines,
whether they use LIMIT, ROWNUM, TOP or whatever else since sqlalchemy
does the work as specified for the dialect. On the downside though
the query optimizer might not be able to optimize this as much as an
approach that doesn't use a subquery.

Since most modern DBs use the LIMIT syntax, this adds a regex approach
to modify the query and force a LIMIT clause without using a subquery
for the database that support this syntax and uses method 2 for all
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mistercrunch committed May 10, 2018
1 parent a8514b2 commit be9084a
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Showing 5 changed files with 78 additions and 34 deletions.
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Expand Up @@ -35,6 +35,7 @@
from sqlalchemy.engine import create_engine
from sqlalchemy.engine.url import make_url
from sqlalchemy.sql import text
from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import TextAsFrom
import sqlparse
import unicodecsv
from werkzeug.utils import secure_filename
Expand All @@ -55,6 +56,7 @@ class LimitMethod(object):
"""Enum the ways that limits can be applied"""
FETCH_MANY = 'fetch_many'
WRAP_SQL = 'wrap_sql'
FORCE_LIMIT = 'force_limit'

class BaseEngineSpec(object):
Expand All @@ -65,7 +67,7 @@ class BaseEngineSpec(object):
cursor_execute_kwargs = {}
time_grains = tuple()
time_groupby_inline = False
limit_method = LimitMethod.FETCH_MANY
limit_method = LimitMethod.FORCE_LIMIT
time_secondary_columns = False
inner_joins = True

Expand All @@ -88,6 +90,23 @@ def extra_table_metadata(cls, database, table_name, schema_name):
"""Returns engine-specific table metadata"""
return {}

def apply_limit_to_sql(cls, sql, limit, database):
"""Alters the SQL statement to apply a LIMIT clause"""
if cls.limit_method == LimitMethod.WRAP_SQL:
qry = (
TextAsFrom(text(sql), ['*']).alias('inner_qry'),
return database.compile_sqla_query(qry)
elif LimitMethod.FORCE_LIMIT:
no_limit = re.sub(r"(?i)\s+LIMIT\s+\d+;?(\s|;)*$", '', sql)
return "{no_limit} LIMIT {limit}".format(**locals())
return sql

def csv_to_df(**kwargs):
kwargs['filepath_or_buffer'] = \
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -337,7 +356,6 @@ def get_table_names(cls, schema, inspector):

class SnowflakeEngineSpec(PostgresBaseEngineSpec):
engine = 'snowflake'

time_grains = (
Grain('Time Column', _('Time Column'), '{col}', None),
Grain('second', _('second'), "DATE_TRUNC('SECOND', {col})", 'PT1S'),
Expand All @@ -361,6 +379,7 @@ class RedshiftEngineSpec(PostgresBaseEngineSpec):

class OracleEngineSpec(PostgresBaseEngineSpec):
engine = 'oracle'
limit_method = LimitMethod.WRAP_SQL

time_grains = (
Grain('Time Column', _('Time Column'), '{col}', None),
Expand All @@ -382,6 +401,7 @@ def convert_dttm(cls, target_type, dttm):

class Db2EngineSpec(BaseEngineSpec):
engine = 'ibm_db_sa'
limit_method = LimitMethod.WRAP_SQL
time_grains = (
Grain('Time Column', _('Time Column'), '{col}', None),
Grain('second', _('second'),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1106,6 +1126,7 @@ def get_configuration_for_impersonation(cls, uri, impersonate_user, username):
class MssqlEngineSpec(BaseEngineSpec):
engine = 'mssql'
epoch_to_dttm = "dateadd(S, {col}, '1970-01-01')"
limit_method = LimitMethod.WRAP_SQL

time_grains = (
Grain('Time Column', _('Time Column'), '{col}', None),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1310,7 +1331,6 @@ def get_schema_names(cls, inspector):
class DruidEngineSpec(BaseEngineSpec):
"""Engine spec for"""
engine = 'druid'
limit_method = LimitMethod.FETCH_MANY
inner_joins = False

Expand Down
9 changes: 1 addition & 8 deletions superset/models/
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Expand Up @@ -722,14 +722,7 @@ def select_star(
indent=indent, latest_partition=latest_partition, cols=cols)

def wrap_sql_limit(self, sql, limit=1000):
qry = (
TextAsFrom(text(sql), ['*'])
return self.compile_sqla_query(qry)
return self.db_engine_spec.apply_limit_to_sql(sql, limit, self)

def safe_sqlalchemy_uri(self):
return self.sqlalchemy_uri
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Expand Up @@ -188,8 +188,7 @@ def handle_error(msg):
query.user_id, start_dttm.strftime('%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S'))
executed_sql = superset_query.as_create_table(query.tmp_table_name)
query.select_as_cta_used = True
elif (query.limit and superset_query.is_select() and
db_engine_spec.limit_method == LimitMethod.WRAP_SQL):
elif (query.limit and superset_query.is_select()):
executed_sql = database.wrap_sql_limit(executed_sql, query.limit)
query.limit_used = True

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# TODO: some sql_lab logic here.
class SupersetQuery(object):
def __init__(self, sql_statement):
self.sql = sql_statement
self._table_names = set()
self._alias_names = set()
# TODO: multistatement support'Parsing with sqlparse statement {}'.format(self.sql))
self._parsed = sqlparse.parse(self.sql)
for statement in self._parsed:
Expand All @@ -36,11 +36,7 @@ def is_select(self):
return self._parsed[0].get_type() == 'SELECT'

def stripped(self):
sql = self.sql
if sql:
while sql[-1] in (' ', ';', '\n', '\t'):
sql = sql[:-1]
return sql
return self.sql.strip(' \t\n;')

def __precedes_table_name(token_value):
Expand All @@ -65,13 +61,12 @@ def __is_result_operation(keyword):

def __is_identifier(token):
return (
isinstance(token, IdentifierList) or isinstance(token, Identifier))
return isinstance(token, (IdentifierList, Identifier))

def __process_identifier(self, identifier):
# exclude subselects
if '(' not in '{}'.format(identifier):

# store aliases
Expand All @@ -94,11 +89,6 @@ def as_create_table(self, table_name, overwrite=False):
:param overwrite, boolean, table table_name will be dropped if true
:return: string, create table as query
# TODO(bkyryliuk): enforce that all the columns have names.
# Presto requires it for the CTA operation.
# TODO(bkyryliuk): drop table if allowed, check the namespace and
# the permissions.
# TODO raise if multi-statement
exec_sql = ''
sql = self.stripped()
if overwrite:
Expand All @@ -117,15 +107,15 @@ def __extract_from_token(self, token):

if item.ttype in Keyword:
if SupersetQuery.__precedes_table_name(item.value.upper()):
if self.__precedes_table_name(item.value.upper()):
table_name_preceding_token = True

if not table_name_preceding_token:

if item.ttype in Keyword:
if SupersetQuery.__is_result_operation(item.value):
if self.__is_result_operation(item.value):
table_name_preceding_token = False
# FROM clause is over
Expand All @@ -136,5 +126,5 @@ def __extract_from_token(self, token):

if isinstance(item, IdentifierList):
for token in item.tokens:
if SupersetQuery.__is_identifier(token):
if self.__is_identifier(token):
50 changes: 46 additions & 4 deletions tests/
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from __future__ import print_function
from __future__ import unicode_literals

import unittest
from superset.db_engine_specs import MssqlEngineSpec, HiveEngineSpec, MySQLEngineSpec
from superset.models.core import Database
from .base_tests import SupersetTestCase

from superset.db_engine_specs import HiveEngineSpec

class DbEngineSpecsTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
class DbEngineSpecsTestCase(SupersetTestCase):
def test_0_progress(self):
log = """
17/02/07 18:26:27 INFO log.PerfLogger: <PERFLOG method=compile from=org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.Driver>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -80,3 +80,45 @@ def test_job_2_launched_stage_2_stages_progress(self):
17/02/07 19:16:09 INFO exec.Task: 2017-02-07 19:16:09,173 Stage-1 map = 40%, reduce = 0%
""".split('\n') # noqa ignore: E501
self.assertEquals(60, HiveEngineSpec.progress(log))

def test_wrapped_query(self):
sql = "SELECT * FROM a"
db = Database(sqlalchemy_uri="mysql://localhost")
limited = MssqlEngineSpec.apply_limit_to_sql(sql, 1000, db)
expected = """SELECT * \nFROM (SELECT * FROM a) AS inner_qry \n LIMIT 1000"""
self.assertEquals(expected, limited)

def test_simple_limit_query(self):
sql = "SELECT * FROM a"
db = Database(sqlalchemy_uri="mysql://localhost")
limited = MySQLEngineSpec.apply_limit_to_sql(sql, 1000, db)
expected = """SELECT * FROM a LIMIT 1000"""
self.assertEquals(expected, limited)

def test_modify_limit_query(self):
sql = "SELECT * FROM a LIMIT 9999"
db = Database(sqlalchemy_uri="mysql://localhost")
limited = MySQLEngineSpec.apply_limit_to_sql(sql, 1000, db)
expected = """SELECT * FROM a LIMIT 1000"""
self.assertEquals(expected, limited)

def test_modify_newline_query(self):
sql = "SELECT * FROM a\nLIMIT 9999"
db = Database(sqlalchemy_uri="mysql://localhost")
limited = MySQLEngineSpec.apply_limit_to_sql(sql, 1000, db)
expected = """SELECT * FROM a LIMIT 1000"""
self.assertEquals(expected, limited)

def test_modify_lcase_limit_query(self):
sql = "SELECT * FROM a\tlimit 9999"
db = Database(sqlalchemy_uri="mysql://localhost")
limited = MySQLEngineSpec.apply_limit_to_sql(sql, 1000, db)
expected = """SELECT * FROM a LIMIT 1000"""
self.assertEquals(expected, limited)

def test_limit_query_with_limit_subquery(self):
db = Database(sqlalchemy_uri="mysql://localhost")
limited = MySQLEngineSpec.apply_limit_to_sql(sql, 1000, db)
expected = "SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM a LIMIT 10) LIMIT 1000"
self.assertEquals(expected, limited)

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